Abstract This research seeks to highlight the Impacts of climate change on food security in Mutasa District in Manicaland Province in partial fulfilment of Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Development Studies at Midlands State University. The research presents the background of the study which is the impacts of climate change on food security. Research objectives and questions, limitations encountered and delimitations to the study are as well presented in this research. This study reviewed...
ABSTRACT For more than a decade now, Zimbabwean local authorities have been battling to deliver affordable housing to the low income earners in society. This situation has resulted in a mismatch between supply and demand ratios hence the need to assess the capacity of Zimbabwean local authorities in delivering affordable housing. In the wake of insurmountable challenges resulting from rapid urbanisation, economic constrains and other environmental factors, local authorities are finding it dif...
Abstract This study seeks to analyse the role of civil society in Conflict Transformation in Zimbabwe using the case study of Heal Zimbabwe Trust. The study takes a look into the nature of conflicts in Zimbabwe that date back to the period of the liberation struggle, the Gukurahundi massacres, land invasions, operation Murambatsvina and the 2008 political violence. A critique is given to the work of the civil society organisations on conflict resolution, management, settlement and mitigation....
Abstract This chapter was the introductory part of the research on the stigma of mental illness from the perspective of those experiencing it. Thus, this chapter covered the background to the study which gave a basic explanation of what motivated the researcher to do research focusing on the above-mentioned area. The chapter also covered the statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, significance of the study, assumptions, delimitations of the study, limitations and d...
ABSTRACT The recurring adverse overhead expenditure variances between 2015 and 2017 reaching a peak of USD509 798 in 2016 at Mega Pak Pvt Ltd has triggered the researcher to analyse the effects of budgetary process and control on performance of manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe with special focus on Mega Pak Pvt Ltd. Specifically the study sought to identify the effects of budget process and control on organisational performance and to identify factors that affect the budgetary process at M...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted with the major thrust of assessing the impact of A1 resettlement scheme on natural resources utilization and management in Ruchanyu. Ruchanyu A1 resettlement scheme was established in 1992 through compulsory acquisition of land with compensation where the government acquired Otina and Pontevie to settle 80 families in four villages. During this time the district was stricken by severe droughts. As a result settlers turn to exploit the natural environment ...
Abstract Exorbitant prices and the unavailability of cotton seed cake on the Zimbabwean market are a major constraint to pen fattening of beef cattle on the farms. This study was conducted at New Donnington Farm to evaluate the effects of dried poultry litter (26% Crude Protein) as a substitute of cotton seed cake (31% Crude Protein) on average daily gain, total weight gain, feed conversion ratio and costs of formulating rations of Brangus steers. Thirty steers aged 18 months weighing 300±5 ...
ABSTRACT The study focused on contraceptive use among women living with HIV enrolled for the birth cohort study. Also core to the study was an analysis of the factors that have facilitated the use of contraception amongst women living with HIV. There is a knowledge gap and limited research and on contraception use among women living with HIV. The study was guided by a conceptual framework that shows the various factors that could predict the utilization of contraception. The research adopted ...
ABSTRACT The central point of this research is to investigate the efficiency of internal audit in risk management. Mutare City Council was used as the case in this research. This was necessitated by the fact that the council has been a victim of corrupt tendencies and theft, operational costs have increased and service delivery has declined leading to ratepayer dissatisfaction. The researcher in trying to come up with relevant information made a critical review on the relevant literature...
ABSTRACT Despite the reforms implemented to minimise non-compliance tourism, operators continue to be non-compliant in submitting levy due. Non-compliance reduces levy collected by Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) and has thus created a gap between levy collected and the actual levy owed. The study looked at the strengths and weaknesses in the current system, reasons for non-compliance and the ways used by operators to evade levy payments and it sought to provide strategies that could be used...
ABSTRACT The effects of the customs union are ambiguous and depend on different factors. The theoretical ambiguities raise a need for empirical studies to generate information for a particular case. This study looks on the effect of EAC-CET for selected agro-food sensitive products of Burundi’s trade, welfare and tariff revenue using the partial equilibrium model; specifically, the SMART model at HS-6 level. The analysis makes use of trade data of 2010-2016 from WITS database, and the EAC-C...
ABSTRACT This paper analysis the Effects of the Audit Committees on the performance of State-Owned Enterprises in Zimbabwe (2011-2015). We examine the role of the audit committee in their oversight in the performances of the SOEs. This study examines whether the quality of the audit committee, captured by its independence, expertise, and diligence, is associated with improved SOEs performance. Using a sample of internal Audit Functions of 17 SOEs out of the 78 SOEs in Zimbabwe the study found...
Abstract' Male role and responsibility in reproductive health matters JUIl'1:' become consistent prerequisites to understanding maternal issues generally., Through focus group discussions (FGDs};this. exploratory research investigates sexual behaviour of married men during pregnancy and after birth in .Ibadan Southwestern Nigeria as a way of highlighting the-/inks between these. periods and pregnancy Oil/comes and the health status of couples. The study '. shows lliut sexual behaviour of men ...
ABSTRACT A banking sector with improved bank performance and greater probability of bank survival creates a fertile ground for effective financial intermediation and economic growth. The main point of enquiry of this research was to unveil factors influencing survival and performance of Zimbabwean commercial banks after the adoption of the multiple currency exchange rate system. The study sought to draw insights on the financial and marketing strategies that are being employed by commerc...
Abstract This research is an investigation of the relationship between corporate governance and financial performance at Air Zimbabwe. The objectives of this research were to investigate the extent to which Air Zimbabwe has been implementing corporate governance principles and whether a relationship exists between corporate governance and financial performance. Literature reviewed corporate governance fundamental theories such as agency, resource dependency and stewardship to portray how corp...