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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

An Empirical Study of The Planning and Implementation of Competency Based Education and Training in Vocational Education Training Centers in Namibia: The Case of Namibia Training Authority

ABSTRACT Namibia is currently undergoing a dramatic reform of its overall development strategy through its national statement, Vision 2030. As part of the response to make Vision 2030 a reality, the government came up with an Education and Training Sector Improvement Programme (ETSIP), which represents the education and training sector’s response to the call of Vision 2030. Its key purpose is to substantially enhance the sector’s contribution to the attainment of strategic national develo...

“Us And Them”- A Disengaged Community Of Stakeholders. An Assessment Of Council And Community Relations In Ensuring Good Urban Governance. A Case Of Bulawayo City Council.

ABSTRACT Over the years due to a myriad of factors inter alia the lack of adequate funds and workforce capability constraints, the phenomenon of down spiraling service provision standards has continuously baffled urban local authorities. Although these components highly depict the nature of local government in Zimbabwe, the relationship between the urban local authorities and their local community of residents has been less appreciated as a valuable dogma for enhanced service provision. As su...

An investigation of the risks of using new integrated accounting information system (A case study of Zimbabwe Statistical Agency)

ABSTRACT The accounting information system (AIS) is of utmost important in providing the financial information for decision making purposes within the organisation. The research explores on the risks of using new integrated (AIS) and the effect of operating non- integrated accounting information systems. For the past years the ZIMSTAT has been facing challenges due to the operation of non- integrated (AIS), various departments operated stand- alone systems divorced from each other. The o...

Examining the use of Alternative Performance Measures (Non-IFRS Measures) in comparing financial performance of listed companies

ABSTRACT The research was conducted to identify whether Alternative Performance Measures (Non-IFRS Measures) could be used by external stakeholders to compare financial performance of corporate entities listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. The research was triggered by the prevalence of these additional measures of performance, which were deemed to be marring and driving away focus from the traditional financial information: the IFRS-complaint financial statements. It was perceived that the...

Nature Of Self-Esteem And Resilience Amongst Orphans In Kadoma-Patchway Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This research was on the nature of self-esteem and resilience amongst orphans in Kadoma-Patchway Mashonaland West.The purpose of the study was to reveal the nature of self-esteem and resilience amongst orphans and to find out if the two had relationship. Problems in self evaluations and adjustments to life situation after losing parents amongst orphans motivated the researcher to study on orphans. Age, gender, age at time of loss and strong and weak peer family network appeared to be...

The Upholding Of Employee Rights In Zimbabwe: An Analysis Of The Private Security Sector From 2009- 2015

ABSTRACT This research seeks to examine the upholding of employee rights in Zimbabwe and to see what has been done to promote employee rights particularly in the private security sector. After there were widespread reports of unfair labour practices in the country with employers taking advantage of the economic crises in the country to abuse employee rights. The abuse of employee rights dates back to the colonial era and even after independence which had been achieved with the support of trad...

Sunflower As An Alternative To Tobacco And Its Implication To Deforestation In Sikonge District, Tabora Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Tobacco farming as an agricultural development issue, has been identified among others as an important theme to study the relationship of its production to deforestation. This study was carried out in Tutuo ward, Sikonge district in Tabora region to assess land use changes due to switch from tobacco to sunflower as an alternative cash crop; and its influence on deforestation. The villages namely Usanganya, Mole and Tutuo were involved. Household questionnaire, checklists, participant...

The Ease of Doing Business Policy and its Impact on Local Economic Development:Case of Vungu RDC

ABSTRACT Over a period of time many obstacles that comprises of high taxes and rates,long registration and licensing process and policy adjustments has continuosly mystified in both urban and rural local authorities in Zimbabwe. These challenges have futher potrayed the Zimbabwean local governance in a bad picture creating an environment that is non favourable in doing business. It is the main pupose of this study to analyse the E.O.D.B.P in detail and its impact on LED using Vungu RDC as the...

Carbon Storage Potential And Climate Change Mitigation: A Case Of Pugu Forest Reserve, Kisarawe District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Pugu Forest Reserve is a coastal forest covering an area of 2,410 hectares; but has been significantly altered by on-going extraction and conversion to other land uses which releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere thus making the forest a net emitter of the greenhouse gases. Though some empirical data exist regarding carbon storage in African coastal forests, little has been done to assess and quantify the carbon stocks and emissions associated with deforestation and/or degradat...

An Examination Of The Socio-Economic Impact Of Quarry Mining On Surrounding Communities: A Case Of Natural Stone Exporting Company In Nyamuzuwe, Mutoko

ABSTRACT The main focus of the research was on the socio-economic impact of quarry mining on surrounding communities. The research focused on Mutoko district’s ward 7 which is where Natural Stone Exporting Company is situated. The research was aimed at establishing strategies and means to enable the community to benefit from its natural finite resource. The research aimed at identifying and assessing the impacts of the operations of Natural Stone Exporting Company and to establish the effec...

Effect Of Integrated Reporting On Company Performance: Evidence From Selected Banking Institutions Listed On The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of Integrated Reporting on company performance in the banking sector in Zimbabwe with CBZ, ZB and NMB as the cases of study. While Integrated reporting is the way of reporting being adopted by many companies since its inception by the Integrated Reporting Council in 2011, the link between the its adoption and the improvement of the performance of banks that adopted it still remains a grey area. Indeed many studies have predominantly ...

Causes And Effects Of Domestic Violence On Survivors In Makusha Suburb, Shurugwi

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the causes and effects of domestic violence on the survivors in Makusha, Shurugwi. Both quantitative and qualitative methodologies were used in gathering the essential data related to this study. This included the use of questionnaires as well as in-depth interviews. The study was guided with Structuration and the Social learning theories as they help with relevant theoretical perspectives. The study‟s findings confirmed that the major causes...

An assessment of the role of leadership practices in successful high schools in Windhoek

     ABSTRACT The researcher in this study assesses the leadership practices of headteachers in successful secondary schools in Windhoek, specifically as it is compared to the annual performance of grade10 learners at the participating schools. The researcher reveals the relationship between the leadership practices of principals and their ability to be transformational, distributed and instructional in their leadership behaviors. The researcher further explores the characteristics of ef...

The effects of mobile money transfer services on traditional banking services offered by banks: Case Study of BancABC.

ABSTRACT The Zimbabwean banking sector has experienced turbulent times resulting in the closure of many commercial banks due to liquidity problems or shortages which has also had its repercussions, as many people lost faith in the formal banking sector due to such uncertainty and perceived risks. The main aim of this research study was to investigate the effects of mobile money transfer services on traditional banking services offered by banks. A case of BancABC. The objectives of this study ...

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