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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

An Investigation Of Factors Influencing Sustainability Of Micro Finance Institutions [A Case Study Of Narok County].

ABSTRACT Micro finance institutions refer to small, saving and insurance services extended and economically disadvantaged segment of society. In the past ten years micro finance is emerging as powerful tool of growth in Kenya economy. This has resulted from increasing success in terms to reach the poor and sustaining delivery services. However large number of those engaged in microfinance services continue to struggle with sustainability. The research sought to establish the factors affecting...

Impact Of Prudential Regulatory Framework On Financial Performance Of Deposit Taking Saccos In Kenya

ABSTRACT Regulation of the financial sector is critical aspect of consideration by the regulating authority. This is because the financial sector tremendously influences the performance of the entire economy. The study aims at determining the impact of a prudential regulatory framework on the financial performance of SACCOs in Kenya. The specific objectives in this case are; to determine the relationship between liquidity requirements and performance of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya, to esta...

Factors That Influence Educational Wastage In Public Secondary Schools In Kathiani Sub-County, Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Every year, the Government of Kenya invests heavily in public secondary education. In spite of this heavy investment, the delivery of quality secondary education faces various challenges. One of the biggest challenges is wastage: students repeat grades and the rate of dropout remain high. The central focus of this study was to determine the factors that influence educational wastage in Kathiani Sub-county. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the influence o...

Effect of Supplier and Customer Collaboration on Product Innovativeness: A Focus on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMES) in Kenya

Abstract This study investigated the effect of supplier and customers’ collaboration on product innovativeness in manufacturing SMEs. Using a cross sectional survey design with a sample size of 196, a standard multiple linear regression (MLR) was performed between product innovativeness as the dependent variable and the dimensions of supplier and customer collaboration, as independent variables. The results of the supplier collaboration regression indicated that the predictors explained 45....

Relationship Between Challenges Facing Public Primary School Head Teachers And Management Of School Projects In Wajir East Sub County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Management of public primary school projects is vital for school. However, the head teachers who are in charge of the projects must strive to acquire the necessary skills to enable them to effectively manage school projects in Wajir East Sub-County. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between challenges faced by public primary school head teachers and management of school projects in Wajir East sub county, Kenya. The following objectives were used in the stu...

Assessment Of Practices Used In Retention Of Knowledge Workers In Sugar Companies In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Whereasfirms have retention strategies, the turnover rates keep escalating and the failure to keep or retain knowledge workers may undermine the competitive capability, intellectual capital, culturalfabric, image building and institutional memory of such firms and thus the need for this study.The purpose of this study was to establish the effectiveness of practices used by sugar industriesin retention of knowledge workers as a way of building their competitive advantage. Thespecific ...

Impact Of Credit Risk Management On Financial Performance Of Savings And Credit Co-Operative Societies In Kitui County

ABSTRACT The financial sector in any country is an important sector in the development of a country. Most failures in the financial sector have been caused by non-performing loans or bad debts which are attributed by poor or ineffective loaning policy. While the consequences of credit risk management are well understood, the direction of the effects are predicted by theory, and evidence on their magnitude are still scarce, and centered around banking sectors and insurance markets. This study ...

Effects Of Job Design On Employees Performance (A Case Study Of Equity Bank)

ABSTRACT The world is changing: the evidence is all around us. Markets are growing and becoming more competitive and dynamic. The systems and methods that once served to hold organizations together are now more likely to inhibit communication and demotivate employees. Managers now need to take account of the changing attitudes and expectations of employees. They need to find new ways to organizing work so that it allows more flexibility and brings motivation and job satisfaction to employees....

Effect Of Microfinance Services On Poverty Reduction In Makueni County

ABSTRACT Poverty is a condition in which a person of a community is deprived of the basic essentials and necessities for a minimum standard of living. Poverty reduction has been a major concern for successive governments in Kenya over the years because it is believed to be the universally accepted way of achieving economic growth in the country. The intended purpose is to raise the living standards of the people and improve upon their quality of life. The Kenyan government has been implementi...

Influence Of Social Media Strategies On Organizational Performance Of Commercial Banks In Makueni County

ABSTRACT Over the last two decades, there has been a tremendous increase in the development and use of various social media tools in sharing of information, discussions of issues concerning the day-to-day life of the people. A review of previous studies on the use of social media tools has revealed its impact on the organizational performance of different institutions. However, there is very little that has been done in relation to the impact of social media tools on the organizational perfor...

Factors Affecting Sheep And Goat Milk Consumption In Arid And Semi-Arid Lands Of Kenya

ABSTRACT A study was carried out to determine the factors affecting sheep and goat milk consumption in arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya. Specifically the study sought to assess sheep and goat milk production, assess sheep and goat milk consumption, and identify sheep and goat management practices for optimal milk production in Kyawango and Kibauni Locations of Mwala Sub County of Machakos County. Data was collected from a sample of 120 respondents using questionnaires and observations and wa...

Internal Factors Affecting The Implementation Of Strategic Plans In Faith-Based Healthcare Institutions In Kitui County

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the internal factors affecting implementation of strategic plans in faith-based healthcare institutions in Kitui County. The objectives of the study were to: examine the effect of human resource management practices on the implementation of strategic plans in faith-based healthcare institutions, to establish the influence of organizational culture on implementation of strategic plans in faith-based healthcare institutions and to establish the effect o...

Influence Of Perfomance Contracting Strategies On Examination Performance In Technical Training Institutes In Eastern Region, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out on the influence of Performance contracting strategies on examination performance in Technical Training Institutes in Eastern region, Kenya. The purpose of this study was to establish how the introduction of Performance Contracting in Technical Institutions has impacted on external examinations performance. A descriptive survey design was used. A sample of three institutions was selected using simple random sampling method, out of which a sample of two hund...

Market Structure Paradigms And Institutional Setting In The Nigerian Electricity Industry

ABSTRACT This thesis examines the Market Structure Paradigms and the Institutional Setting in the Nigerian Electricity Industry. The main objective of this study is to examine and propose market structure that can achieve a production frontier that will produce efficient output and optimal price determination. The study also proposes the most appropriate institutional setting - market design that can ensure sustainable electricity supply and enhance consumers' welfare in Nigeria under the res...

Factors Influencing Employee Turnover In The Hotel Industry In Machakos Town, Machakos County

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was an attempt to understand the factors influencing turnover in the hospitality industry in Machakos Town in Machakos County. The main objective of the study was to establish the factors influencing employee turnover in the hotel industry in Machakos town in Machakos County. The specific objectives of the study were to establish the influence of organizational factors, individual factors and job related factors to employee turnover in the hotel industry in ...

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