ABSTRACT The purpose of the research was to investigate the impact of mobile banking on financial performance, using CABS a case. The research was mainly aimed at assessing the relationship between mobile banking and financial performance, identifying the risks associated with mobile banking, establishing the critical internal and external factors for successful mobile banking, identifying performance benefits and ways in which mobile banking has contributed to the overall performance of CABS...
ABSTRACT The post-Cold War saw the emergence of small arms control treaties as a major framework for promoting global peace and security. However, the implementation of some of these instruments has to date proven ineffective and, thus, a central issue in scholarly debates on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) control. SALW continued to flow to areas of conflict, and to non-state armed groups around the world. Extant literature suggested that structural imbalance in international configurati...
ABSTRACT This study was aimed at discovering the effectiveness of employee evaluation system used by Federal College of Education (Tech), Potiskum on its staff performance. It focused mainly on ascertaining whether the performance evaluation system being used in Federal Government College has any impact on its employees performance. The study was also aimed at discovering the type of evaluation method employed in assessing the staff of Federal College of Education (Tech), Potiskum and verifyi...
ABSTRACT The major political challenge in Africa and many other developing countries today is how to deal with the national question and democratic consolidation. There is a general feeling that the developing nations’ past had been squandered, and the present mortgaged by the elites, thereby making the future so uncertain. Consequently, the disadvantaged group demands a renegotiation of relations between the power elites and the people to enable them to be fully involved in the process of ...
ABSTRACT The research sought to assess the Ecumenical role of the Church in promoting Peace using the Ecumenical Peace Observation Initiative in Zimbabwe as a case study. In a qualitative outlook, the study critically unpacks the trends and dynamics of the nature of conflicts that have occurred in Zimbabwe at a national scale, post independence. The research then gives a detailed outline on the role of the Church in Peacebuilding in Zimbabwe in general as a means of addressing the conflicts i...
ABSTRACT Investors as the major stakeholders of organisations have in the past become the sole focus of annual reports. The research investigated the use of alternative performance measurement systems for the purpose of reporting on information that caters for all stakeholders. BancABC has been focusing on financial indicators as a performance assessment tool for reporting purposes. This focus on financial performance has caused problems such as lack of information with a future orientation, ...
ABSTRACT The study explores the coping strategies employed by rural households during an economic crisis. The essential part of this research was to explore the impacts of the economic crisis and the strategies which were employed during the economic crisis in Zimbabwe in the period of 2008-2009. Further suggestion measures to enhance the resilience of rural households’ in future economic crisis were presented. A qualitative research approach was used by the researcher with unstructured and...
ABSTRACT It is imperative that any internal audit department be effective especially in public sector organisations in order to improve service delivery to local citizens. This research focused on investigating the effectiveness of internal audit particularly Chirumhanzu Rural District Council. The research objectives are to investigate the effectiveness and independence of internal audit reporting structures, to determine audit types which can be utilised in promoting effectiveness, to asses...
ABSTRACT Promotional strategies are fundamental tools towards increase of organisational profits and ultimately shareholders wealth. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the impact of promotional strategies on market share and profitability in telecommunication industrial with reference to Netone Cellular. The sample of the study included customers, employees and management, during the period between 2013-2016.To achieve the purposes of the study, and analyse the data extracted from the resp...
ABSTRACT This research sought to evaluate product diversification as a survival strategy, using a case of Comhold Services.Chapter one has the background of the study the research objectives, the significance of the study, limitations, delimitations and definition of key terms. The objectives were to evaluate if diversification can be relied upon as a survival strategy, to determine the impact of related diversification on company profitability and to determine the impact of unrelated diversi...
ABSTRACT Every human society has its cultural ideals, those things it aspires to, both materials and non-materials. It also prescribes ways that will enhance the realization of these cultural ideals and also proscribes ways that will impede it. But these are not static. As social changes occur, it brings with new ideas, values, beliefs and the associated social progress and problems. The social world can never be a problem free experience. In our urge to live a more satisfied life, we try to ...
Abstract The study investigated the relationship between health beliefs and breast self examination. Two hundred and twenty eight (228) female workers from the state ministries in Owerri participated in the study. Participants were within the age range of 20 to 59 years with mean age of 35.28. Six hypotheses are tested for the study. Two instruments for data collection were Champion Health Belief Model Scale (CHBMS) and Breast self Examination questionnaire (BSE). Data analysis using Linear R...
ABSTRACT The study was located in Enugu State of South Eastern Nigeria and the focus of the study was to examine the knowledge of infant nutritional needs. The study population was drawn from five local government areas of the state, namely, Nsukka, Enugu North, Udenu, Isi-Uzo, and Igboeze South. The population of Enugu State in the 2006 census exercise was three million, two hundred and fifty-seven thousand, two hundred and ninety-eight (3,257298) persons (FGN, Official Gazette, 2007). The s...
ABSTRACT This research work delved into one of the major problems in Nigeria. It showed how Nigerian Leadership style constituted obstacle to nation-building and development. We made use of primary and secondary sources of data collection. Consequently, the findings from the data collected led to the conclusion the Nigerian leadership style was really obstacle to nation-building and development. To mitigate this problem, it was recommended, among others, that there should be full implementati...
ABSTRACT This study was motivated by the growing concern on the impact of Institutional Quality on economic outcomes. The study focused specifically on the Nigerian Stock Market due to its critical role in the economy as a vehicle for efficient resource allocation. The Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds testing procedure is employed using data from 1985 to 2012. The study used the ARDL model to ascertain the long-run impact of institutional quality on stock market development in Nig...