ABSTRACT Globally, Kenya inclusive evidence shows that Radio remains crucial in the advertising market and development of democracy. Despite this, evidence shows that these firms face challenges in their performance in terms of customer satisfaction, growth and social performance leading to revenue decline from 13.4% to 6.8% between 2012 to 2017. This decline may be attributed to the radio firms marketing strategies, particularly market challenger strategies. Empirical evidence on market chal...
ABSTRACT Risk based internal auditing being a methodology that links internal auditing to an organization’s overall risk management framework, provides risk management process, annual audit planning, internal audit capacity and internal auditing standards which improves the efficiency of the internal control system of an organization thereby improving the overall financial performance. Existing literature demonstrate that RBA has capacity of risk identification and reduction i.e. its adopti...
Abstract The State as a political entity is confronted with several crosscutting challenges that often times transcend formation boundaries the post-Formation emergent contradictions, complexities and paradoxes are usually adequately amplified by political power relationships. This is even more so in multicultural States where the logic of standard majoritarian democratic philosophy, a la ancient Greece, has failed many times. This thesis is about devising structures and institutions suitable...
Abstract The study examined perceived leadership-behaviour and personality factors as predictors of job-behaviours among Nigerian workers. Employees’ perceptions constituted the central features of a model underlying the study, as they were believed to be related to the individual level of change outcomes. A sample of 8 work group comprising 504 employees (made up of 285 males and 219 females) drawn from human service oriented private and public sectors participated in the study. Precisely...
ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to ascertain how customer service could be enhanced through employee engagement lack of documented evidence of the contribution of employee engagement to customer service improvements in the service sector in Zimbabwe motivated the researcher to carry out this study
ABSTRACT The commencement of WAMZ initially scheduled for 2003, was postponed to 2005 and finally for the third time to 2009, due to the tendency of the adopted macroeconomic convergence criteria to lead to indeterminacy. This has become a burning issue, given the persistence of widespread divergence and the weak prospect for mining desired macroeconomic convergence with the current independent national fiscal and monetary policy pursuits of the participating countries. This study therefore c...
ABSTRACT The study focused on the contributions of Multi-national oil companies in Nigeria to indigenous human capital development in Niger Delta Region of Nigeria between 1993 and 2002. Interest on this contemporary issue emerged as a result of complaints by indigenes of Host Communities of Multi-national oil companies in Niger Delta Region in Nigeria. They complained of not being equipped with relevant skills for employment or self-employment. To address this research problem, the study out...
Abstract This study explores the environmental degradation in Globe and Phoenix mine that has been caused by illegal mining by the mine retrenchees. It seeks to examine the cause of illegal mining in Globe and Phoenix mine with regard to the fact that it used to be the biggest and first mine to be established in Zimbabwe. The city of Kwekwe came to being because of the establishment of the mining center. The extent of the degradation is assessed in view of the strategies that are being taken ...
ABSTRACT The issue of public service performance and productivity whereby public officials are required to provide the public with the best service possible is a major challenge for the modern civil service. The Nigerian federal civil service which has grown bulky in the last decade after Independence faces the problem of utilizing its manpower to meet public demand for increasingly better service. The general motion still persists that government staff work less and that the services they re...
ABSTRACT ZB Bank Digital Channels is a system that uses the internet as the delivery channel to conduct banking activity, for example, transferring funds, paying bills, viewing savings account balances, applying for loans and ordering ATM cards. This system targets the clients and various departments in the bank (Corporate banking, Retail banking, Treasury and Investment banking) and production of reports for all the levels of management. The purpose of this project was to come up with an eff...
ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to investigate two inter-related respects of the postulated reciprocal association between creativity and psychosis, namely the effects of psychosis on creativity and the impact of creativity on psychosis. The study was carried out in three phases Participants were one hundred and twenty in patient psychoties and one hundred and twenty normal participants drawn from students and workers of higher institutions in Lagos. The standardization of Instruments w...
ABSTRACT Nigerian leaders since independence in 1960 have proclaimed adherence to the universal convention of predicating the foreign policy of the country on the domestic policies which should emphasize citizens‟ welfare and good governance. With the inception of globalization that has integrated the various countries of the world reducing their distinctiveness over the last three decades, Nigeria‟s foreign policy has transformed but this has not been sufficiently addressed by scholarly...
ABSTRACT The incentive for risk-bearing is central to activities in the capital market; and the perception of fair reward system, which reflects in securities prices, attracts more participants and stimulates new investments. Following what is often described as foundation of finance; a rational investor, in his utility preference dynamics, loves return but hates risk. Notwithstanding that this axiom rooted in the random-walk framework has shaped normative thinking in finance, empirical evid...
ABSTRACT This study examined the extent to which macroeconomic policy shocks had contributed to exchange rate volatility in Nigeria from 1986 to 2009. Specifically, it established the degree and severity of exchange rate volatility in Nigeria and then examined the impact of macroeconomic policy shocks on real exchange rate volatility in Nigeria during the sample period. Furthermore, the study determined the differential effects of both internal and external macroeconomic policy shocks on the...
ABSTRACT In contemporary scholarship, the discourse on local government system has shifted from the debate on the requisite level of autonomy for local government administration, to the more topical issue of the impact of the local government system on grassroots development. Whereas scholars are agreed on the import of local government in any form of governmental contraption, however, there are divergent views on the extent of the role of the local government system in community development...