ABSTRACT A common theme in the various definitions of leadership is that of ‗social influence‘ which one person—known as the leader, vested with power, authority or control—exercises on another person(s) known as the follower(s) [Nahavandi, 2000]. This suggests that a follower is subordinated to the leader‘s influence. It also suggests that a leader, being human with unique attributes (style, preferences, values, and temperaments), would bring these attributes to bear on influencing...
ABSTRACT This study focuses on political reporting and electoral violence in Nigeria from 1999-2011. The study notes that crisis has become a regular characteristic feature of virtually all the post-independent elections in Nigeria to the extent that academics across disciplines have concluded that since independence on October 1, 1960, the electioneering process in Nigeria has been an experience of tears, blood and sorrow, (Akinboye, 2009; Akinfeleye, 2004; Olurode, 2011; Ologbenla, 2003; Og...
ABSTRACT The aim of the research is to analyze the government policies on financial performance of Zimbabwe Motor industry. The literature on the research study constituted all the objectives of the research study and what other authors have said about the government policies on financial performance. Questionnaires were used as the main data collection instruments essential in the collection of data. Primary and Secondary sources were both used to obtain data. The targeted population size us...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing the ineffective implementation of strategic plans in the MRLGHRD and identify possible remedies to improve the situation. The study was guided by four objectives and data were collected to answer the research questions. An administered questionnaire were used, both descriptive (qualitative) and quantitative data were collected and analysed in order to answer the questions of the study. The study also used a com...
Abstarct There is increased awareness in recent times of the urgent need to improve valuers‟ methodology and practice along national, regional and international boundaries. This is informed by the growing demand on the side of investors who can no longer accommodate unreliable valuation advice, and instead are requiring sophisticated investment guidance (Gilbertson & Preston, 2005; Ogunba & Ajayi, 2007). This buttresses the strategic relevance of valuation in modern investment decision of...
ABSTRACT It is a sad truth that the employees of just about every business, in every business, will occasionally encounter team members who are taking part in unethical behaviours. Such unethical behaviours include a wide variety of different activities. Among the most common unethical business behaviour of employees are making long-distance calls on business lines, duplicating software for use at home, falsifying the number of hours worked, or much more serious and illegal practices such as ...
ABSTRACT The establishment and the rapid growth of the textile industry from time I immemorial owes much to the innate desire of man to satisfy one of his basic necessities or lire, that is clothing, Textile is derived from the Latin word means "to weave", In its original sense, the word textile refers to a fabric rom woven fibbers, Hov ever, in recent years there have been some modifications with respect meaning of the word "textile", It means fabric produced by weaving, ~""L~"~ and felting...
Abstract This study examined corruption, university governance and development with focus on the University of Nigeria. This is because governance plays a critical role in the success of any organization, especially higher education which is the bedrock of national development. The study is a descriptive qualitative analysis, while data was collected through secondary sources. Systems theory served as the theoretical framework. The findings show that there have been systematic decline and col...
ABSTRACT The study of the Role of the Print Media in Political Stability in Nigeria (1993 – 1998) was galvanized by the fact that since the end of the civil war in Nigeria in 1970, there was no time the issue of political stability suffered a set back like during Abacha era. While NADECO and other pro – democracy groups were struggling against the regime, government on the other hand was arresting people. The era showed a contrasting trend that needed to be examined. It now became interes...
vi Abstract The misconception of services as being nonproductive has led to the neglect of the service sector in both economic theory and applied economic researches. The Nigerian economy highly depends on the oil sector to generate revenue for the entire economy. This study examines the response of economic growth to the dynamics of the service sector in Nigeria from the windows of governance indicators. Using annual data series, endogenous growth model and autoregressive distributed lag tec...
ABSTRACT The study examined the technological capabilities and support services available at the Industrial Development Centres (IDCs) in Southwestern Nigeria. It also assessed the factors influencing the provision of the services to the Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) as well as the effect of the technology on the enterprises. This was with a view to proposing appropriate strategies for enhancing effective provision of such services to the SMEs. The study covered SMEs in Lagos, Ogu...
ABSTRACT This study empirically examines the effects of exchange rate on balance of payment in Nigeria, using quarterly data from 1981-2017. The empirical methodology utilized the Bounds cointegration test to detect possible long-run and short-run dynamic relationship, and found no presence of long run relationship between the variables used in the model. The study employed the Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL), to check for properties in the relationship between the variables above liste...
ABSTRACT ThepurposeofthisstudyistoexaminetheeffectofsectoralForeignDirectInvestment oneconomicgrowthinNigeriamakinguseoftimeseriesdatafortheperiod1981-2018. AnAuto-regressiveDistributedLag(ARDL)technique(withemphasisonshortrun estimates)isusedtoexaminetherelationshipforseriesthatareI(0)andI(1).Thestudy considersfive FDIsectors which includes:Telecommunication infrastructures,oil, Agriculture,Manufacturing,Services andotherinfrastructuressectorsasitsvariables representingsectoralforeigndirecti...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of investment in the Nigerian economy by making use of time series data for the period, 1970-2015. The study employed the auto-regressive distributed lag (ARDL) for the analysis. From the result, it is shown that exchange rate, interest rate, inflation rate, and total financial saving, all have a positive effect on investment whereas external debt has a negative effect on investment. Therefore, the Government should improve the...