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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Adoption Of Improved Technologies For Maize Farming In Karatu District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  This study attempted to assess socio-economic factors influencing adoption of improved technologies for maize farming in Karatu District. Specifically the study identified the types of maize production technologies used in Karatu District; analyzed socio-economic characteristics of maize farmers in Karatu District and identified socio-economic factors for adoption of maize production technologies in Karatu District. The study employed both probability and non-probability sampling m...

The Contribution Of Commercial Banks And Retail Banks Credits To Crop Farming Productivity: A Case Study Of Kongwa District In Dodoma, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Using field data as well as secondary information, this study aimed at reviewing the operational mechanism of the existing formal and informal credit arrangements in Kongwa district in Dodoma region with the view to assess the performance in serving micro-enterprise sector with particular reference to crop farmers. The study aimed to examine the contribution of commercial banks and retail banks credits to crop farming productivity in Kongwa district. The study used cross-sectional s...

The Extent Of Mangroves Deforestation And Environmental Impacts In Menai Bay, Zanzibar

ABSTRACT Mangrove forests are most important coastal resource, requiring careful management when utilized as a resource. However, the existences of mangroves in Menai bay facing a major blow due to anthropogenic activities take place in the region. This dissertation therefore aims at examining the magnitude, and environmental impacts of mangrove deforestation in Menai Bay as a strategy for mangrove forest resource conservation in Menai Bay, Zanzibar. The study used different methods to captu...

An Assessment Of Primary Processing Of Coffee Berries By Small Scale Coffee Growers For Quality And Price Realization In Arumeru District, Arusha Region

ABSTRACT The importance of primary processing of coffee berries has attracted coffee farmers, processors, retailers and consumers. Thus quality and quantity both determine the price of coffee all over the world. In Tanzania, coffee regulatory authorities such as Tanzania Coffee Board (TCB) and Tanzania Coffee Association (TCA) have been mobilizing farmers to use modern processing pieces of equipment to process their coffee so as to obtain better prices. The questionnaire, interview guide and...

Assessment Of Training And Development Programmes In Improving Job Performance Among Employees In Public Organizations In Tanzania Case Study Of Schools Inspectorate Organizations In Dodoma R

ABSTRACT This study was conducted at SIO in Dodoma Region and the purpose is to analyse the effective of training and development programmes in the organizations. The study intends to address the following objectives; the importance of training and development programmes in the organizations, performance of employees after training courses, and challenges/ problems faced by both employers and employees before, during and after training courses. In order the study to be scientific, primary an...

Challenges and opportunities facing community owned and managed microfinance institutions: a case of the village savings and loans associations in dodoma municipal.

ABSTRACT In order to increase the outreach of financial services to community members, especially in rural areas, community-owned and managed microfinance institutions were introduced to curb the problems associated with the present microfinance institutions. One approach of community-owned and managed microfinance is the Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) methodology. The purpose of a VSLA is to provide simple savings and loan facilities in a community that does not have easy acces...

Challenges Facing Local Government Authorities In Collecting Property Tax For Service Delivery Improvement: The Case Of Mpwapwa District Council-Dodoma

ABSTRACT The study focused on the assessment of the Challenges Facing Local Government Authorities in Collecting Property Tax for Service Delivery Improvement in Mpwapwa District Council – Dodoma. It was guided by the following specific objectives:-to examine the extent of collection of property tax in Mpwapwa district council, to identify the proportion of collected revenue spent in service delivery related with improving the value of properties in the study area and to examine challenges...

Effects Of Board Structure To The Financial Performance Of The Listed Manufacturing Firms In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Since independence in 1961, the government of Tanzania invested heavily in manufacturing sector allowing it to grow smoothly. Despite improvement in macroeconomic stability in the 2000s, the performance of Tanzania‟s manufacturing sector remains unimpressive. It is believed that a good composition of board structure is necessary to ensure sound financial performance of manufacturing firms. Therefore, this study examines the effects of board structure to the financial performance o...

Soil Conservation Practices By Smallholder Farmers In Agro-Pastoral Systems: A Case Of Serengeti District

ABSTRACT  The study sought to explore soil conservation practices by smallholder farmers in agro-pastoral systems in Serengeti District in Tanzania. The study used a descriptive and cross-sectional design. Data collection employed both primary and secondary data. The main methods were household questionnaire surveys, key informant interviews, and direct observation. The analysis of data involved the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) versions 16.0 and Microsoft excel. The study i...

Effects Of Community Members’ Attitudes And Self-Efficacy On Participation In Donor-Funded Projects In Tanzania: A Case Of Gawaye Grape Irrigation Project In Dodoma

ABSTRACT The study focused on the Effects of Community Members‟ Attitudes and Selfefficacy on Participation in Donor-funded Projects in Tanzania: A Case of Gawaye Grape Irrigation Project in Dodoma. The study used mixed method approach and a Convergent Parallel Design where as both qualitative and quantitative data were concurrently collected and analyzed. Questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data from Gawaye local farmers while interview was used for qualitative data from key ...

The Impact Of Vocation Training Centers (Vtcs) On Improving Youth Livelihood In Dodoma Municipality: The Case Of Five Selected Vtcs

ABSTRACT The study on impact of Vocation Training Centers (VTCs) on improving youth livelihood was conducted in Dodoma Municipality. Generally the study aimed at assessing the relevance of vocational education training centers in improving youth livelihood; specifically intended to: identify skills acquired by youth through vocational education training, determine the teachers qualifications and its effects on the teaching of practical skills, examine the contribution of vocational training ...

The contribution of Women Cooperative Groups to Poverty Eradication in Zanzibar: A Case of fuoni constituency in Urban west District.

ABSTRACT This study has aimed at assessing the contribution of women cooperative groups to poverty eradication in Zanzibar. Fuoni constituency was taken as a case study. The study comprised of one hundred and four respondents from the population of 15400. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews and analyzed, using Statistical Package for Sciences (SPSS) version. The study revealed that, women cooperative groups contributed much to employment creation, improving living stand...

Impact Of Household Income On Students Perfomance: A Case Study Of Ward Secondary Schools In Ilemela District In Mwanza Region

ABSTRACT In Tanzania, the provision of education has been one of the most critical issues of government social policy after independence in 1961. However one of the aspects of the social pillar of the Tanzania Vision 2030 is education. Tanzania Vision 2030 points out education and training is an instrument to develop Tanzania to be a middle-income economy. Family background has been highlighted as of great important in moulding the performance of children in schools worldwide. This study sou...

The Performance Of Solid Waste Collectors In Zanzibar: A Case Study Of Stone Town In Zanzibar Municipality

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study wasto assess the performance of solid waste collectors in Zanzibar. Specifically the study examined the existing system on solid waste management, the challenges facing solid waste management system, and the amount paid by the households for solid waste management and the period of payment for solid waste management in Stone Town, Zanzibar. A sample size of 65 respondents was selected for the study. Both primary and secondary data were used during the study...

Organisational And Individual Behaviours And Their Influence On Revenue Collections In Local Government Authorities In Tanzania: Implication Of Electronic Fiscal Device Usage

ABSTRACT Despite the important role played by users (individuals) and organisations (LGAs) who play the role in revenue collection through the use of Electronic Fiscal Devices (EFDs) still there are challenges associated with revenue collections in LGAs. From this case, this study examined the influence of organisational and individual behaviours on the revenue collections of Dodoma City Council (DCC) and Singida Municipal Council (SMC). A total number of 178 revenue collectors from DCC and ...

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