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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Analysis Of The Price And Income Elasticities Of Energy Demand In Nigeria. (1980-2019)

ABSTRACT This study estimated price and income elasticities of energy demand in Nigeria. The objective of the study was to examine the responsiveness of demand for energy to changes in price of energy and per capita income in Nigeria. The demand for petroleum product (gasoline and diesel), proxy for energy demand is the dependent variable, while weighed average price for energy demand and per capita income are the independent variable. The study adopted regression analysis and vector error co...

Farmers' Access To Agricultural Extension Services In The Dangme West District Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study investigates farmers' access to agricultural extension services in the Dangme West District of Ghana. Specifically, the study sought to find out the sources of extension information, the existence of differential access of farmers to agricultural extension services, and sociocultural and other factors if any, which affect access to extension services. The results revealed that the Agricultural Extension Agent (AEA) was the main source of information for the majority of far...

Job Satisfaction, Occupational Stress And Mental Health Among Nurses In The Greater Accra Metropolis.

ABSTRACT This study examines the influence of job satisfaction and stress on mental health of nurses. A total of one hundred and forty (140) nurses were made to complete survey items on index of job satisfaction questionnaire, stress situation questionnaire and the General Health questionnaire. The finding revealed that job satisfaction was positively related to mental health. There was no difference among nurses who were highly or less stressed with regards to mental health. Job satisfaction...

The Impact of Trade Policy Reforms on International Tax Revenue in Ghana

ABSTRACT The trade sector is generally considered as one that can set the stage for the development of an economy, as evidenced by the immense economic developments attained by Japan and China as a result of their good performance in the trade sectors. Ghana had hopes of achieving such success in the trade sector owing to the abundance of natural resources in the country but within 25 years of independence, the economy had cave in as a result of poor economic performance in the trade sector....

Correlates Of Emotional Pain And Coping Strategies Among Amputees And Their Caregivers

ABSTRACT The study aimed at investigating the correlates of emotional pain and coping strategies among amputees and their caregivers following loss in order to get a better understanding of the concept in the Ghanaian context. A sequential mixed-method design incorporating interviews and administration of standardized measures was used to gather data. For the qualitative phase, 20 participants were purposively sampled from the group of amputees and their caregivers and interviewed using an in...

Consumer Behaviour Towards Pension Scheme Acquisition In The Informal Sector In Ghana

ABSTRACT Marketing pension scheme products and services within the informal sector is gaining increasing attention in practice and research in Ghana. In recent years, there are calls to adopt effective and efficient marketing strategies that are able to promote uptake among the informal sector workers. There is therefore the need to understanding consumer behaviours among these informal sector workers. The current study therefore examined consumer behaviour towards pension scheme among inform...

Compliance With National Health Insurance Registration Conditionality In Leap Beneficiary Households In Yilo Krobo

ABSTRACT The Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) programme is a social protection measure that employs conditional cash transfer as a means of investing in human development to benefit the poor. LEAP includes conditionalities, which are intended to encourage poor households to prioritize the human capital development of the beneficiaries. This study examined compliance with the conditionality that LEAP beneficiary households have to register with the National Health Insurance Scheme...

Knowledge, Attitudes And Perceptions Of Community Members Toward The Ebola Virus Disease (Evd) In Paga, Kasena-Nankana West District

 INTRODUCTION Background Information According to Sanchez, Geisbert & Feldmann (2006), Ebola Virus Disease, formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever is a severe Zoonotic disease (ECDC, 2014). There are five distinct subtypes of the Ebola virus namely, Ebola Virus (formally known as Zaïre Ebola Virus), Ebola-Sudan Virus, Ebola-Ivory Coast Virus, EbolaBundibugyo Virus and Ebola-Reston Virus. The EVD has mostly occurred in SubSahara Africa since its discovery in 1976. The first cases of EVD ...

The Impact of Agricultural Investments on The Reduction of Poverty Reduction in Ghana

ABSTRACT Agriculture is deemed as a pivot around which economies revolve. The contribution of the agriculture sector to economies cannot be overemphasized. In Ghana, for instance, the agriculture sector has consistently been one of the major contributors of GDP of the country. On the contrary, the standard of living of farmers is deplorable. In the quest of the government of Ghana to eradicate the level of poverty among farmers and improve upon their standard of living, many policies have be...

Assessing Stakeholder Participation In Policy Formulation And Implementation: The Case Study Of The Free Senior High School Policy In Ghana

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine stakeholder participation in the formulation and implementation of FSHS policy by assessing the stakeholder dynamics and implications on formulation and implementation of the policy. The study observed that various stakeholders engaged in the formulation and implementation of the Free Senior High School (FSHS) policy in Ghana entails relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies, FSHS implementation Committee, CHASS, Religious groups, significant NGOs and ...

Understanding Urban Sprawl In The Greater Accra Metropolitan Area: The Gis Perspective

ABSTRACT There has been significant spatial expansion of urban areas in recent times, especially in developing countries. This process has posed a number of challenges for city managers as they seem to be unprepared to manage the urban process. In particular, there continue to be rapid development of fringe areas in urban centers, normally characterized by low density residential development, a process called urban sprawl. Accra, Ghana’s capital city continues to witness significant growth,...

Impact Of Acquisition Processes On Turnover Intention And Commitment Among Employees Of Universal Merchant Bank, Accra

ABSTRACT This study investigated the impact of acquisition processes on turnover intention and commitment among employees of Universal Merchant Bank (UMB). The study which employed a mixed method was carried out in six main branches of UMB in Accra. Purposive, Stratified and convenience sampling techniques were used in selecting the branches as well as the 188 survey respondents plus 4 interviewees. Structured questionnaires together with an interview guide were adapted as instruments for dat...

The Determinants Of Gender Asset Gap In Ghana

ABSTRACT Differences in economic outcomes and the analysis of their determinants are of utmost importance in various domains. Especially with respect to gender, there is massive (political) interest in whether these differences reflect discrimination or whether they simply arise from differences in relevant observable characteristics between men and women. This study focuses on estimating wealth differences between men and women in Ghana to comprehend and appreciate these differences and unde...

Entrepreneurial Leadership And Growth Of Small Medium Enterprises: Lessons From Transformational Entrepreneurs In Ghana

ABSTRACT The development of entrepreneurship and SMEs have greatly contributed to the economic development in many countries all over the world. This is as a result of entrepreneurial activities which provide employment, revenue for both government and citizenry, as well as serve as an avenue for innovation. The SME sector is the most dominant form of business in Ghana. In spite of the economic importance of entrepreneurship and SMEs in Ghana, their growth is hindered by several factors. Thes...

The Role of Civic Responsibilities in Ghana Elections in The Fourth Republic; The Case of Election 2012.

ABSTRACT Elections have become the only vehicle through which people can be given the mandate to rule or represent Ghanaians since 1992 when the first elections were held after the return to constitutional rule. Since 1992 to 2012, Ghana has been able to hold six successive and peaceful elections, which have made Ghana the hope of democracy in Africa. Many people attributed this success to the massive roles Civil Society Organizations play in Ghanaian elections. The study sought to investiga...

11746 - 11760 Of 19638 Results