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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Assessment Of Job Satisfaction Among Staff Of Ghana Broadcasting Corporation

ABSTRACT The concept of job satisfaction is considered to be a very critical issue for any organisation’s performance. Thus, employers benefit from lower staff turnover and higher productivity if their employees experience a high level of job satisfaction. The study sought to assess the state of job satisfaction among the staff of Ghana Broadcasting Corporation. A cross-sectional survey design was used for the study and data were obtained from 126 respondents, using questionnaires. The st...

Impact of Demographic Factors and Leadership Style on Employees’ Job Satisfaction

This study investigated the impact of leadership style and demographic variables on employees’ job satisfaction in four selected telecommunication companies in Lagos, Nigeria. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design in which 227 participants were accidentally sampled from a employee population of 1174. Participants comprised of 102 males and 125 females aged between 19 and 59 years with mean age of 33.82 and standard deviation of 8.12. Primary data were generated through structure...

The Effectiveness Of Training And Development Of Public Sector Teachers Within The Bolgatanga Municipality

ABSTRACT Education is a powerful agency and instrumental in bringing about the desired changes in the social and cultural life of a nation. The key variable for its achievement and survival in this competitive global economy is quality. The whole process of education is shaped and moulded by the teacher and quality teachers with commitment are prerequisites for successful and excellent education. One may wonder whether the institutional structures within which training and development progr...

Work-Life Management Of Employees Of Banks In Cape Coast Metropolis

ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing work-life management of employees of banks in Cape Coast Metropolis with specific focus on the relative degree of stressfulness and work-life conflict, work-life management policies and strategies put in place in the banks as well as the extent to which issues related to work-life management are of concern to males and females working in the banks. The study was a cross-sectional survey which used self-developed questionnaires in collecting data from 10...

Challenges In The Implementation Of Durable Solutions For Refugees In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study examined the challenges that the various refugees institutions, organizations, and allied bodies or agencies face in the implementations of durable solutions for refugees in the country. The purposive and accidental sampling techniques were used to select 65 respondents from UNHCR Ghana, Ghana Refugee Board, International Organization for Migration as well as Krisan/ Sanzule/Ekwei, and Budumburam refugee camps. The main instruments used for data collection were interview...

The Effects Of Mining Activities On The Schooling Of Indigenous Youth And The Corporate Social Responsibility Of Mining Companies In Tarkwa

ABSTRACT The study is about the educational background of the indigenes of Wassa West District and their employability at the mines. Most of the indigenes in the district are not gainfully employed. They are neither engaged in farming nor formal mining which are the main sources of income in the area. They rather resort to galamsey and pay little attention to schooling. There are occasions when the mines express the desire to recruit the indigenes as a compensation for exploiting their natura...

Human Resource Management Practices And Their Effects On Print Production At The Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science And Technology Press

ABSTRACT The issue of human resource management has become paramount and complex due to current trend of business competition resulting from globalisation and trade liberalisation. The purpose of this study was to examine the human resource management (HRM) practices of the University Printing Press of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (UPK) and how they affect print production. The study focused on four HRM practices namely, resource planning, recruitment and selection, ...

Private Capital Flows And Macroeconomic Performance: Growth Implications Of Shocks For Sub-Saharan African Economies

ABSTRACT In theory, private capital flows (PCF) strengthen domestic investment for economic growth. In sub-Saharan African (SSA) economies, Foreign Direct Investment per Capita (FDIC), Portfolio Investment per Capita (PIC) and Bank Lending per Capita (BLC) components of PCF grew inversely to Gross Domestic Product per Capita (GDPC). While growth rates of FDIC, PIC and BLC respectively averaged 269.6%, 31.7% and 55.6% in 1981-1990; 42.9%, 36.6% and 28.6% in 1991-2000; 30.7%, - 174.7% and 24.2%...

Adolescent Sexual And Reproductive Health Awareness In Ajumako-Enyan-Essiam District

ABSTRACT Sexual and reproductive health is fundamental to the development of human capital. However, early age at sexuality exposes adolescents to the health risk of early pregnancy and childbearing, sexually transmitted infections, unsafe abortions, lost of socio-economic benefits and thereby affecting the realization of their human capital potentials. Descriptive cross-sectional design, questionnaire and interview schedules were the methods employed in data collection. Probability and non-p...

Staff Interaction Amd School Innovativeness In Western Nigeri; Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT The rain purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which the interpersonal relationships among teachers in our secondary schools help or hinder the introduction of educational innovative practices in the direction of encouraging vocational and practical subjects in Nigeria' s secondary school curriculum. o the per 557 teachers (these include 30 principals and over 1+0 heads of departments) were involved in the survey. All the subjects have taught for, at least, six months p...

Perceived Leadership Style And Its Relationship With Employees’ Satisfaction And Organizational Performance In Takoradi Polytechnic

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to examine the perceived leadership style and its relationship with employees’ satisfaction and organizational performance in Takoradi Polytechnic. The study adopted descriptive research and cross sectional research designs. The sample size for the study was two hundred and sixty (260) taken from senior members, senior staff and junior staff. Also, convenience sampling was used to ensure that those employees found at their workplaces were the ones used for...

The Effects Of National Health Insurance Scheme On Outpatient Utilization And Expenditure In Ghana: A Case Study Of Mfantseman Municipality

ABSTRACT Recognizing the potential of Mutual Health Organizations (MHOs) to eliminate user fees and increase utilization of health care services in the country, the government of Ghana enacted the National Health Insurance Act in 2003, mandating the establishment of district-wide MHOs. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) on the probability of utilizing outpatient care and expenditure in the Mfantseman Municipality of the Central ...

Teacher Motivation And School Performance: Evidence From Three Selected Senior High Schools In Prampram District

ABSTRACT Human resource, in the 21st century, is regarded as the most vital asset for good and effective performance of any organisation worldwide (Armstrong & Baron, 2005). Educational institutions can never survive without relying heavily on human resource (teachers). It was in this light that, this study examined the relationship between teacher motivation and school performance in three selected Senior High Schools (SHSs) within the Prampram district, Ghana. The study employed the quanti...

Challenges Facing Effective Implementation Of The Health Insurance Scheme In The Assin North Municipality

ABSTRACT The study sought to analyse the implementation of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) in Assin North Municipal Assembly. In all, 138 NHIS subscribers and three key informants comprising the manager of Assin North NHIS, the head of one accredited NHIS pharmacy and the head of one accredited NHIS health centre were selected for the study. Questionnaires and interview guide were the research instruments that were used to collect data from the field. In addition to this, purpos...

Perception Of Sources, Effects And Resolution Methods Of Conflicts In Town Unions Of Anambra State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Town Unions (TUs) exist for identifying and resolving communal problems among others in Anambra State. Ironically, many of them are conflict infested. Although many studies have been conducted on conflict, none specifically focused on the nature of social conflict facing TUs in Anambra State. This study therefore investigated the sources, effects and resolution methods of TU conflicts in Anambra State. Marxian theory of social conflict and Ted Gurr‟s theory of Relative Deprivation ...

12151 - 12165 Of 19638 Results