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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Ownership Structure and Investment Cashflow Sensitivity of Ghanaian Listed Firms

ABSTRACT  There is overwhelming evidence in empirical literature that in the presence of market imperfections, investments of financially constraint firms become sensitive to the availability of internal finance.  There are also contradictory evidences regarding the pattern of the observed investment cash flow sensitivity. However, most of the empirical work on the responsiveness of firms’ investment to cash flow was done using data from developed markets. This study examines not jus...

Social Capital, its Uses and Contradictions, and its Relevance to the West African Ebola Crisis of 2013 – 2015

Social capital has been proposed as a useful concept for the understanding of epidemics of Emerging Infectious Diseases, such as the epidemic of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) which occurred in West Africa in 2013 – 2015. This paper reviews some of the literature around the social capital concept, highlights the contested nature of that concept, and considers how the concept might be best applied to the study of the recent EVD crisis. It is argued that the emphasis in such studies must always be...

Domestic violence and its relationship with depression, anxiety and quality of life: A hidden dilemma of Pakistani women

Objectives: To find out the relationship of domestic violence with depression, anxiety and quality of life in married women in hospitals of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Methods: This co-relational study was conducted in Rawalpindi Institute of Health Sciences from January 2019 to December 2019. All the females’ patients who were the victim of domestic violence were the population of the study. Consecutive non-probability sampling technique was used for selection of sampling from the target pop...

Personnel Recruitment and Primordial Factors in the Civil Service: A Case Study of Kogi State Civil Service Commission

ABSTRACT This research dissertation: Personnel Recruitment and Primordial Factors in the Civil Service ; A Case Study of Kogi State Civil Service Commission stems up as a result of the interest of the researcher in the management of Civil Service. The existence of the civil service carries responsibilities of not only maintaining law and order, but also ensuring that life is made comfortable for the majority of citizens in a country. This is the reason why every government is ever compel...

Contested Politcs in Ethiopia, Post of 2018; Challenges and Prospects of the Ruling Party

The theme of this paper is to highlighting the political, economic, democratic, historical dilemmas and realities that occurred in the Ethiopian political system in 2018 through popular rebellion; futuristic hinders and chances of the ruling party to sustain its popularity and prosperity of the country. Talk of Ethiopia conjures a whole range of metaphors and contradictory perceptions and misconceptions. With the ascendance to power of Dr. Abiy Ahmed, as Prime Minister of Ethiopia on Apri...

Tax Policy designer know that any tax system serves multiple objectives. What are objectives and what principles will influence the design of a tax system to ensure that these objectives are

Introduction Roles of Government Objectives of tax system Principles of Tax system: - Factors that policy maker should consider to meet objectives of tax system: Problems faced by policy maker while designing tax system: - Conclusion References

Firms cash management, adjustment cost and its impact on firms’ speed of adjustment: a cross country analysis

Abstract We investigate the firms’ specific attributes that determine the difference in speed of adjust- ment (SOA) towards the cash holdings target in the Scandinavian countries: Denmark, Norway and Sweden. We examine whether Scandinavian firms maintain an optimal level of cash holdings and determine if the active cash holdings management is associated with the firms’ higher SOA and lower adjustment costs. Our findings substantiate that a higher level of off-target cost...


ABSTRACT This research work investigates the impact of banks’ credit on the growth of Nigerian economy between 1981 and 2012. The study was needed due to the central role which the deposit money banks’ credits play in the economic, financial and social development and growth of the economy. The study made use of secondary data in its analysis. Four explanatory variables (Credit to Other Sectors, Credit to Service Sector, Credit to Production Sector, and Credit to General Commercial Se...

Financing Federal Government Expenditure in Nigeria (1980 - 2003)

ABSTRACT This study seeks to assess the relationship between various sources of finances available to the Federal Government of Nigeria and her expenditure pattern. This study was carried out using secondary data collected from the Central Bank of Nigeria’s Statistical Bulletins and her Annual Reports for the period 1980 to 2003. The contributions of the various sources of finance were compared with the total expenditure. From the findings of this study, strong and significant relations...


ABSTRACT This study investigated the Impact of Monetary Policy on the Performance of Banks in Nigeria. The study made extensive use of secondary data as published by the Central Bank of Nigeria. Employing the multiple regression models, the study established a significant relationship between monetary policy instruments as a whole and effective bank performance. Specifically, we found that monetary policy through minimum rediscount rate affects the lending rates of banks. Cash reserve req...

Critical Success Factors of Total Quality Management Implementation in the Nigerian Banking Sector

ABSTRACT This study investigates the critical success factors of TQM project implementation in the Nigerian banking industry as a strategy for improving the quality of service delivery to customers. In carrying out the study primary data were used and a combination of Factor and regression analytical tools was used in the analysis. The Objective Evaluation Questionnaire (OEQ) was the principal instrument used for data collection. Given the nature of the problem under study, one branch eac...

A Study on Interest Rate Structure in Nigeria and its Implication for Macro Economic Stability

ABSTRACT Prior to 1986, the rate of interest was administratively fixed at low levels with sectoral targets to encourage investment in the preferred sectors of nigeria economy.With economic reform in 1986,interest rates were deregulated-allowing the market a greater role in rationing financial resources. This study investigated the relationship between interest rates and macroeconomic stability in nigeria.It also tried to ascertain whether the market determined interest rates are favoura...

The Impact of Globalisation on the Nigerian Economy From 1978 - 2007

CHAPTER ONE: 1.1  Background of the Study 1.2  The Statement of the Problem 1.3  Objectives of the Study 1.4  Research Questions 1.5  Hypotheses 1.6  Significance of the Study 1.7  Scope/Limitations of the Study 1.8  Plan of the Report CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW2.0 Introduction 2.1.0  Theoretical Framework 2.1.1  Definitions 2.1.2  Dimensions of Globalization 2.1.3  History of Globalization 2.1.4  Nature and Existence of Globali...


ABSTRACT The negative implications of sex work in Ekiti-State particularly among undergraduates has become a societal issues that need urgent attention-undergraduates sex work as a survival strategic behaviour had been identified to be common in hotels, bars, brothels, in their hostels around the campus and on the street as avenue/or action, (Onah, 2000) This study adopts the descriptive research design by making use of questionnaires in eliciting response on all the variables under investiga...

13366 - 13380 Of 19445 Results