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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics


Population growth and its interaction with food security and economic growth is the crux of the matter in this study. It has been documented that Nigeria is experiencing very high population growth rate due to aggravating high birth rate and plummeting death rate. The extent to which population growths affect food security and economic growth was therefore examined. Using time series data pooled from 1981 to 2016, tested for stationarity, co-integrated and corrected for error, the study obser...

The effect of some macroeconomic variables on stock market price

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of some macroeconomic variables on stock  market price in Ghana. The study employed yearly data spanning the period of January 1990  to December 2016. Unit root test was performed using Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test (ADF)  and Philips-Perron test (PP), Cointegration was also applied. The macroeconomic variables  considered were Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Exchange Rate (EXR), Foreign Direct  Investment (FDI), Money Supply (M2) and Infl...

Forensic Accounting as a tool for fraud detection and prevention

ABSTRACT This study examines forensic accounting as a tool for fraud detection and prevention in the Public Sector. In conducting the study, hypotheses were stated and questionnaires were drawn in line with the hypotheses for testing.  The study utilized primary source of data collection. A total of 132 questionnaires were retrieved from staff of Nigerian Film Corporation, Jos. Analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics, chi-square.  The null hypotheses were rejected indicating ...

Marketing of Financial Services

  Abstract Marketing as associated to banking is to explain a suitable promise to a customer through a variety of products and services and also to confirm operative distribution through satisfaction. The need for marketing of financial services cannot be over emphasized because it is vital, as it has helped firms such as banks and non-banks that engages in operational service delivery to maximize profit. The marketing tactic includes forestalling, classifying, responding and satisfying the ...

The Yoruba Ethnic Group

The Yoruba are one of the largest African ethnic groups south of the Sahara Desert. They are, in fact, not a single group, but rather a collection of diverse people bound together by a common language, history, and culture. Within Nigeria, the Yoruba dominate the western part of the country. Yoruba mythology holds that all Yoruba people descended from a hero called Odua or Oduduwa 

Ontology and Epistemology of Islamic Philosophers

Islamic philosophy refers to philosophy produced in an Islamic society. Islamic philosophy is a generic term that can be defined and used in different ways. In its broadest sense it means the world view of Islam, as derived from the Islamic texts concerning the creation of the universe and the will of the Creator

Colonial Origin of the Nigerian Armed Forces Beginning from the West African Frontier Forces

The history of English-speaking West Africa in the second half of the 19th century was to a great extent interwoven with European military developments on the West Coast. This does not mean that up till this time the military had been absent as a driving force in the history of West Africa, for the use of the army by European powers in West Africa, whether for "holding operations", for provisioning ships en route to the cape coast; for the defence of static defensive works, for garrison dutie...

Practicable Solutions to the Problems of Ethnicity and Regionalism in Nigeria

Ethnicity is a popular cliché used to describe or analyze various forms of anomalies in the Nigerian nation building. It is defined as “a label for social groups who feel a distinct sense of difference by virtue of common culture and descent” (Glazer and Moynihan; 1975). In Nigerian context, ethnicity is defined as a social phenomenon associated with the identity of members of a competing communal group(s) seeking to protect and advance their interest in a political system. The relevant ...

Cultural History of the Ijebu Ethnic Group

The indigenes of Ijebuland are perceived to have an underlying belief of seniority in comparison to other kingdoms of the Yoruba tribe, owing to claims of being the first Yoruba settlers in Nigeria and consequently considering it somewhat belittling to be subject to the rulership of later settlers and their kings, the likes of the Ooni of Ife (King of Ife), Alaafin of Oyo (King of Oyo) and the Alake of Egbaland (King of the Egbas). 


ABSTRACT The increasing concern about environmental degradation, resources depletion, resources scarcity, environmental degradation and the sustainability of economic activity have made the development of Environmental accounting an area of interest. Adequate research is not carried out to effectively determine what environmental accounting is truly about and whether or not it has an impact on the corporate performance of quoted manufacturing firms. The study evaluated the effect of environme...


Treasury Single Account is a public accounting system under which all government revenue, receipts and income are collected into one single account, usually maintained by the country’s Central Bank and all payments done through this account as well. The purpose is primarily to ensure accountability of government revenue, enhance transparency and avoid misapplication of public funds. The maintenance of a Treasury Single Account will help to ensure proper cash management by eliminating idle f...


This work examines the impact of external debt flow on Nigerian economic growth. CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDYA very crucial goal for any reasonable government is to attain a sustainable economicgrowth. To attain this vital goal it may have to finance crucial infrastructure projects and to investin development of productivity. As the result of productive investments, a country shouldexperience growth in its economy and a rise in the level of GDP. However, most developed a...

Foreign aid and human capital development in Nigeria

This study examines the impact of foreign aid on human capital development in Nigeria between the periods of 1981-2016. Secondary data were collected from CBN statistical bulletin and World Bank indicators. The variables used were Official development assistance, gross capital formation, foreign Direct Investment and labour force with human development index as the dependent variable. The overall or general objective of this research work is to investigate the impact of foreign aid on human ...


ABSTRACT The study analysed the profile of economic growth in Nigeria with respect to human capital development. It determined the effect of education spending on economic growth in Nigeria; investigated the effect of health care spending on economic growth in Nigeria between 1980 and 2016.  Secondary annual time series data on total government spending on education, total government spending on health and economic growth which covered the period of 1980 and 2016. Data were obtained from Cen...

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