
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics


PLANT DISEASE PESTS General methods for the prevention and control of crop pests INSECTS Important insect pests of major crops Animal pests  Important species of rats and their damage in Nigeria Pests of stored products Important pests of stored products WEED Direct Effects of weeds on crop Indirect Effects of weeds Beneficial effects of weeds Plant considered as weeds do have some positive values Management of weeds Integrated pest management

Agr 121 General Agriculture

The Definition of Agriculture Branches of Agriculture Aquaculture Agricultural Related Institution/Acronyms


Natural Resources The Nigerian Government and the Management of Natural Resources Forest Roles of Vegetation (Forest) in Environment Activities of Man that Destroy the Vegetation Classification of Forest Deforestation Causes of Deforestation Impact of Deforestation Afforestation and Its Importance Agro Forestry Roles of Agro Forestry Types of Agro Forestry Systems


Climatic Factors Edaphological (Soil) Factors Vegetation Zones of Nigeria (AGRO-ECOLOGICAL ZONES) Farm Implements and Agricultural Mechanization Safety Precaution and Maintenance


Concepts of Extension teaching and learning Principles of Extension teaching and learning How do we learn in Extension? Basic Characteristics and factors affecting teaching and learning; Characteristics of adult learning Differences between pedagogy and andragogy  Factors that affect adult learners Problems of extension education Classification of Extension teaching methods  Merits and demerits of extension teaching methods 

AEC 517: Agricultural Cooperatives

Meaning of Agricultural Cooperatives Principles of Cooperation Types of Cooperatives How to organize a Cooperative Society Management of Cooperatives in Nigeria Preamble Cooperatives and Women Empowerment Agricultural Cooperatives and their Roles in Agricultural Development Management of Credit How Agricultural Cooperatives can be Used to Provide Cost Effective Ways of Managing both Large and Small Farms How Agricultural Cooperatives can be Used in Promotion of Environment Friendly Farm Pract...


Protozoa Most of the commonly encountered fish parasites are protozoan. With practice, these can be among the easiest to identify, and are usually among the easiest to control. Protozoan is single-celled organisms, many of which are free-living in the aquatic environment. Typically, no intermediate host is required for the parasite to reproduce (direct life cycle). Consequently, they can build up to very high numbers when fish are crowded causing weight loss, debilitation, and mortality. Five...


Fishery development is a process towards achieving the full potential of the sector through growth and improvement. Fishery development is also defined to include the expansion of fishing effort, improvement in post-harvest technology, marketing and transportation of fishery products as well as the provision of infrastructure and other related facilities. In fisheries, development may be defined as a process of change through which sustainable and equitable improvements are made to the qualit...

BIO 405- Hydrobiology

Colour and Turbidity: Often it is the colour of freshwater or how clear or hazy the water is that is the most obvious visual characteristic. Unfortunately neither colour nor turbidity are strong indicators of the overall chemical composition of water. However both colour and turbidity reduce the amount of light penetrating the water and can have significant impact on algae and macrophytes. Some algae in particular are highly dependent on water with low colour and turbidity. Many rivers draini...

BIO 410- Fisheries and Aquaculture

The term “fish” most precisely describes any non-tetrapod craniates (that is an animal with a skull and in most cases a backbone) that have gills throughout life and whose limbs, if any, are in the shape of fins. Unlike groupings such as birds and mammals, fish are not a single clade but a paraphyletic collection of taxa, including hagfishes, lampreys, sharks and rays, ray-finned fishes, coelacanths and lungfishes. A typical fish is ectothermic, has a streamlined body for rapid swimming, ...

BIO 220- Fishery and Wild Life

Nigeria occupies between 4 0 16’ – 130 52’N and longitude 2 0 49 – 14 0 37’E and a coastline of approximately 850km bordering the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean. Consequently, Nigeria is a maritime state with the establishment of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 200 nautical miles in 1978. The major geomorphologic features of the Nigeria continental shelf include the Avon, Mahin and Calabar Canyons. Other geomorphic features are sand banks in the inner continental shelf es...


Did you know that papaya and pineapple fruits are associated with Hawaii, Cuba? Oranges grow very well in Florida and California, but they started growing there with the help of the Spanish missionaries that took them there. Where did they come from? Did you know that one of the likely reasons why North American Indians never developed agriculture on a large scale was the belief that there was just nothing edible on earth? This notion only began to change when they started trading with their ...

ACP 301- Ariable Crop Production

Habit—herbs, rarely woody, as bamboos. They are very widely distributed all over the earth. Stem cylindrical with distinct nodes and internodes (sometimes hollow), called culm. Leaves are simple, alternate, and distichous, with sheathing leaf-base which is split open on the side opposite to the leaf blade; there is a hairy structure at the base of the leaf-blade, called the ligule. Inflorescence usually a spike or panicle of spikelets (FIG. 74); each spikelet consists of one or few flowers ...


In unit 3, special discussion is made for other animal agricultural pests. Particular mention is made of rats, mice, nematodes and birds because of their importance. Their control measures are also discussed. In unit 4, you will learn about weeds as pests. Weeds are pants growing were they are not wanted, but are important in crop production. They have both harmful and beneficial effects. Methods of weed control are also highlighted. Unit 5 focused on storage pests of common Nigerian crops an...

COP 621- General Agriculture

Originally the term agriculture is derived from two Latin words “Ager” and “Cultura”. Ager means land and cultura means cultivation i.e. tilling the soil and preparing it for planting of crops. Putting the two words together i.e. land and cultivation, agriculture could be regarded as land cultivation. In this modern day farming, this definition is no longer acceptable as agriculture means more than land cultivation. Modern agriculture therefore could be defined as the production of cr...

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