
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

CRD 122 - Nigerian Agriculture

In Nigeria, we witness a case where agricultural sector contributions, however, have been less than adequate in the five (5) main areas. We can now link these reasons for the underdevelopment of Nigerian economy. However, lets now discuss its contributions to economy. (I) Food Provision: Food provides the basic human need and energy. Before 1970, food supply in Nigeria was quantitatively adequate. The problem by this time was poor quality. e.g. much of carbohydrate and little or no protein. T...

CRP 313- Crop Production

Cereal crops (Maize, Sorghum and Milet ) Cereal is any grass cultivated for the edible components of its grain (botanically, a type of fruit called a caryopsis), composed of the endosperm, germ, and bran.Cereal grains are grown in greater quantities and provide more food energy worldwide than any other type of crop and are therefore staple crops. Root and Tuber Crops ( Yam, Cassava and Potetoes) Root and Tuber Crops. Root and tuber crops (CropGroups 1 and 2) consist of root crops, such as bee...

AFS 401- Fisheries Practical Manual

Nostrils – Some fish have a well developed sense of smell and use this ability to seek out their home streams for spawning. In some cases, this scent is also helpful in avoiding predators. Fish breathe through their gills, not their nostrils. Lateral Line - Fish do not have ears, as such. In part, low frequency sounds are detected in the water through a system of small holes along each side of a fish called the lateral line, which is connected to a delicate system of nerves. They also react...

AGR 201- General Agriculture

Communal Land Tenure: The land belongs to the entire community, as represented by a family, a village, or a clan. This is a typical traditional practice in Nigeria. Every member of the community is entitled to a piece of the land for agriculture. Also, allottees have the freedom to grow choice crops, to use the land for any purpose and freedom to make desired improvements on the land without restriction. However, the individual allotted can neither sell any part of the land nor under normal c...

AGR 203- Principles of Crop Production

The early husbandman cultivated a limited number of crops, the cereals being the first to be grown in most parts of the world. The same crop was often produced continuously on a field until low yields necessitated a shift to new land. This practice is still common in parts of Africa. A modification of this practice was the introduction of bare fallow every two or three years. The primitive husbandman removed by hand the destructive insects in his fields and appeased the gods or practiced myst...


Animal production is an aspect of agricultural production. Agriculture is simply defined as the art and science of crop, animal and fibre production for human consumption. As a branch of agriculture, animal production deals with production of domesticated animals other than pets and game animals. As a subject matter it has roots in the natural sciences not only by the application of basic principles of science but also in theoretical foundations. Thus, animal production relates in certain asp...


Ruminant animals are mammals that belong to the order Artiodactyla. They are animals with a complex stomach unlike the non-ruminants that have simple stomach. They eat and digest forages or plant based feed by swallowing it first and allowing it to get moistened in the rumen which is the first compartment of the complex stomach. The swallowed food is later regurgitated by the animal and re-chewed to break down the plant materials for digestion. This process is called rumination or chewing the...

ANP 303- Growth and Development

There is no single definition for growth. Growth may simply be defined as an increase in size. It could be an increase in weight of an animal or any part of the animal as it approaches mature body size. Growth is an increase in body height, length, girth and weight that occurs when a healthy young animal is given adequate food, water and shelter. It is a fundamental characteristic of all living organisms. Growth can be more specifically defined as a normal process of increase in size, produce...

ANP 304- Pasture

Pasture can be defined in many ways depending on purpose: · Pasture is defined as an area of land occupied with forage plant species either natural or planted by man for the purpose of providing qualitative feed to livestock at the right quantity. · It could refers to any forage specie valuable as livestock feed · It can also refer to an act of feeding; grazing or browsing animals on pasture plants or pastures. 3.2. Classification of Pasture Plants Pasture plants can be classified into the...

ANP 314- Environmental and Animal Production

Introduction In this unit you will be studying the concept of the environment, and components of the environment. Since the environment encompasses all living and non-living things, occurring naturally on earth or some regions thereof, we shall be studying them together. Your attention shall be drawn to some particular areas. By the end of your studying this unit, you shall be able to: - 1. Define the natural environment; 2. Contrast the natural environment with built environment; 3. List the...

ANP 403- Animal Husbandry Techniques

There are several recognized breeds of poultry, pigs and rabbits in the world. Choosing the best breed can be challenging, and this practical session will make aware of the various breeds and varieties, and will provide necessary information so that poultry farmers can select the right type for given situation. At the end of this practical session, you should be able: · to identify different breeds of poultry, pigs and rabbits. 3.0 Procedure 1. Poultry: To identify different breeds of poultr...

ANP 511- Animal Nutrition

Nigeria is blessed with vast range of feed resources such as forages, grains, oilseeds and agro-industrial by-products which could be used in the formulation of quality livestock feed. These local available feed resources in Nigeria have potential to support a flourishing livestock industry. However, these potentials are grossly under-utilized by the farmers resulting in a depressed livestock industry, thus making it second to crop production in Nigeria. This low capacity feed resources utili...

ZOO 401 -The Study of Form and Functions

Insects are anthropods and anthropods are jointed feet.Characteristics of Anthropdos:Segmented bodiesPaired Segmented AppendagesBilateral SymmetryDosal heart and Open Circulatory systemVentral Nerve cord.Characteristics of Insects:The body is comprised of three different regions: Head, thorax and abdomenThe thorax of adults bears three pairs of legs and 2 pairs of wingsThe breathing system is comprised of air tubes.

Use of English GNS 101A and 101B

Use of English GNS 101A and 101B 1) Language Definitions and UsesThe four language skillsEnglish language in Nigeria and its uses 2) Reading and types of reading Reasons why we readFactors than can affect effective reading 3) Listening skills Factors than can affect effective listeningHow to improve listening skills 4) Writing and types of writing Narrative Essay WritingDescriptive Essay WrtitingArgumentative Essay WritingExpository Essay WritingLetter WritingFormal LetterInformal LetterThe B...

CHM 121 Foundation Chemistry

Introduction Atomic Theory of Matter Assignment Discovery of the Sub-Atomic Particles The Electron The Proton Rutherford Model of Atom The Neutron Atomic Number/Mass Number/Isotopes Emission Spectra The Bohr Atomic Model Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen Quantum Theory of Atomic Orbitals Azimuthal OR Subsidiary Quantum Number Shapes of Orbitals Electronic Configuration of Atom The Periodic table Description of the periodic table The periodic table and Atomic properties

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