
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Effect Of Women Access To Land On Household Nutritional Outcomes Among Small Scale Farmers In Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Agriculture plays a vital role in the Kenyan economy. It helps in poverty mitigation and ensuring food security. In agriculture, women constitute the majority of small-scale farmers in Kenya, providing 89% of subsistence farming labor force and 70% of the cash crop labor force. However, they have limited access to land which hinders them from making the most constructive use of their time and energy in the agricultural sector and thus affecting household nutritional outcomes. Therefo...

Evaluation Of Agronets On Microclimate Modification, Insect Pest Control And Cabbage (Brassica Oleraceae Var.Capitata) Crop Performance

ABSTRACT This study was done to evaluate the effects of agronets on insect pests and crop performance on cabbage production under Kenyan conditions. Two experiments were conducted over a span of two seasons at the Horticulture Research and Teaching Field, Egerton University. The objectives were to determine the effects of agronets on (1) microclimate modification, (2) insect pest population and damage, and (3) the subsequent effect on seedling performance, crop growth, yield and quality of ca...

Selected Factors Influencing Cotton Production Among Smallholder Farmers In Bura Irrigation And Settlement Scheme, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenyan smallholder cotton production has remained low despite the spirited effort by the government and the private sector to revive the sector. Several factors combined seem to be responsible for this perpetual low production. Among the factors are constraints ranging from, inadequate extension services, limited access to information on production and poor marketing systems. The purpose of this study was to investigate how these selected factors (cluster group extension approach, in...

Impact Of Climate Variability And Land Use Change On Streamflow In Lake Chilwa Basin, Malawi

ABSTRACT Climate and land use are the two most significant factors that influence watershed hydrology globally. The impact of climate variability on streamflow arises from changes in precipitation and temperature, leading to the adjustment of the physical and biological processes of ecosystems. Land use change impact on streamflow however varies across different regions and environments to warrant a universal theory, making it subject of scientific interest to hydrologists. The aim of this st...

Fluvial Facies, Vertebrate Taphonomy And Palaeosols Of The Teekloof Formation (Permian) Near Beaufort West, Cape Province, South Africa

ABSTRACT The main Karoo Basin of South Africa contains a relatively continuous sequence of continental deposits that accumulated over a 100 million year period from Permo-Carboniferous (280 Ma) to early Jurassic (180 Ma). In the southwestern region of the basin the Karoo succession is approximately 4 000 m thick, the upper half of which consists of vertebrate fossil-bearing fluvial rocks of the Beaufort Group. This study deals with Lower Beaufort (Adelaide Subgroup) strata belonging to the Te...

Influence Of Farmer Organizations As A Market Information System On Market Access And Income Of Smallholder Vegetable Farmers In Babati District, Tanzania.

   ABSTRACT Vegetable production is of great importance in terms of nutrition improvement, income generation and food security. Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation (Africa RISNG) action research project actively integrates vegetable farming and marketing practices in order to reduce the vulnerability of indigenous populations of Babati district located in the Manyara region of Tanzania. In Tanzania smallholder vegetable famers receive asymmetrical and inc...

Conversion And Hedonic Price Analysis Of Agricultural Land Due To Urbanization In Njoro Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Over the years, Njoro Sub-County in Kenya has become increasingly urbanized, transforming from a transcendently rustic, horticultural territory, to dominatingly urban non-agrarian locale; driven mainly by growth of population. Agriculture being the main source of livelihood for the rural and semi-urban residents is being acutely jeopardized by rapid urbanization. Despite extensive studies on agricultural land conversion, there exists a knowledge gap on the extent of agricultural land...

Influence Of Selected Alternative Extension Approaches On The Acquisition Of Knowledge And Skills For Improved Farm Productivity And Household Food Security In The Lake Victoria Region, Kenya

ABSTRACT The role of agricultural extension is vital to the diffusion of new technologies, but extension is currently not very effective in many African nations, with conventional extension approaches having minimal impact. In Kenya, there have been gaps on the availability of studies and documentation of the specific extension approaches and their influence on the acquisition of knowledge and skills for improved farm productivity despite the various extension efforts and resources put in pla...

Morphological Characterization And Response Of Spider Plant (Cleome Gynandra L.) To Npk Fertilizer Rates And Deflowering

ABSTRACT Spider plant (Cleome gynandra) is among traditional leafy vegetables whose consumption is increasing in Kenya. Characterization of spider plant ecotypes has not been exclusively done even though a collection exists at the national museums of Kenya. Production of spider plant as a vegetable is constrained by low leaf yields resulting from lack of improved planting materials and a short vegetative phase of the plant. The objective of this study was to morphologically characterize 36 sp...

Evaluation Of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Genotypes For Resistance To Leaf Rust (Puccinia Triticina Eriks) In Kenya

ABSTRACT Leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the major foliar diseases contributing to yield losses in wheat worldwide. Objectives of this study were: (i) to determine genotypic variation among Kenyan wheat genotypes against leaf rust at adult plant stage (ii) to determine genotypic variation among Kenyan wheat genotypes against leaf rust at seedling stage (iii) to determine leaf rust virulence in Kenya using leaf rust differential sets. Three experiments...

Comparative Assessment Of Prevalence, Risk Factors And Economic Losses Of Lameness In Smallholder Zero- And Pasture-Grazed Dairy Cows In Kenya

ABSTRACT Lameness is a cause of worry to dairy producers for being indicative of welfare problem with resultant economic losses from reduced milk yield, veterinary cost or premature culling. Risks for lameness are both animal and herd level factors, but the magnitude varies with housing conditions of the cows. This study compared farmer estimated and observed prevalence, types of lameness, risk factors and economic losses from lameness of cows in farms practicing zero- and pasture grazing. T...

Socio-Economic Analysis of Benefits of Ibadan Urban Forest Reserves

ABSTRACT This study examined the percentage distribution of benefits obtained from Ibadan urban forest reserves across policy relevant socio-economic classes of the populace in order to draw research and policy implications. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to analyse data obtained from a multi-stage random survey of 397 residents of Ibadan metropolis. The results show that benefits obtained from the urban forest reserves do not depend significantly on gender (x2=2.57; p>...

Scale Efficiency And Determinants of Productivity of New Rice for Africa (Nerica) Farmers in Kaduna State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Rice productivity is low in Nigeria, and NERICA was introduced by West Africa Rice Development Agency (WARDA) to solve this problem. This study focused on NERICA productivity and efficiency in Kaduna State. A three-stage sampling technique was used with Kaduna State being purposively selected. Igabi and Soba Local Government Areas (LGAs) were randomly selected. Five villages were randomly selected from each LGA, with a total of 129 NERICA farmers selected and used for the analysis. ...

Assessment of sources and geographical focus of forestry-related news in two Nigerian Newspapers

ABSTRACT The importance of forests, forest management and related information to human sustainable development cannot be overemphasized. This paper reports the analyses of forestry-related news source and their geographical focus in Guardian and Tribune Newspapers in Nigeria between June, 2009 and May, 2014. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the two National dailies because both have column for environment issues, they are available and their continuous existence for the period...

Effects Of Oil Exploitation On The Efficiency Of Artisanal Fishing Households In The Niger Delta Region, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study presents the empirical analysis of the effects of oil exploitation on the efficiency of artisanal fishing households in the Niger Delta region, Nigeria. The selection of respondents was multi-staged and involved purposive sampling as well as random sampling methods. A structured questionnaire and interview schedule were used to elicit information from a randomly selected sample of 160 artisanal households from Delta and Bayelsa States, Nigeria. Descriptive statistics, sto...

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