
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Genetic Variation Of Iron Toxicity Tolerance In Lowland Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Varieties

ABSTRACT Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is accepted globally as a major food crop. It is a staple food crop in many countries in Africa. There has been an increasing demand of rice in Africa. Africa consumes 11.6 million tonnes of rice per annum and out of 39 rice producing countries, 21 import 50 to 99 percent of their rice requirements. The inability to reach the yield potential that would sustain Africa’s need for rice is due to many biotic and abiotic constraints that rice production faces. In...

Valuing Water Resource For Baga Watershed Management Using Water Poverty Index (WPI), Lushoto, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study to assess and evaluate factors contributing to scarcity of water and compute water poverty index (WPI) for identifying priority areas for interventions in Baga watershed was undertaken in Lushoto district, Tanzania. Specific objectives of this study were to identify and assess factors contributing to scarcity of water, compute WPI for villages and identification of priority areas for interventions in Baga watershed. Data were collected from households through questionnaire...

Determination Of Profitable Crop Production Options For Bashay Irrigation Schemes In Mbulu District, Tanzania.

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Bashay irrigation schemes of Mbulu District. The main objective was to determine the profitable crop production options for Bashay irrigation scheme. A cross sectional single-visit survey involving 100 farmers from Mangisa and Diyomat villages was conducted representing up and down stream respectively. Descriptive Statistics, Gross Margin, Multiple Regression and Linear Programming model were used as analytical tools. The findings revealed that majority (6...

Comparative Economic Analysis Of Conservation And Conventional Agricultural Practices In Southern Uluguru Mountains, Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The improved technologies and other practices in agricultural production are often recognized as critical in addressing food insecurity and poverty. Conservation agriculture has emerged as an alternative to conventional agriculture as a result of losses in soil productivity due to soil degradation. This study was conducted in order to determine the economic performance of conservation as compared to conventional agricultural practices in Southern Uluguru Mountains in Morogoro region...

Consumption Of Pulses Among Urban And Rural Consumers In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Pulses are the major source of income to farmers and nutrients to people and animals. Pulses also offer natural maintenance benefits in the soil. In spite of economic and nutritional importance its consumption is low and has been decreasing over time. This study investigated not only factors underlying pulses consumption but also its consumption pattern. Data used in the analysis were collected by the National Bureau of Statistics in 2010/11 which covered 21 regions in Tanzania main...

Watershed Management Extension And Advisory Services In Adama District, East Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

ABSTRACT The agricultural extension and advisory system in Ethiopia is at a crossroads towards pluralistic agricultural extension and advisory services. The natural resource management is the top agenda in the agricultural extension and advisory services of the country. Although various watershed management activities have been implanting in order to overcome the impact of floods, all efforts did not bring the desired results in terms of reducing floods. One possible reason could be the acti...

Non-Composted And Spent Mushroom Substrates For Production Of Agaricus Bisporus

ABSTRACT Commercial production of Agaricus bisporus is dependent upon a substrate prepared by composting. Traditional composting is associated with a number of environmental problems such as the emission of offensive odors and waste water run-off during handling. In addition, after the production of a crop of mushrooms, there is the problem of disposal of spent mushroom substrate (SMS). Thus, preparation of a suitable substrate for mushroom production without the generation of offensive odor...

Effectiveness Of Climate Change Mitigation Interventions On Crop Productivity In Morogoro District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Climate change mitigation interventions have been placed in many parts of the world including Tanzania aiming to mitigate extreme impacts of climate change. This study was conducted to determine effectiveness of climate change mitigation interventions on crop productivity in Morogoro District. Specifically, the study aimed at (i) identifying climate change mitigation interventions undertaken in the study area, (ii) assessing level of communities’ awareness on climate change mitiga...

Factors Influencing Choice Of Milk Outlets Among Smallholder Dairy Farmers In Iringa Municipality And Tanga

ABSTRACT The global markets are increasingly being integrated due to globalization and liberalisation. Drastic changes prompted by technological change are daily transpiring in the agricultural produce marketing which put smallholder farmers’market survival at stake. The notable changes are manifested in terms of value addition and product differentiation. This study was undertaken to identify factors that determine milk value chain choice amongst smallholder dairy in Iringa and Tanga urba...

Assessment Of Effects Of Effective Microorganisms On Broiler Chicken Performance And Malodour Reduction In Poultry House

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to assess the effects of Effective Microorganisms (EM) as feed additive in broiler chicken production on growth performance, health and foul smell control in poultry house. The experiment involved two hundred and ten, day old hybro broiler chicks which were randomly allocated to 14 pens each with 15 birds in seven treatments with two replicates. The main treatment (EM) was provided to experimental birds in two levels: 10mlEM2/l and 20mlEM2/l either in drinkin...

Socio-Economic Importance Of Local Chicken Production In Peri-Urban Areas Of Kinondoni District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Local Chicken (LC) keeping is an important activity in improving socio-economics of the peri-urban communities in Tanzania. Despite the LC has socio-economic importance, its information is in adequately available. This study assessed the socio- economic importance of LCs production in peri-urban areas of Kinondoni District. The study specifically determined the contribution of local chicken production to peri-urban household’s income, examined the process of LC management from day...

Factors Contributing To Women Involvement In The Marching Trade In Moshi Municipality

ABSTRACT A heavy burden of lack of employment, poor social services, and bureaucratic hassles drives many producers into the informal sector. This situation is a consequence of either the ignorance or the negligence, of the state authorities. Moshi municipality is among the towns in Tanzania where “marching trade” is practiced. This is an exceptional case where through observation women are highly involved in marching trade. This study was designed to determine factors contributed to wom...

Effect Of Sprouting On Chemical Composition And Performances Of Improved Chickens Fed With Hydroponic Sorghum Fodder (HSF)

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Raising chickens is rapidly gaining popularity in the developing world. However, high feed costs associated with intensive poultry rearing as well as increased competition between humans and animals/chicken on feed demand have necessitated the need for exploring new options in chicken feeding. Furthermore, chickens have a limited foraging range a factor that translates in a very narrow array of feeds they can access. Sorghum is one such feedstuff which is widely grown in Ta...

Effects Of HIV/AIDs On Rural Women’s Production Activities In Mvomero District

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study is to determine how HIV/AIDS affects rural women`s production activities. The data were collected from two Divisions of Mvomero District in Morogoro. The specific objectives were, to identify and characterize the rural women`s production activities, to compare the time spent in household production activities before and after HIV infection, to determine the household production and income levels before and after HIV infection and to asses household e...

Analysis Of Profit Efficiency Of Kilombero Paddy-Rice Farmers Using Warehouse Receipt System

ABSTRACT A Warehouse Receipt System (WRS) is important in a paddy value chain because the commodity requires storage before it reaches consumers. Furthermore, a WRS may enhance speed of transactions and lower costs along the supply chain. However, little is known about the overall profit efficiency of paddy-rice farmers using warehouses. This study investigates the profit of the farmers in Kilombero District by examining the role of WRS on profit. In this study, a stochastic profit frontier ...

2491 - 2505 Of 4596 Results