
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Adaptive Capacity To Climate Change And Food Security Among Artisanal Fisher Folk In Rorya District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This research was carried out in the inshore of Lake Victoria, Rorya District in particular, to examine determinants of gendered adaptive capacity to climate change and its role in enhancing food security among artisanal fisher folk. The specific objectives were: to examine fishers perception on climate change by gender; to determine the adaptive capacity of artisanal fishers by gender; and to determine factors affecting the adaptive capacity to climate change by gender. A total of 9...

Genotype X Environment Interaction On Performance Of Selected Cashew (Anacardium Occidentale L.) Hybrids In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) is an important export crop in a number of tropical countries and is the main cash crop and the leading source of income for over 300,000 households in Southern and Eastern Tanzania. Farmers still, however use unimproved varieties, which account for low yields. Thirty cashew genotypes were evaluated to assess genetic variability for higher yield and its components at two locations (Nachingwea and Chambezi) in the Southern and Eastern zones of Tanzan...

Effects Of Weed Density And Species Diversity On Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Yield In Zambia

ABSTRACT Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is one of the important crops in the world for food and income security. Cassava production is challenged by weeds as they reduce yield to 100%. Effective weed management in cassava production depend determination of weed species diversity and determination of Critical Period for Weed Removal (CPWR). A study was conducted in Zambia, to document weed species diversity in cassava growing areas of Chongwe and Kaoma districts in Zambia, determine the cr...

Improving Upland Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Perfomance Through Enhanced Soil Fertility And Water Conservation Methods At Ukiriguru Mwanza, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Institute (ARI)–Ukiriguru Mwanza, Tanzania from November 2011 to May 2012, aiming at improving upland rice performance through enhanced soil fertility and water conservation methods. A split–split plot experiment in randomized complete block design with three replications and three factors that were (a) upland rice cultivars (WAB 450, NERICA1 and NERICA4) (b) fertilizer types, (urea 80kg N/ha, farm yard manure 5 t/ha and contr...

Consumers Demand For Traditionally Processed Cashewnuts: A Case Of Morogoro And Coast Region -Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Morogoro and Coast Regions. The study used a crosssectional research design where data was collected from a sample of 80 consumers and 30 sellers using structured questionnaire. Also survey methods including personal observations and key informants was used to obtained necessary information. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and linear regression analysis was adopted by using S...

Response Of Rice Yield To Rat Damage In Irrigated Rice (Oryza Sativum L.) In Mvomero District, Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Rodents often damage crops throughout the growing season, from germination to harvest, thus making it difficult to understand its cumulative effects for crops such as rice that are able to partially compensate. This study examines response of rice yield to rat damage in farmer’s fields and simulated rat damage in irrigated and rain-fed rice (Oryza sativum L.) in Morogoro, one of Tanzania’s granary areas. The study was conducted at Hembeti village in Mvomero district from Septembe...

Members’ Participation And Financial Performance Of Wheat Producers’ Cooperative Societies In Southern Ethiopia

ABSTRACT Currently, cooperative enterprises in Ethiopia are growing in terms of numbers and membership. However, despite growing policy attention and researchers‟ interest on cooperatives, the issue of members‟ participation, in relation to performance of cooperatives has not been adequately addressed. The overall objective of this study was to determine the influence members‟ participation in their cooperative financial performance of cooperatives. The study used a cross-sectional rese...


ABSTRACT Field experiments were conducted simultaneously from April to July 2012 at agro-ecologies; Bambi (Latitude 06o09’S, Longitude 039o16’E; and Altitude 20m above sea level) Central District and Kizimbani (Latitude 05o54’S, Longitude 039o16’E; and Altitude 20 m above sea level) Western Unguja district. The aim was to investigate the effectiveness of selected cultural practices (weeding and hilling-up once, twice and thrice), vine portions (apical, middle and basal) and variety (M...


ABSTRACT A field experiment was conducted during 2014/15 growing season at Tumbi, Tabora to study response of sweet potato to organic and inorganic fertilizers. The experiment was split plot laid in a Randomized Complete Block Design with four fertilizer types and different rates; 0, 50, 100, 150 (DAP), 100, 200, 300 kg ha-1 (Minjingu Mazao), 150, 250, 350 kg ha-1 (NPK) and 2.5,5.0,7.5 ton ha-1 (FYM) as main plots and three varieties (Kasinia, Simama and Ukerewe) as subplot in three replicati...

Contribution Of Women’s Income Generating Activities To Household Income In Kigoma Urban District, Kigoma Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study presents the findings on the contribution of women’s income generating activities (IGAs) to the household income in Kigoma Urban District. The overall objective of the study was to assess the extent to which women’s IGAs contributed to household income. The specific objectives were: to identify types of IGAs undertaken by women in the study area, determine contribution of women’s IGAs to the household income, and lastly to determine factors affecting performance of w...

Carbon Stocks In The Mangrove Ecosystem Of Rufiji River Delta, Rufiji District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT One of the most important ecosystem services provided by mangrove ecosystems is to act as a carbon sink. Despite this role, most carbon storage studies in Tanzania have concentrated on terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, carbon and volume prediction models were developed for the mangrove ecosystem in Rufiji River Delta, Tanzania. The models developed were used to estimate carbon. Soil organic carbon as an important carbon reservoir was also assessed at different depths. Biomass an...

Occurences And Antimicrobial Sensitivity Of Bacteria In Rufiji Tilapia And Its Hybrids With Nile Tilapia Fingerlings At Different Salinity Levels

ABSTRACT Diseases at hatchery stage are among challenges that hinder optimal mariculture development in Tanzania. Information on the occurrences of bacterial infections in mariculture hatchery in the country is limited. Thus, this study was conducted to determine the occurrence and antibacterial sensitivity of bacteria species in Rufiji tilapia and hybrids fingerlings of Nile tilapia female crossbreed with Rufiji tilapia male farmed at different salinity at Institute of Marine Science (IMS) -...

Evaluation Of Maize And Rice Response To Application Of Urban Green Biowaste Compost At Dakawa In Morogoro Region

ABSTRACT Maize and rice are the primary staple cereal food crops in Tanzania, ranking first and second, respectively. The two crops are also used as cash crops in some parts of the country. Despite their importance as food and cash crops, their yields per unit area are generally very low. Recently yield of maize has been noted to be 1.4 t ha-1 while the potential yield is 5 t ha-1 and rice yield averages between 0.5-2 t ha-1 for upland ecologies and 4.5-6.0 t ha-1 for irrigated ecologies comp...

Provision Of Livestock Extension Services In Peri-Urban Areas: A Case Of Kitunda Ward, Ilala Municipality, Dar-Es-Salaam Region

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to investigate factors influencing the provision of extension services to livestock keepers in Kitunda Ward; a peri-urban area in Ilala Municipality, Dar-es-salaam Region. Specifically, the study attempted to; assess private as well as the public livestock extension agents (LEAs) in the provision of Livestock Extension Service (LES) in Kitunda, examine the type of services and information, professional and technical advice provided by LEAs to the livestock ke...

Protected Area Concept Effect On Species Composition And Abundance A Case Of Lake Mutirikwi, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT A study to investigate the concept of protected areas in the conservation of targeted fish species was carried out on Lake Mutirikwi, Zimbabwe. The research was aimed at establishing differences in fish species composition, abundance and catch per unit effort (CPUE) on different sites of the lake and to enhance conservation and management of targeted fish species through better understanding on the concept of protected area.The study was done using a Completely Randomised Design (CRD...

2806 - 2820 Of 4596 Results