
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Growth Performance Of Clarias Gariepinus Juveniles Fed Processed Almond (Terminalia Catappa Linnaeus) Kernel Meal

ABSTRACT Increasing cost of feedstuff due to competition between livestock and human necessitates research into Low-Cost Unconventional Feedstuffs (LCUF) for profitable fish farming. Almond kernel has been reported to be nutrient-rich feedstuff for livestock; however information on the potential of almond (Terminalia catappa) as a LCUF has not been well documented in aquaculture. Therefore, the use of almond kernel meal as a replacement for soybean meal in the diet of Clarias gariepinus was i...

Income Polarisation And Poverty Among Rural Households In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Poverty in Nigeria has been on the increase with consequence for Income Polarisation (IP). The IP which is the sum effect of alienation and identification between two groups at polar ends of the income distribution could worsen poverty. Studies on income distribution and poverty have mostly focused on income inequality to the total neglect of IP. Therefore, the extent and pattern of IP and its relationship with poverty among rural households in Nigeria were investigated. Data coverin...

Flooding and Welfare of Fishers' Households in Lagos State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examined the effect of flooding on the fishing households' welfare in Lagos State. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire to elicit information from 412 fishers selected through a multistage random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, budgetary technique and inferential statistics. Results revealed that rainfall was the dominant climatic factor that had adverse effect on the fishing communities as 81.1% of the respondent...

Population distribution and threats to sustainable management of selected non-timber forest products in tropical lowland rainforests of south western Nigeria

Abstract: Uncontrolled harvesting of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) poses a serious risk of extermination to several of these species in Nigeria. Yet, there is a paucity of information on the distribution, population status and sustainable management of NTFPs in most of the tropical lowland rainforests. We, therefore, assessed the population, distribution and threats to sustainable management of NTFPs within the tropical lowland rainforests of Omo and Shasha Forest Reserves, south western...

Why the search for global newsflow balance should begin at home

Abstract: In the clamour for a new world information and communication order (NV/ICO), extensive scholarly attention has been given to international disparities and their effects. But national and domestic issues have only been mentioned, when at ail, in passing. This article attempts to investigate the possibility of there being a domestic dimension to the world imbalance. The daily news bulletins of four Nigerian broadcast stations were monitored for three months and analysed. The result sh...

Assessment Of Primary Cocoa Beans Processing Methods In Owan West Local Government Area Of Edo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study assessed the primary cocoa beans processing methods in Owan West Local Government Area (OWLGA) of Edo State, Nigeria, Systematic random sampling was used in selecting 125 fanners in three main cocoa producing communities 'of OWLGA. Data were collected with structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation. Age range for majority (56%) of the respondents was 55-68 and 69-82 years. Many (59.2%) cultivated small farms « 2ha) and 48% h...

Indigenous Information as Tool for Consolidating and Promoting Natural Resources Conservation in Igbo-Speaking Communities of Southeast Nigeria

Abstract Prior to modernization, indigenous peoples had strong mechanisms for communicating, regulating and managing natural resources endowments for their survival and development. Modern knowledge and information management systems have not sufficiently improved conservation and natural resource development especially among rural folks. This study was conducted in Igbospeaking rural communities of Obowo LGA of Imo State in SE Nigeria to elicit information on conventional and indigenous info...

Effects of Pigeon pea Based Diet on Growth And Attainment of Puberty in Weanling Pigs

ABSTRACT Eighteen weanling pigs aged between 9-10 weeks were used to study the effect of pigeon pea replacement of soybean meal on the performance and attainment of puberty in weanling pigs. The pigs were randomly assigned into three groups (A, B and C) of 6 pigs each and housed in three different pens. The pigs in the three groups were fed for 10 weeks with the following ingredient as the sole source of dietary protein; group A soybean meal, group B toasted pigeon pea meal and group C untoa...

Vulnerability And Poverty Transitions Among Rural Households In South West Nigeria

ABSTRACT Successive governments in Nigeria have implemented poverty alleviation programmes and strategies without commensurate reduction in poverty. The near failure of these programmes and strategies has been associated with improper diagnosis of poverty as a static rather than dynamic concept. Poverty dynamics enables a better appreciation of the extent of poverty over time by distinguishing between households exiting and entering into poverty, those never poor and the persistently poor. Th...

Snakes Diversity And Distribution In Kainji Lake National Park (Klnp)

ABSTRACT Snake is an important agent in ecosystem balance but people’s fear makes it difficult to conserve. Thus, its diversity is declining rapidly due to anthropogenic factors. Information on snake species in Kainji Lake National Park (KLNP) is scarce despite their socio-economic value as source of antivenin, food, leather products and pets. Therefore, snake diversity and distribution in KLNP Nigeria were investigated. Ten transect strips of 2 km each were laid in five ranges (Oli, Ibbi, ...

Women and Power Transformation in Rural Households in Saki West Local Government Area of Oyo state

Abstract Rural women contribute significantly to the national economy by their activities in terms of agricultural production, marketing, processing and domestic work. It is ironical that their contribution either have no or minimal part in the decision making power regarding agricultural development and household activities. The study presents the past and current trends in household power sharing in Saki West Local Government Area ofOyo state, Nigeria. Data were collected using structured q...

Awareness and Participation of Farmers in Extension Activities of Agricultural Media Resources and Extension Centre in Ogun State

Abstract This study assessed the extension activities of Agricultural Media Resources and Extension Centre (AMREC) of University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Ogun State. Five villages that were in active collaboration with the centre were targeted. Ten percent (10%) of registered farmers were selected from each village given the sample size of 170 respondents. Data based on respondents awareness and participation in the extension activities of AMREC were collected through structured questionnaire...

Relationship between Mechanical Properties of Vitex doniana, a Lesser Known Species and Implications for Utilization

Abstract: Relationship between the mechanical properties of Vitex doniana, a lesser known wood species was investigated towards determining its potentials for utilization. Four trees obtained from the free area of Olokemeji Forest Reserve, Ogun State, Nigeria were sampled at butt (50cm above the ground) and at 10%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 90% of merchantable height (MH) The samples were also partitioned into corewood, middlewood and outerwood. Impact Bending (IMB), Modulus of Rupture (MOR), Modulus...

Utilization And Growth Response Of C. Gariepinusfingerlings To Varying Inclusion Levels Of Livestock Vitamin Grower's Premix

Abstract A 70 day experiment was conducted to determine the correctlevel of inclusion of livestock vitamin premix in the diet of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings and to monitor the utilization efficiency and growth performance of the test fish. One hundred and eighty fingerlings of C. gariepinus were randomly distributed to six treatments, each weighing 0.76 ± 0.05g. Thirty fingerlings per treatment were used. Each treatment had varying levels of livestock vitamin premix except the control tha...

Characterization And Identification of Contemporary Diagnostic (B) Horizons of Soils in Ideato North Local Government Area of Imo State, South Eastern Nigeria NIGERIA

Abstract 14 There is a dearth of scientific information on the soils of Ideato North Local Government Area of Imo State in Southeastern Nigeria. This study was carried out to characterize and classify these soils with special emphasis on the identification of diagnostic B- horizons present in them. Free survey method was employed to locate the representative profiles. Ten profile pits were dug, properly studied macromorphologically, georeferenced using handheld Global Positioning System (GPS...

3031 - 3045 Of 4596 Results