
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

An Evaluation Of Selected Pilot Fish Hatchery Operations In Ghana

ABSTRACT The failure of past attempts to develop aquaculture in Ghana has been of concern to many people. Relevant constraints identified included fmgerling shortages, low economic returns from the industry, inadequate tested extension messages among others. In recent years. The Water Research Institute and the Directorate of Fisheries have made some efforts to solve the immediate problems of inadequate seed supply and stunted growth of tilapia in ponds due to excessive reproduction. Pilot ha...

Aspergillus Niger Mediated Phosphocompost And Maize Production In A Greenhouse

ABSTRACT Generally, soils in coastal savanna in Ghana are low in phosphorus (P) which affects crop growth and yield. Most phosphate rock deposits in West Africa are not reactive and therefore their direct applications do not promote readily P availability to crops. Co-composting organic waste and phosphate rock and using phosphorus solubilizing micro-organisms (PSMs) are some of the options currently attracting the attention of scientists. A study was conducted to (1) evaluate the effectivene...

A Serological Survey Of Toxoplasmosis In Pigs In Ghana

SUMMARY Detection of Toxoplasma gondii infection by the direct demonstration of parasites is difficult due to the intracellular development of the organism, whilst the tissue culture technique is cumbersome and slow. Several workers have, therefore, relied on the demonstration of specific anti-f. gondii antibodies in serum and body fluids of both human and animal populations to obtain epidemiological data on toxoplasmosis. The applicability of this approach is based on the ability to differen...

Analysis Of Causes And Management Of Agricultural Loan Default By Rural Banks In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Agriculture is important in developing countries because of the role it plays in attaining food security and rural economic stability. Financing the agriculture sector however, has been a challenge because of the sector‟s exposure to exogenous risk factors, limited collateral of clients and the seasonal nature of agricultural production. As a result of these risks that result in loan default, financial institutions in Ghana allocate a rather small share of their loan portfolios to ...

Occupational Health Hazards Associated With Gari Production And The Possible Environmental Effects Of The Resultant Effluent

ABSTRACT Cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) is primarily grown for its starch containing tuberous roots, which are a major source of dietary energy in the tropics. It is highly perishable and begins to degenerate shortly after harvest. Cassava in the fresh form contains cyanide, which is extremely toxic to humans and animals. These factors make the processing of cassava into a dry form a necessity. Processing is essential for the removal of cyanides from cassava roots. This post-harvest nece...

Morphological And Genetic Characterisation Of Some Lima Bean (Phaseolus Lunatus L.) Cultivars And Their Nodulating Rhizobia

Abstract Three major investigations were carried out to assess the morphological traits and nodulation potential of thirteen lima bean cultivars as well as the genetic diversity of rhizobia nodulating these lima bean cultivars. Thirteen lima bean cultivars obtained from the CSIR-PGGRI and various market centres in Ghana were used. The experiment was conducted in pots filled with natural topsoil and arranged in a randomised complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates at the Biotechnolog...

Cassava (Manihot Esculanta Crantz): A Source Of Energy In Diets For Broiler Chickens

ABSTRACT Three experiments were conducted to evaluate cassava, a tropical root crop, as a source of energy in diets containing all vegetable protein or 5% fish meal which is a source of readily available essential amino acids required by growing chicks. The biological metabolizable energy (ME) was determined replacing part of the basal diet with the test materials (cassava meal Grades I and II combined and Grade III. Grades I and II have little of the rind and outer cover whereas Grade III co...

Diversity And Symbiotic Characteristics Of Cowpea Brad Yrhizobium Strains In Ghanaian Soils

ABSTRACT This study reports investigation of the biodiversity of bradyrhizobia isolates that nodulate cowpea in Ghanaian soils. As a prelude, some components of nitrogen fixation of cowpea in the various soils were examined through: (1) assessment of the natural nodulation of 45 cowpea cultivars in 20 soils sampled from 5 ecozones (coastal savanna, tain forest, semi deciduous forest, forest savanna transition and guinea savanna), (2) determination of the numbers of bradyrhizobial isolates in ...

Effect of Different Marinades on Quality Characteristics of Chevron Jerky

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the effect of different marinades on the quality characteristics of chevon jerky. Chevon (Hindquarter muscle) was treated with marinades containing different levels of vinegar (0, 2.5% or 5% v/v) and papain (0, 0.004g/0.04gw/v). A 3x3 factorial design which composed of nine treatments with three replicates was used. Chevon was cut into 1.5cm x 1.5cm cubes and samples were marinated for 12h and dried in an oven for 10h at a temperature of 65o...

Sources Of Resistance To And Spread Of Cercospora Zeaemaydis From Inoculum Source In Maize

SUMMARY Two field experiment where conducted to evaluate the performance of 142 prodigenes

Information Dissemination Strategies And Its Effect On Adoption Of Urea Deep Placement Technology Under Rice Cultivation At Irrigation Schemes In Northern Region

ABSTRACT Smallholder farmers across major irrigation schemes in Northern Ghana especially in Golinga and Bontanga have successfully adopted the Urea Deep Placement (UDP) technology introduced some four years ago by the Feed the Future USAID Ghana Agriculture Technology Transfer (ATT) project. This is a great complement for the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) inventors of the technology and could help Ghana to boost her rice production if pragmatic measures are taken by the...

Socio-Demographic And Economic Factors That Influnece Open Defecation In Lawra And Nandom Districts In The Upper West Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT There have been several efforts from both governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations to ensure adoption of open defecation free innovations in order to ensure good sanitary conditions. Studies show that there are still a large number of residents who have not adopted the innovations and continue to resort to open defecation in their respective communities. This study examined the socio-demographic factors which influence open defecation (OD) in Lawra and Nandom districts of the...

The Determinants of Health And Nutrition of Children Under Five in Ghana

ABSTRACT This study examines the determinants of health and nutrition of children under five in Ghana using data on 2127 children and their households were drawn from the Ghana Living Standards Survey in 1987/88 (GLSS I). The study reveals that Ghanaian children of 0 to 59 months obtain 82.7 per cent of the recommended required daily allowance of calorie intake. Also, the children weighed 9.9 per cent higher than the recommended weight of 12.0 kg. It was further shown that the level of under...

The Economic Cost of Malaria And The Behavior of Farmers Toward Malaria Care in Amansie East And Kwaebibbrem District of Ghana

ABSTRACT  The study focused on malaria care seeking behaviour of farm households in general. Time and money costs of care, the impact of socio-economic factors affecting health care seeking behaviour and household choice of malaria care providers were investigated. The findings show that households appear to be more sensitive to time costs in choosing malaria care providers. The report presents direct costs and indirect costs of treating an episode of malaria and also traced malaria treatmen...

Value Chain Analysis of Tilapia in The Eastern And Greater Accra Regions of Ghana

ABSTRACT The value-added along the tilapia value chain is undefined in Ghana, and as such, the benefits associated with the various costs along the chain was not fully realized. The study sought to investigate four issues: the profile of the actors and their existing linkages; assess the value-added at each stage of the value chain; determine the profitability and their determinants among the various actors in the value chain and identify and analyze the constraints facing the actors in the ...

3136 - 3150 Of 4596 Results