
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Potential Of Rice (Oryza Spp.) Straw As Fodder For West African Dwarf Sheep

ABSTRACT Conventional feedstuffs have not met the increasing demand of livestock industry. Rice plant, a food-feed cereal, can provide grains for humans and fodder for livestock. The potential of Rice Straw (RS) as fodder for sheep in Nigeria has not been adequately documented. Therefore, the potential of RS as fodder for West African Dwarf (WAD) sheep was investigated in this study. Using Lattice design, 49 rice varieties of five cultivars: Interspecific Upland (IU), Interspecific Lowland (I...

Snakes Diversity And Distribution In Kainji Lake National Park (Klnp), Nigeria

ABSTRACT Snake is an important agent in ecosystem balance but people’s fear makes it difficult to conserve. Thus, its diversity is declining rapidly due to anthropogenic factors. Information on snake species in Kainji Lake National Park (KLNP) is scarce despite their socio-economic value as source of antivenin, food, leather products and pets. Therefore, snake diversity and distribution in KLNP Nigeria were investigated. Ten transect strips of 2 km each were laid in five ranges (Oli, Ibbi, ...

Characterization And Evaluation Of Selected Soils Of Southern Nigeria For Rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis, Muell. Arg.) Cultivation

ABSTRACT Successful land management for tree crop production requires good knowledge of the soil variation and suitability for specific tree crops. Most of the traditional rubber growing areas in Nigeria have not been evaluated for their suitability and production potential. Characterisation and evaluation of the land for rubber production was therefore conducted. Soils of two rubber producing areas: Iyanomo, Edo State and Akwete, Abia State were characterised and evaluated using local, Unite...

SSA Research 231 PAGES (50262 WORDS) Agronomy Thesis
Genetic Variability For Stem Borer Resistance In Two Adapted Early-Maturing Maize (Zea Mays L.) Populations

ABSTRACT Stem borers are among the major biotic stresses limiting the grain yield of maize, an important cereal crop in Africa. Breeding for multiple resistance to maize stem borers has been reported to be a promising method of control. Understanding the genetic variability of crop populations will help in improving them for pest resistance. Thus, genetic variability for dual resistance to two stem borer species were determined in a white (DMR ESR-W) and a yellow (DMR ESR-Y) maize populations...

SSA Research 130 PAGES (38647 WORDS) Agronomy Thesis
Bitumen Seepage And Its Effects On Biodiversity In Ondo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Biodiversity enhances capacity of ecosystems to provide food resources and sequestration services of pollutants in soil and water. Bitumen seepage could impact negatively on soil and vegetation, thereby reducing their value. Information on the impact of bitumen seepage on the abundance of biodiversity in Nigeria is scanty. In this study, effects of bitumen seepage on biodiversity were therefore investigated. The study was conducted in bitumen belt of Ondo state for three years, with ...

Livelihood Diversification Among Rural Households In Southwestern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Diversification is a necessity in rural areas, where farming alone rarely provides sufficient means of survival. Conceptualisation of livelihood diversification as plurality of activities from past studies is too narrow. Rather, livelihood diversification should be conceived in terms of the interplay of ability, assets and activities. Therefore, livelihood diversification among rural households in southwestern Nigeria was investigated. Multistage random sampling technique was used to...

Appraisal Of Private Sector Investments In Ecotourism Industry In Ogun State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT 1 Ecotourism is a capital intensive industry that requires private sector participation to complement 2 government’s efforts in its development. Information on private investments contributions to Ogun state 3 ecotourism industries is scanty. This study was therefore carried out to appraise private sector 4 investments in ecotourism in Ogun state with the view to ascertaining economic viability of investing in 5 the industry. 7 The twenty-eight registered private ecotourism firms (...

Evaluation Of Mehlich - 3 As A Multipurpose Extractant Of Phosphorus And Potassium Using Bell Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) In Some Nigerian Soils

ABSTRACT Use of single soil specific extractants to determine plant available phosphorus and exchangeable potassium for crops such as bell pepper, are costly, laborious and time wasting. Bell pepper, rich in antioxidants, requires phosphorus and potassium for high quality fruit yield. Mehlich-3 (M3), a multi-purpose extractant could extract phosphorus and potassium simultaneously. However, M3 has not been evaluated and adapted for Nigerian soils. Therefore, M3 as a multi-purpose extractant of...

SSA Research 164 PAGES (33294 WORDS) Agronomy Thesis
Growth Performance Of West African Dwarf Sheep Fed Diets Supplemented With Fossil Shell Flour

ABSTRACT Inorganic feed additives are commonly used in small ruminant production to promote growth. However, the problem of bioaccumulation of chemical residues in animals fed inorganic feed additives has necessitated the search for organic alternatives such as Fossil Shell Flour (FSF). There is dearth of information on the use of fossil shell flour as a feed additive in the diet of small ruminants. Hence, growth performance of West African Dwarf (WAD) sheep fed diets supplemented with FSF we...

Effects Of Postharvest Handling Methods And Storage Conditions On Storability Of Pepper (Capsicum Frutescens L.) Fruits In Southwest Nigeria

ABSTRACT Pepper a perishable seasonal fruit, requires storage to extend its shelf-life. Appropriate postharvest handling and storage prolong longevity and preserve quality of Pepper Fruit (PF). However, there is dearth of information on its handling and storage in Southwest Nigeria. Therefore, the effects of postharvest handling methods and storage conditions on storability of PF were investigated. Two hundred Pepper Fruit Marketers (PFM) were randomly selected from pepper markets in Ibadan, ...

SSA Research 144 PAGES (32806 WORDS) Agronomy Thesis
Effects Of Selenium And Α-Tocopherol On Quality And Fertilising Ability Of Spermatozoa In Extended Cock Semen

ABSTRACT Spermatozoon apoptosis in extended semen is a challenge to artificial insemination in poultry production. Chicken spermatozoa undergo damages in vitro due to lipid peroxidation among other factors. Extender supplementation with exogenous antioxidants could mitigate lipid peroxidation and improve semen quality. However, inclusion of antioxidants such as selenium and α-tocopherol in semen extender to improve quality of sperm cells has not been adequately documented. Therefore, effects...

Effects Of Integrated Use Of Vetiver Grass Strips And Mulch On Soil Erosion And Maize Grain Yield In Ikenne, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Soil erosion is a major threat to sustainable agriculture in the humid tropics. Management practices adopted to control soil erosion and improve soil quality include mulching and the use of Vetiver Grass Strips (VGS). Integrating VGS with mulch could be more effective in controlling soil erosion than VGS or mulching alone. However, information on the effectiveness of combined utilisation of VGS and Vetiver Mulch (VM) in controlling soil erosion and improving crop yield is scanty. The...

SSA Research 215 PAGES (62823 WORDS) Agronomy Thesis
Effects Of Development Partnership In Higher Education Project On Welfare Status Of Rural Women Processors In Oyo And Osun States, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Women are responsible for the bulk of agricultural processing activities in rural areas. Dearth of effective processing facilities has limited their productivity, thus predisposing them to low welfare status. Development Partnership in Higher Education (DELPHE) intervention sought to enhance women processors‟ capacity, however, its effect on their welfare status is yet to be ascertained. Therefore, the effects of DELPHE project on welfare status of rural women processors in Oyo and...

Content Analysis Of Newspaper Coverage And Farmers’ Readership Of Agricultural News In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Inadequate access to agricultural information contributes largely to low productivity among farmers in Nigeria. The print media has been especially implicated on its low coverage and provision of agricultural information, thus limiting readership among farmers. To validate this observation, the extent of coverage of agricultural news in print media and farmer’s readership were therefore assessed. Content analyses of Nigerian Tribune, New Nigerian, This Day, The Punch and The Comet ...

Utilisation Of Moringa Oleifera Lam. Seed As Protein Source In The Diets Of Broiler Chickens

ABSTRACT Conventional vegetable protein ingredients in poultry feed are costly and relatively scarce. Moringa oleifera Seed Meal (MSM) is an oil seed rich in protein, which can be exploited as an alternative vegetable protein source. However, the potential of MSM as a protein source for broiler production has not been adequately documented. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the utilisation of MSM as a protein source in the diets of broiler chickens. Moringa seeds were harvest...

3316 - 3330 Of 4596 Results