
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Replacement of Soyabean meal with Leucaena leucocephala (lam.) leaf meal on Growth Performance and Nutrient Digestibility of Weaned Rabbits

ABSTRACT Leucaena leucocephala was soaked for 48 hours and sun dried for l2hours it was then incorporated into feed for growing rabbits, the nutrient digestibility of Leucaena leucocephala (LLM) at 0 (control), 50 and 100% replacement of soybean was evaluated and the growth rate of weaned rabbits at different level of inclusion was compared. A total of 15 growing rabbits of different sexes and breeds with initial body weight range of 679±90.55 were randomly distributed into three experimenta...


ABSTRACT The phenotypic characteristics of local chickens were studied in three local govermnent areas of ekiti state, Nigeria (lkole, Ekiti East and Oye local government). One hundred and eighty (180) captive adult birds (normal feathering female and male, frizzled local chicken were scored and measured for phenotypic characteristics (variation in plumage and shank colour, and eye colour, shank length, body length, body weight, bealc length, comb height, comb type, clutch size, chest length,...

Effects of Graded Levels of Palm-Kernel Cake on Performance of Grower Rabbits

Abstract: A total of forty (40) growing rabbits with an average initial weight of 921.5g were randomly allotted to five dietary treatments containing 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40% palm kernel cake as replacement for soyabean cake respectively. All diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous (20% CP). The final live weights of the rabbits were higher in the control diet compared to those on palm kernel cake diets. With the exception of the rabbits placed on 40% level of palm kernel cake daily feed inta...

Semen Quality Characteristics and Effect of Mating Ratio on Reproductive Performance of Hubbard Broiler Breeders

Abstract A study was conducted at the National Animal Production Research Institute (NAPRI) Shika, Zaria, Nigeria to access some semen quality characteristics and to determine the effect of mating ratio on fertility and hatchability of Hubbard broiler breeders. 20 cocks were examined for semen quality characteristics. Parameters evaluated were: ejaculate volume, semen pH, sperm concentration and sperm motility. Sequel to semen quality evaluation, hens were divided into three groups according ...

Nutrient digestibility of pregnant WAD ewe fed Mexican sunflower leaf meal (MSLM) based diets

ABSTRACT Fifteen days prior to parturition, studies was conducted using sixteen West African dwarf (WAD) ewes weighing between 22.80 and 26.03kg on a basal diet of Panicum maximum were allotted into 4 treatment groups A, B, C and D of 4 replicates each. The MSL replaced Wheat bran (WB) gravimetrically at 0, 15, 30 and 45%. Treatment A served as control, while animals in treatments B, C and D received Mexican sunflower leaf (MSL) at 15, 30 and 45% respectively. The experiment lasted for one we...

Effect of land clearing and tillage methods on reduced weed incidence and growth and yield of maize-cassava intercrop

ABSTRACT Agricultural activities have been identified as the most common causes of land transformation. Such transformation results in changes in ecological features, such as weed flora succession. It is in view of this that a work is carried out to evaluate the effect of land clearing and tillage methods on weed incidence under maize - cassava intercropping system. The experiment was carried out at the International Board for Soil Research and Management experimental site, Epemakinde Nigeria...

Variability and predictability of productive and body traits of Fulani ecotype chicken

Improvement of the domestic chicken has dominated the effort of indigenous breeders in Nigeria in recent times. Three hundred and fifty-seven (357) Fulani ecotype chickens were surveyed and assessed for their phenotypic and productive characteristics in Osun State, Nigeria. Mature weight (kg), comb size, wattle size, breast length, breast width, leg length (all in cm); egg weight (gm), clutch size were examined and classified. A higher level of variability was revealed in comb size, wattle si...

Application of genotype sensitivity to selection between two exotic strains of chickens in humid tropical environment

ABSTRACT Genotype sensitivity as a change in the relative performance of a genotype in the presence of two or more environments could be an important factor in the breeding of exotic birds in the tropics. Farm records covering 10 years (1999 - 2008) were employed to study the effect of seasons on genotype sensitivity and their usability for selection in the breeding of exotic Parent stock chickens of Bovan and ISA origins in South-West Nigeria. Cock weight, hen weight, Hen-day production, egg...

Effect of Seasons on the Reproductive Performance of Bovan Nera and Isa Brown Parent-stock Chickens in a Hot Humid Environment

Abstract: Seasons play an important role in the performance of breeder chickens, but lack of adequate records on its specific effects in specific seasons could influence the efforts of breeders to improve on local ecotypes of chicken for standardization into breeds. This is why Nigeria still depends mainly on imported breeds of chicken for commercial production of chicken. In this study, the influence of Early Wet (EW), Late Wet (LW) and Early Dry (ED) and Late Dry (LD) seasons on reproductiv...


Summary Chicken breeding is a technical enterprise that involves specific and timely strategies to manipulate latent Factors. It is also intensive and involves high managerial competence for high profitability. Data on Hen day production, egg weight, Age in production (Prodage), Season, Strain (genotype) and Batch on weekly basis were obtained from Layer chicken from a popular chicken farm in Ibadan. These data covered the production cycle of 2 Strains – Bovan Nera and Isa Brown – of chic...

Utilization of Genotype x Season Interaction in the Production of Layer Chickens in the Hot-humid Tropical Environment

Abstract Genotype x Environment interaction described as change in the relative performance of a genotype in two or more environments is a factor in the breeding of chickens in the tropics. Cock weight, hen weight, Hen-house production, egg weight, fertility of eggs set, hatchability of eggs set and pullet day-old chicks hatched was studied to apply the presence of this interaction for improving chicken production in South-west Nigeria. Interaction was investigated by the Factorial ANOVA meth...

Canonical discriminant analysis of early maturity traits of parent stock layer strains in the tropics

SUMMARY Stepwise discriminant analysis was conducted to classify pullet strains into Early maturing or Late maturing. Reproductive, Age and body traits examined were Age at first egg (AFE), Hen weight at first egg (HWFE), Hen weight at 20 weeks (H20wks), Egg weight at full maturity (EWT), Hen house production at full maturity (HHP), Fertility of egg set at full maturity (FES), Hatchability of egg set at full maturity (HES) and Pullet day-old chicks hatched at full maturity (PDC). Test of equa...


ABSTRACT O. M. A. JESUYON Animal Breeding and genetics Unit, Department of Animal Production and Health Federal University Oye-Ekiti, P. M. B. 373, Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria E. mail:  The objective of the study was to elucidate some of the factors that affect growth and development of breeder cockerels on deep-litter system in the environment. Sexual maturity characteristics in cockerel are important breeding and management indices. T en records namely ...

Seasonal sensitivity of genotypes in the humid tropics and its application to chicken breeding

Abstract. The study was aimed at elucidating the effect of seasons, namely the early wet (EW), late wet (LW), early dry (ED) and late dry (LD) seasons, on genotype sensitivity, its magnitude and application for selection and management of chickens of Bovan Nera (BN) and ISA Brown (IB) origins. Breeding and hatching records from 1999 to 2008 were collected from CHI (Ajanla) Farms and hatchery records, Ibadan, Nigeria. Cock weight (CW), hen weight (HW), hen-house egg production (HHP), egg weigh...

Diallel analysis for bodyweight involving three genotypes of Nigerian indigenous chickens

Abstract To evaluate heterosis, reciprocal effect, general and specific combining abilities for bodyweight, a diallel crossing experiment was conducted using three genotypes of Nigerian indigenous chickens: normal (N), frizzle (F) and naked-neck (Na). A total of 601 chicks was hatched from all possible matings between the three genotypes. The chicks used in this study were hatched from a foundation stock of 90 chickens comprising 25 hens and 5 cocks for each of the three genotypes. A mating r...

4066 - 4080 Of 4596 Results