
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Reducing gender gaps in the awareness and uptake of drought-tolerant maize in Uganda: The role of education, extension services and social networks

Abstract: Cultivation of drought-tolerant (DT) maize seed reduces drought risk in sub-Saharan Africa. Data from eastern Uganda reveal gender gaps in awareness and adoption of DT maize. Among surveyed male household heads, 67.6 percent had awareness of DT maize varieties and 29.2 percent grew them. Corresponding figures for female household heads were 43.3 percent (awareness) and 5.3 percent (adoption) and those for wives in spousal couple households were 51.0 percent and 11.1 percent. Propen...

Performance of Metarhizium anisopliae-treated foam in combination with Phytoseiulus longipes Evans against Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard (Acari: Tetranychidae)

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Tetranychus evansi (Te) is an exotic pest of solanaceous crops in Africa. The predatory mite Phytoseiulus longipes (Pl) and the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (Ma) are potential biocontrol agents of Te. The present study investigated the efficacy of fungus-treated foam placed above or below the third Te-infested tomato leaf. The persistence of fungus-treated foam and the performance of Pl with and without fungus-treated foam were evaluated. RESULTS: The fungus-treated fo...

In vitro and in vivo evaluation of microbial agents for management of rice blast disease in Tanzania

Abstract: Evaluation of two microbial agents, Trichoderma asperellum and Bacillus subtilis and fungicide Linkimil 72 WP against rice blast disease, Pyricularia oryzae were done in a laboratory and pot experiment. Dual inoculation of T. asperellum, B. subtilis and Linkimil 72 WP caused significant inhibition of radial growth of P. oryzae. Both T. asperellum and B. subtilis showed over 75% inhibition of radial growth (PIRG) compared to Linkimil 72 WP with PIRG range of 21-23 % and control with...

Maize–legume intercropping and push–pull for management of fall armyworm, stemborers, and striga in Uganda

Abstract: Maize (Zea mays L.) production in Africa is constrained by several biotic and abiotic factors. The recent occurrence of fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) a new invasive pest in Africa, has escalated the problem. Push–pull technology (PPT), proven to be effective for stemborers (Chilo partellus Swinhoe and Busseola fusca Fuller) and the parasitic weed striga (Striga hermontica Delile) management in Africa has been shown to provide good control of FAW. This stud...

Smallholder Farmers’ Knowledge, Perception and Management of Rice Blast Disease in Upland Rice Production in Tanzania

Abstract: The objective of this paper was to investigate farmers’ knowledge and management of rice blast disease in Tanzania. Farmers’ household survey was conducted in five districts namely Mvomero, Morogoro rural, Ulanga, Korogwe and Muheza in April and May 2017. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews using semi-structured questionnaire and observations made through transect walks across selected villages. Farmers observed symptoms of rice blast disease for the first time ...

Do Farmers and the Environment Benefit from Adopting Integrated Pest Management Practices? Evidence from Kenya

Abstract: We estimate the impacts of a bundle of integrated pest management (IPM) practices on mango yield, mango net income, insecticide use, human health and the environment, using recent household survey data of mango growers in Kenya. We employ a multinomial endogenous switching treatment regression model with an ordered probit selection rule to establish counterfactual outcomes. Our results indicate that IPM-adopting farmers have higher mango yields and mango net income,and also use low...

A climate-adapted push-pull system effectively controls fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J E Smith), in maize in East Africa

Abstract: Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J E Smith), an economically important pest native to tropical and subtropical America has recently invaded Africa, causing substantial damage to maize and other crops. We evaluated functionality of a companion cropping system, ‘climate-adapted push-pull’, developed for control of cereal stemborers in drier agro-ecologies, as an added tool for the management of fall armyworm. The technology comprises intercropping maize with drought-tolerant...

Women's empowerment in agriculture and agricultural productivity: Evidence from rural maize farmer households in western Kenya.

Abstract: This paper documents a positive relationship between maize productivity in western Kenya and women’s empowerment in agriculture, measured using indicators derived from the abbreviated version of the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index. Applying a cross-sectional instrumental-variable regression method to a data set of 707 maize farm households from western Kenya, we find that women’s empowerment in agriculture significantly increases maize productivity. Although all indi...

Plant Parasitic Nematodes and Food Security In Sub-Saharan Africa

Abstract: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is a region beset with challenges, not least its ability to feed itself. Low agricultural productivity, exploding populations, and escalating urbanization have led to declining per capita food availability. In order to reverse this trend, crop production systems must intensify, which brings with it an elevated threat from pests and diseases, including plant-parasitic nematodes. A holistic systems approach to pest management recognizes disciplinary integrati...

Testing the capability of spectral resolution of the new multispectral sensors on detecting the severity of grey leaf spot disease in maize crop

Abstract: In this study, we tested whether GLS field symptoms on maize can be detected using hyperspectral data re-sampled to WorldView-2, Quickbird, RapidEye and Sentinel-2 resolutions. To achieve this objective, Random Forest algorithm was used to classify the 2013 re-sampled spectra to represent the three identified disease severity categories. Results showed that Sentinel-2, with 13 spectral bands, achieved the highest overall accuracy and kappa value of 84% and 0.76, respectively, while...

Effect of sealing method and lighting candle in metal silos on survival of the larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus, in stored maize

Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of sealing methods, grain volume and lighting candle in metal silo for the control of Prostephanus truncatus in stored maize. Metal silos with 100 kilograms holding capacity were loaded with 90 kilograms of grain, in-let and out-let were covered with lids and sealed either with rubber band, grease, rubber band combined with grease and lid without sealing (control). The control suffered highest grain damage of 6.6% and weight loss of...

Local and regional drivers of the African coffee white stem borer (Monochamus leuconotus) in Uganda. Agricultural and Forest Entomology

Abstract: The African coffee white stem borer (CWSB) Monochamus leuconotusis a destructive pest of Arabica coffee in Africa. Documentation on outbreaks, spatiotemporal development and the relationship with different environmental conditions and coffee production system is limited. To underpin effective control measures, we studied aspects of local and regional pest drivers in Eastern Uganda. At the local scale, we (i) characterized the temporal development of CWSB and explored associations w...

Farmers’ perceptions of rice production constraints and stem borers management practices in Tanzania.

Abstract: Rice farmers in Tanzania continue to experience losses due to stem borers. However, the information on farmers’ knowledge and perceptions of rice stem borers is limited and farmers’ efforts on managing this insect have been ineffective. The aim of this study was to investigate constraints affecting rice production and farmers’ approaches of stem borer management in irrigated low land rice ecosystems in Tanzania. Research method: A focus group discussion with farmers using a s...

Diapause disruption in Cirina butyrospermi Vuillet (Lepidoptera, Attacidae), the shea caterpillar, in Burkina Faso

Abstract: The shea caterpillar Cirina butyrospermi is an important insect, highly valued as a human food item in Burkina Faso.However, its appearance is seasonal due to its univoltine cycle. This study therefore investigated the possibilities of breaking the nymphal diapause by changing the environmental factors and through the hormonal treatment of prepupae and pupae using bovine insulin and 20-hydroxyecdysone. Changes in humidity and temperature did not result in emergence, suggesting a ma...

Measuring farm and market level economic impacts of improved maize production technologies in Ethiopia: Evidence from panel data

Abstract: While it is often recognised that agricultural technology adoption decisions areintertwined and best characterised by multivariate models, typical approaches toexamining adoption and impacts of agricultural technology have focused on singletechnology adoption choice and ignored interdependence among technologies. Weexamine farm- and market-level impacts of multiple technology adoption choicesusing comprehensive household survey data collected in 2010/11 and 2012/13 inEthiopia. Econ...

1081 - 1095 Of 4596 Results