
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Evaluation of Various Mulberry Morus spp. (Moraceae) Cultivars for the Rearing of the Bivoltine Hybrid Race Shaanshi BV-333 of the silkworm Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae)

Abstract: The performance of the Bombyx mori Linnaeus bivoltine hybrid, Shaanshi BV-333, was evaluated on six mulberry cultivars of Morus spp. based on economic characters in rearing and mulberry leaf quality. The growth rate and morphological characteristics for all the cultivars were studied using several parameters. Specific characters such as disease resistance, survival percentage, cocoon weight, cocoon shell weight and single cocoon filament length were recorded during the rearing of s...

Carbon Storage and Emissions offset Potential in an African Dry Forest, the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Kenya

Abstract: Concerns about rapid tropical deforestation, and its contribution to rising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, increase the importance of monitoring terrestrial carbon storage in changing landscapes. Emerging markets for carbon emission offsets may offer developing nations needed incentives for reforestation, rehabilitation, and avoided deforestation. However, relatively little empirical data exists regarding carbon storage in African tropical forests, particularly for...

Shoot Epicatechin and Epigallocatechin Contents Respond to Water Stress in Tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze]

Abstract: An experiment was conducted to determine the association of tea catechins to water stress in tea, with the objective of determining their suitability as indicators for predicting drought tolerance in tea (Camellia sinensis). The study consisted of six tea clones (BBK 35, TRFK 6/8, TRFK 76/1, TRFK 395/2, TRFK 31/30, and TRFK 311/287) and four levels of soil water content (38, 30, 22, and 14% v/v), which were arranged in a complete randomized design and replicated 3 times. The treatm...

Integrated management of Striga hermonthica and cereal stemborers in finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.) through intercropping with Desmodium intortum

Abstract: We evaluated the potential role of greenleaf desmodium, Desmodium intortum (Mill.) Urb., in the combined management of Striga hermonthica and cereal stemborers in finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.) in western Kenya between 2007 and 2008. Treatments comprised finger millet planted either as monocrop stands or intercropped with D. intortum. S. hermonthica counts were significantly lower in the intercrop than in the monocrop plots. Similarly, multi-season analyses showed t...

Can black soldier fly Desmodium intortum larvae-based diets enhance the performance of Cobb500 broiler chickens and smallholder farmers' profit in Kenya?

Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the performance of broiler chickens fed on 3 black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) (Hermetia illucens) and Greenleaf desmodium (Desmodium intortum)-based meals. We evaluated growth performance, carcass quality, and profitability under various commercial pathways (doorstep, retail, whole, and assorted). Desmodium and BSFL powders were formulated into 3 ratios: T1 25:75, T2 50:50, and T3 75:25. A commercial feed was used as a control. One hundred and twenty mix...

Farmers’ Perceptions of Commercial Insect-Based Feed for Sustainable Livestock Production in Kenya

Abstract: The utilization of insect-based feeds (IBF) as an alternative protein source is increasingly gaining momentum worldwide owing to recent concerns over the impact of food systems on the environment. However, its large-scale adoption will depend on farmers’ acceptance of its key qualities. This study evaluates farmer’s perceptions of commercial IBF products and assesses the factors that would influence its adoption. It employs principal component analysis (PCA) to develop percepti...

Intensity of adoption of integrated pest management practices in Rwanda: A fractional logit approach

Abstract: The push-pull technology (PPT) is considered as an alternative integrated pest management strategy for the control of fall armyworm and stemborer, among smallholder maize farmers in sub-Sahara African to conventional pesticides. However, the extent of PPT use in Rwanda where the technology was introduced in 2017 remains largely unexplored. This paper employed a fractional logit model to assess the factors influencing the intensity of adoption of PPT among smallholder maize farmers ...

Plant growth and defense traits in Sorghum bicolor’s response to Chilo partellus in the tropics

Abstract: In order to meet the increasing demands from an exploding human population, sustainable agriculture relies on the availability of crop varieties with high yields and optimal defenses to pests. However, ample work has suggested that domesticated plants could have reduced defenses at the expense of increased biomass or yield, and these potential trade-offs can vary among plant species and genotypes. Herbivory coping mechanisms such as tolerance and resistance can be expressed differe...

Host Plant-Based Artificial Diets Enhance Development, Survival and Fecundity of the Edible Long-Horned Grasshopper Ruspolia differens (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)

Abstract: Wild swarms of the long-horned grasshoppers Ruspolia differens (Serville) which are widely harvested for consumption and sale in Africa are seasonal and unsustainable, hence the need for innovative ways of artificially producing the insects. We investigated the development, survival, and reproduction of R. differens in the laboratory on diets mixed with host plants [Digitaria gayana Kunth, Cynodon dactylon (L.) and Megathyrsus maximus Jacq(Poales: Poaceae); Ageratum conyzoides L. (...

Correction to: The Dynamics and Role of Gender in High-Value Avocado Farming in Kenya

Abstract: The article “The Dynamics and Role of Gender in High-Value Avocado Farming in Kenya”, written by Beatrice Muriithi, Jane Kabubo-Mariara, was originally pub- lished electronically on the publisher’s internet portal on 12 November 2021 without open access. With the author(s)’ decision to opt for Open Choice the copyright of the article changed on 21 of December to © The Author(s) 2021 and the article is forthwith distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Internati...

African Endemic Stingless Bees as an Efficient alternative Pollinator to Honey bees in Greenhouse Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L)

Abstract: The current honey bee decline necessitates the use of alternative native pollinators to ensure global food security. Here, we compared the pollination behaviour and efficiency of the African honey bee (Apis mellifera) and six African endemic Meliponini (Meliponula bocandei, Dactylurina schmidti, Meliponula lendliana, Hypotrigona gribodoi, Meliponula ferruginea and Meliponula togoensis) in a greenhouse with the non-parthenocarpic cucumber variety Super Marketer. Honey bees and D. sc...

Effective pollination of greenhouse Galia musk melon (Cucumis melo L. var. reticulatus ser.) by afrotropical stingless bee species

Abstract: An increasing demand for pollination services highlights the need for research on alternative pollinators for greenhouse and open field food crops. We compared the foraging behaviour and effectiveness of seven endemic African Meliponinae (Meliponula bocandei, Dactylurina schmidti, Plebeina hildebrandti, Meliponula lendliana, Hypotrigona gribodoi, Meliponula ferruginea, Meliponula togoensis) as alternative pollinators to honey bees of greenhouse cultivated Cantaloupe melons. It was ...

Feeding Behaviour of Three African Fruit Flies: Ceratitis Cosyra, C. Fasciventris and C. Capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Abstract: In sub-Saharan Africa, three fruit dlies: Ceratitis cosyra (Walker, C. fasciventris (Bezzi) and C. capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) are important pests of commercial fruits. C. cosyra and C. fasciventris affect.....(continue from the attached PDF)

Future distribution and life history traits of three major insect pests of Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in East Africa: risk assessment in light of global warming

Abstract: Arabica coffee Coffea arabica L. is an important cash crop supporting millions of households in East Africa. However, the crop faces challenges of infestation by some insect pests that lead to substantial economic loss and lower quality of beans. The Antestia bugs, Antestiopsis spp. (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) and the African coffee white stem borer, Monochamus leuconotus (Pascoe) (Coleopte...

Endophytic activity of Beauveria bassiana in tomato and its efficacy against red spider mites (Tetranychus evansi

Abstract: The tomato red spider mite, Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard, is an important pest of tomatoes in Kenya. Acaricides commonly used in excessive amounts by farmers have led to cases of resistance as well as widespread residues in the food chain and the larger environment. There is need to seek alternative control measures such as the use of endophytes. In this study, laboratory and greenhouse experiments were carried out to screen for Beauveria bassiana isolates that could esta...

1246 - 1260 Of 4596 Results