
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Analysis Of Output Price Risk Of Cassava In The Volta Region Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT Output price risk has been a perennial challenge to cassava farmers due to their inability to foresee and quantify the level of risk associated with the price of their produce. It was against this background that the study analysed output price risk of cassava in the Volta region of Ghana. Primary data were collected from 500 sampled cassava farmers using structured interview schedule and analysed using descriptive statistics whilst secondary data were analysed using procedures suc...

Trial Production And Testing Of Cement-Bonded Particleboard From Rattan Furniture Waste

ABSTRACT An investigation was conducted on the use of rattan (cane) furniture waste as furnish material for the manuracture of cement-bonded particleboard (CBP). Laboratory scale CBPs were fabricated from hot water pretreated chopped strands of mixed rattan waste obtained from rattan furniture workers in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Three-layered boards of 6-mm thickness were made comprising coarse core and tine surfaces at two density levels of 1,050 kg/mi and 1,200 kg/m3, three CaCl, concent...

Determinants Of Public Willingness To Fund Urban Tree Planting In Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria

Abstract Tills study examined the public willingness 10 finance urban tree planting 111 Lagos metropolis. Nigeria and the associated factors capable of influencing the willingness. Descriptive statistics and Tobit model ~t 5% level of significance were used to analyse data obtained from multi-stage randomly sampled 873 Lagos metropolitan residents. The results revealed that 84% of the respondents were willing 10 contribute funds 10 Urban Tree Planting (UTP) in Lagos metropolis with 1>-I1000 b...

Livelihood Diversification Among Rural Households In Southwestern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Diversification is a necessity in rural areas, where farming alone rarely provides sufficient means of survival. Conceptualisation of livelihood diversification as plurality of activities from past studies is too narrow. Rather, livelihood diversification should be conceived in terms of the interplay of ability, assets and activities. Therefore, livelihood diversification among rural households in southwestern Nigeria was investigated. Multistage random sampling technique was used to...

Influence Of Ageing On Selected Engineering Properties Of Cassava [Manihot Esculenta (Crantz)] Roots

ABSTRACT Postharvest processing of cassava roots is faced with problem of ineffective machines in Nigeria. Physiological changes associated with the common practice of leaving matured roots unharvested until when needed may affect their engineering properties which determine design parameters. Information on the engineering properties of cassava as affected by age, needed for appropriate machine design is scarce. This study was conducted to investigate the influence of ageing on some engineer...

Resistance of Engine Oil Treated Wood to Termite Attack.

Abstract ' Wood samples of Ceiba pentandra, Antiaris toxicaria and Triplochiton scleroxylon were treated with new and spent engine oils using three treatments methods; brushing, soaking for 24 hours and soaking for 48 hours. The treated wood samples and control were exposed to Termite attack for 16 weeks using graveyard method. Visual assessment and percentage weight loss were employed to evaluate the effects of the preservative engine oil. Data collected were subjected to analysis of varianc...

Perceived Effect Of The Integrated Coastal Fisheries Governance Programme On Food Security Status Of Fishing Households In Shama District In The Western Region Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT This study sought to find out the effect of the Integrated Coastal Fisheries Governance programme on the food security status of households in shama districts. A multistage sampling technique was used to select 140 fishermen in shama district and structured interviews schedules were used to collect data from the respondents. The data collected from the respondents were analysed using descriptive statistics, and binary logistic regression analysis. A description of the Integrated Co...

Effects Of Radio Peace-Council For Scientific And Industrial Research Programme Of Agricultural Information Dissemination On Farmers In Central Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The study examined the effects of Radio Peace-Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Programme of Agricultural Information Dissemination on Farmers in Central Region of Ghana meant to address the low adoption of appropriate technologies and ineffective institutional frameworks to provide information on proven agricultural technologies. Descriptive correlation survey design and multistage sampling technique were used to select 396 farmers within broadcasting range of Radio P...

Effects of Households' Assets Endowment on Participation in Urban Farming in Ibadan Metropolis

ABSTRACT The study examines the relationship between household initial asset endowment and participation in urban farming in Ibadan metropolis. A stratified random sampling method was used to stratify the city into two strata. It was followed by the random selection of two Local Government Areas from each of the two strata. One hundred and ninety-eight urban producers of high - value horticultural crops were selected from the two LGAs based on probability proportionate to size. Data on socio...

Content Analysis Of Forestry Information Reported In The Environmental Columns Of Two Nigerian Newspapers

ABSTRACT Despite availability and functioning of several newspapers in Nigeria, little or no change was observed in people’s attitude towards forestry related issues with attendant decline in the country’s forest resources. This paper reports the content analyses of forestry information reported by two prominent and national newspapers in Nigeria with the view to determining the frequency, space allotted, prominence and content categories of forestry related information in the newspapers ...

Socioeconomic, Institutional And Technical Issues Inurban Forestry

Introduction Urban Forestry and Green Economy Nexus Green economy has been defined by UNEP (2010) as an economy that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. In its simplest expression, a green economy is low-carbon, resource efficient, and socially inclusive. According to UNEP (2011), green cities are defined as cities that are environmentally friendly. Indicators measuring environmental friendliness o...

Competencies Of Agricultural Extension Agents In The Use Of Internet For Extension Delivery In The Eastern Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT Internet has been introduced by Ministry of Food and Agriculture to improve extension delivery in Ghana. However the extent to which extension agents have acquired the knowledge and skills to use it was not known in Eastern Region. The study assessed competencies of agricultural extension agents to use Internet in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The study used descriptive survey design, stratified proportional sampling technique and validated questionnaire to collect data from 217 AEA...

Perceived Impact Of Training Implemented By Akuapem Community Development Programme (Acdep) On Community Management Of Rural Water And Sanitation Facilities

ABSTRACT Provision and management of water and sanitation facilities is a major challenge in developing countries and governments in these countries are unable to deliver, manage and maintain basic infrastructure for their growing populations This study explored participants’ perceived impact of water and sanitation committee training implemented by Akuapem Community Development Programme (ACDEP) on community management of rural water and sanitation facilities. The study aimed at assessin...

Agricultural Trade Balance and Food Self-Sufficiency: Implications for Sustainable Development in Nigeria

Abstract: Nigeria used to boast of high surplus in agricultural trade and food self-sufficiency, especially in the 1960s. Today, Nigeria has lost the leading position it once occupied as it is now a major importer of food and agricultural commodities. Nigeria now spends billions of naira on importation of food and agricultural products. This situation is paradoxical as Nigeria is well-endowed with the requisite natural and human resources needed to be food self-sufficient. Besides, most gover...

Impact Of Agricultural Production On Rural Welfare In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Increase in agricultural production is essential for agricultural development since it enhances profitability and income which leads to welfare improvements. In Nigeria agricultural production and rural welfare have worsened over the years. Adequate information on the link between agricultural production and rural welfare in Nigeria is expected to better inform policy makers on implementation. Agricultural production and its impact on rural welfare in Nigeria were, therefore, investi...

3586 - 3600 Of 4596 Results