
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Rabbit Production In Nigeria: Some Aspects Of Current Status And Promotional Strategies

ABSTRACT : Some aspects of the current status and promotional strategies of rabbit production in Nigeria were appraised in this study. This was because such data are lacking and rabbit production offers a great potential towards attainment of food security in terms of animal protein intake. Data were obtained principally from field survey, questionnaires administration, personal observations and experiences of authors, structured personal interviews of identified rabbit farmers, personal inte...

Microsatellite markers in Aquaculture: Application in Fish population genetics

Abstract: Microsatellites or Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) represent an abundant source of genetic markers which are highly abundant and dispersed evenly throughout eukaryotic genomes. They have become the markers of choice for a wide range of applications in population genetic, conservation and evolutionary biology. Microsatellites represent ideal molecular markers because they have multiple alleles which are highly polymorphic among individuals. Polymorphism is achieved by having variable ...

Livelihood Diversification Of Fisherfolks In Communities Around Oyan And Ikere Gorge Dams, South Western Nigeria

ABSTRACT Fishing as the main source of livelihood by artisanal fisherfolks is declining due to climatic changes and over exploitation. Fishing income can no longer meet fisherfolks‟s needs. Alternative sources of livelihood in addition to fishing are now being explored by fisherfolks. However, information on livelihood diversification in Oyan and Ikere Gorge has not been adequately documented. Therefore, livelihood diversification of fisherfolks around Oyan and Ikere Gorge reservoirs in Ogu...

Socio-Economic Determinants Of NTFPs In Ogun And Osun States, Nigeria

ABSTRACT There is a dearth of research effort on the individual and household characteristics that affect the consumption of on-Timber Forest Products (TFPs) in parts of Southwest igeria. Yet, understanding the factors driving demand for TFPs is crucial for managing supplies sustainably. Therefore, this study examined the socio-economic determinants of consumer demand for TFPs in Ogun and Osun States, Southwest igeria. A survey involving 320 respondents randomly selected from eight communitie...

Prevalence, Utilization and Conservation Strategies for Non-Timber Forest Products in South western Zone of Nigeria

Abstract The study was carried out to investigate the prevalence and utilization of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) plant species in Omo and Shasha Forest Reserves, Southwestern Nigeria. Data were obtained through the use of structured questionnaires administered to households in forest communities. To complement information from the household survey, focus group discussions (FGDs) were also carried out in each of the sampled communities. In-depth interview (IDI) of forestry staff was furt...

Local depletion of two larger Duikers in the Oban Hills Region, Nigeria

Abstract Across West and Central Africa, duikers are important for trade and consumption; their populations are expected to become depleted. Reliable data on their status are scanty in Nigeria. We assessed duiker populations in the Oban Sector of Cross River National Park through diurnal and nocturnal surveys along 32 transects of 2 km each. After 508-km survey effort, only Ogilby’s duiker (Cephalophus ogilbyi) and blue duiker (Philantomba monticola) were recorded. Using habitat as a covari...

Silvicultural and Conservative Techniques for Khaya grandifoliola C. DC. in Southern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Khaya grandifoliola, an important economic hardwood species, has been severely depleted by overexploitation. This necessitates its ex-situ conservation and requires in-depth knowledge of nursery handlings, seed storage, in-vitro and ex-vitro propagation on which information is sparse. Therefore, silvicultural requirements for conservation and sustainable use of K. grandifoliola in some parts of southern Nigeria were investigated in this study. Seeds of K. grandifoliola were purposiv...

Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging and Storage Temperature on the Quality of Green Chilli Pepper Fruits

ABSTRACT The influence o f modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and storage temperature on the postharvest quality characteristics and biochemical properties o f green chilli peppers (Capsicum sps. cvs Legon 18 and KA2) was investigated. Packaging films; Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) 35fim non-perforated and perforated, Polypropylene(PP) 80^m nonperforated and perforated (twenty perforations were made on each perforated bag using a pin of diameter 0.14 mm) and LDPE micro-perforated 31.75p.m...

Prevalence and Antibiotic Resistance of Salmonella SP., Shigella SP. and Escherichia Coli in Fresh Retail Chicken in the Accra Metropolis

ABSTRACT Prevalence and antibiotic resistance (ABR) profiles of selected food borne pathogens in retailed fresh chicken, sold in the Accra Metropolis, were investigated. Fifty (50) fresh whole chicken carcasses, purchased from commercial cold stores, open markets, meat shops and local poultry farms, in the Accra metropolis, were used. Samples for evaluation were swabs from the breast, wing and vent area of the chicken carcasses. Target pathogens, Salmonella sp., Shigella sp. and E. coli were...

Awareness and Use of Information Comniunication Technologies by Farmers in Oyo State,.Nigeria

Due to inadequate personnel, information communication technologies (JCTs) have become an attractive option for delivery of extension information. This study examined awareness and use of ICTs by farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria. A total of 192 farmers were interviewed. Results indicate that most farmers had no formal education and small farm holdings. Awareness of older JeTs like radio and television was more prevalent among farmers as compared with newer JeTs such as Jnternet and cable televis...

Sustainable Food Crop Production Through Multiple Cropping Patterns among Farmers in South Western Nigeria

INTRODUCTION In Nigeria, about 75"0 of the population arc peasant fanners living in the rural areas. which arc the main stay of agricultural production, These fanners operate on small scale with farm holdings of 1-2 hectares, which arc usually scattered over a wide area. According to Olayide et al. (1981), about 75% of Nigeria's land is under arable cultivation with land-human ratio of 58 persons per square kilometer in south western Nigeria. This shows that the average sizes 01' farmlands ar...


ABSTRACT Uncontrolled entry into World Heritage Sites (WHS) and other tourism sites may impact negatively on vegetation and wild animal populations, thereby reducing their potential for ecotourism development. Balanced site ecology and conducive socio-economic environment are germane to sustainable ecotourism development. Needed, information on these is not well documented for Osun Osogbo WHS. Therefore, some aspects of site ecology and socio-economic variables were investigated in Osun Osogb...

Framing of avian influenza coverage by Nigerian newspapers

The study examined framing pattern, direction of portrayal, space allotment and placement pattern in reporting avian influenza news in some selected Nigerian newspapers namely, The Guardian, Vanguard, Punch and Tribune were purposively selected between the periods of February 1 81 to August 31-" 2006. Result showed that majority (52.56%) of avian flu disease stories were reported in the month of February and Guardian newspaper had the highest frequency of reports (69.2%). Analysis of the fram...

Impact of World Bank Funding Withdrawal on Activities of Women in Agricultural Programme ofOyo State ADP

ABSTRACT The Agricultural Development Project (ADP) has been saddled with agricultural extension services since its inception in Oyo State in 1989. This has been through financial and technical assistance from the World Bank. However, with the withdrawal of funding assistance by the World Bank finally in 1999, the burden of'financing agricultural extension services became the responsibility of the state government. This study analyzed the trend of extension activities of the Women-in-agricult...


ABSTRACT IDepartment of Forest Resources Management, University of Ibadan, Oyo State: Nigeria 1Departmlnt of Forestry and wildlife, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria I A study was conducted to assess the stakeholders' participation in forest roads maintenance at the Ondo State Afforestation Project (OSAP) in Odigbo Local Government Area of On do State. Forest roads maintenance is a tool for sustainable forest management. Using simple random sampling method, respondents were selected...

3601 - 3615 Of 4596 Results