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Medical & Health Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Assessment Of The Post Drought Recovery Strategies Among Pastoralists In Turkana Central District

    ABSTRACT This thesis is an assessment of the post drought recovery strategies among pastoralists in Turkana Central district. The main objective of this study was to assess how the pastoralists’ community in drought prone areas of Turkana Central district recovers their livelihoods in the post drought period. The study used structured questionnaires, participant observation and key informant interviews and focused groups discussions to collect both quantitative and qualitative prim...

Level Of Utilization Of Personal Protective Equipment Among Workers In Grain And Oil Seed Milling Industries In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is any material, device, equipment or clothing used or worn by workers to protect them from exposure or contact with any harmful material or energy which may cause injury, disease or even death. The study assessed utilization of PPE among workers in grain and oil seed milling industries in Nairobi City County. Despite the benefits of using PPE, little information has been documented especially among workers in the food industries not only in Kenya ...

An Assesment Of Infant Feeding Options Among Hiv Positive Women Attending Comprehensive Care Clinic At Kiambu District Hospital Kenya.

ABSTRACT In Kenya, limited studies have been conducted to investigate infant feeding choices of HIV positive mothers attending Comprehensive Care Clinic. This study therefore determined infant feeding options of HIV positive mothers attending Comprehensive Care Clinic at Kiambu district hospital. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with a desired sample size of four hundred (400) HIV positive mothers for a period of 12 weeks. Systematic random sampling was used to select respondents for th...

Seroprevalence And Risk Factors Associated With Rubella Virus Infection In Pregnancy And New Born Infants At Kerugoya Level 5 County Hospital, Kenya

ABSTRACT Infection with Rubella virus is a public health concern because it may lead to serious consequences such as Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) during early pregnancy. Introduction of the rubella virus vaccine in developed countries has since informed the need to assess the prevalence of rubella in the African countries and determine whether it is necessary to introduce a vaccine. This study, therefore, was carried out to determine the seroprevalence of the rubella infection in expecta...

Analyses Of Class And Subclass Antibody Of Circulating Immune Complexes In Children With Severe Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria In Endemic Regions Of Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Plasmodium falciparum infection is characterized by deadly complications such as severe malaria-associated anaemia (SMA) and cerebral malaria (CM).The exact mechanisms underlying pathogenesis of these severe forms of Plasmodium falciparum malaria are not fully understood yet they are associated with a lot of morbidity and mortality. Studies have shown a link between severe P. falciparum malaria and levels of circulating immune complexes (CIC) but the exact role of these CICs in the p...

Determinants Of Sexual Violence Among Young People In Naivasha District, Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Sexual violence is a serious public health, social and human rights problem affecting millions of people each year throughout the world. It affects both sexes but women and girls are the most affected. This study sought to determine prevalence and pattern of sexual violence, determinants of sexual violence and assess the knowledge level of young people on sexual violence in Naivasha District. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study where both quantitative and qualitative methods...

Determinants Of Antenatal Care Attendance Among Women In The Reproductive Age At Guriel District, Somalia

ABSTRACT Worldwide it is estimated that 303,000 of maternal deaths occurred in 2015.It is also estimated that in Somalia the maternal mortality rate is 669 deaths per 100,000 live births. Infect one out every 12 women dies due to pregnancy-related issues and one every nine Somali children dies before one year. Antenatal care attendance at four times in Somalia is 24 %. Seventy nine percent of women deliver at home, and twenty-four percent of them delivery with skilled assistance .The major co...

Levels Of Industrial Pollutants And Their Effects On Water Resources And Livelihoods Along Msimbazi Sub Catchment- Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Water is considered fundamental to development due to its contribution to economic growth and human welfare. Yet, most human activities such as agriculture, domestic and industrial pollute water resources. Industries use water in different processes and if not well managed, they pollute water bodies. The study assessed the levels of industrial pollutants and their effects on water resources and livelihoods along Msimbazi sub catchment. Specifically, the study determined the types an...

Influence Of Community Participation On Sustainable Rural Water Access By Households: Case Of Bungoma County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Access to clean and safe water is a global concern. Besides socio-economic development, adequate access to water is a key ingredient in both health and wellbeing of humans. In Kenya, 70% of the population reside in the rural areas where only 49% of this population access safe drinking water. Bungoma Sub-County falls within the Lake Victoria North Water Services Board region with a rural water supply coverage of 44% (LVNWSB, 2012). This low coverage underscores the inadequate access ...

Occurrence Of Rectal Gonorrhoea And Chlamydia And Antibiotic Susceptibility Profile Among Men Who Have Sex With Men At The Kenyan Coast

ABSTRACT Men who have sex with men experience a high burden of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoea infections which remain largely undiagnosed in the context of syndromic and presumptive treatment. In Kenya, limited data is available to inform on occurrence and recurrence of rectal chlamydia and gonorrhoea and antibiotic sensitivity on Neisseria gonorrhoea among Men who have sex with men who report receptive anal intercourse. The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence, ...

Factors Influencing Acceptance Of Routine Hiv Testing And Counseling Among Pregnant Women In Kibera Informal Settlement, Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT Acceptance of routine HIV councelling and testing (HCT) can go along way in providing the much needed support including treatment to alleviate suffering from HIV/AIDS. However, there is low uptake of routine HCT. The purpose of this study was to determine factors influencing acceptance of routine HCT. Specific objectives included to: determining the level of acceptance of routine HTC among pregnant women in Kibera informal settlement; determine socio-demographic characteristics influ...

Feeding Practices And Nutrition Status Of Hiv-Exposed Infants 0-5 Months Of Age Attending Tenwek Hospital In Bomet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Out of an annual 15 million pregnancies globally, an estimated overall Human Immunodeficiency Virus prevalence of 0.34% is reported in antenatal women in Kenya. In 2013, there were 13,000 new HIV infections among children. Appropriate feeding practices and good nutrition status are important for the survival, growth, development, health and nutrition of HIV-exposed infants as well as the wellbeing of their mothers. The recommended infant feeding practice is exclusive breastfeeding (E...

The Influence Of Intestinal Parasites On Academic Performance Among Primary School Children In Nairobi Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of intestinal parasites on academic performance among primary school children in Nairobi Province, Kenya. Intestinal parasites belong to two main taxonomic groups: protozoa and helminths. Pathogenic protozoa are Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia and Balantidium coli while intestinal helminths comprise of nematodes hookworms (Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus), Ascaris lumbricoides, Strongyloides stercoralis, Trichu...

Sexual Violence Against Adolescent Girls In Mixed -Day Secondary Schools In Limuru Sub-County, Kiambu County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Sexual violence against adolescent girls (SVAG) is a global concern due to its adverse effects on the overall health of these girls. In Kenya, cases of sexual violence in this age group are reported to be at 33%. The study explored sexual violence among adolescent girls (15-19 years) in the nine (9) mixed day secondary schools of Limuru Sub-county, Kiambu County, Kenya. The broad objective of the study was: to assess the status of SVAG in mixed day school in Limuru Sub-county, Kiambu...

Determinants Of Physical Violence On Married Women By Spouses In Kandara Sub County, Murang’a County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the many efforts put in place globally, regionally and at national level to reduce and eliminate Physical Violence against married women, this violence is still prevalent. It is one of the major forms of oppression against women. The aim of this study was to investigate the determinants of Physical Violence on married women by their spouses within the age of 18-45 years and above in Kandara Sub County, Murang‟a County, Kenya. The study objectives were to determine the socio...

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