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Medical & Health Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Guidance Of Student Nurses By Clinical Nurse Instructors In A Training Hospital Of Oshana Region

ABSTRACT This study was exploratory and descriptive in nature in which the researcher aimed to explore and describe how student nurses are guided by clinical nurse instructors in the training hospital of Oshana region. A quantitative as well as a qualitative approach has been utilized for this study. The quantitative part of the study was to get personal and professional information from the clinical nurse instructors. The qualitative approach was used to explore the views and attitudes of th...

Time perspective and identity

Abstract Time perspective is the subjective perception a person holds about his/her past, present and future. Past, present and future are regarded as the dimensions of time perspective. All experiences/events are sorted into the dimensions and are called "contentss" of time perspective. The events/experiences of the different dimensions of time perspective are connected to each other, which provides the person with a perception of continuity over the life span. A perception of continuity ove...

Evaluation of Loop-mediated isothermal DNA Amplification as a Diagnostic Tool For Malaria in Reactive Case Detection in Namibia

Abstact Malaria, the disease, is a clinical diagnosis that is caused by Plasmodium parasites and is spread through the bites by infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. Malaria is a health concern in temperate tropical areas, but a scale up of control interventions resulted in reduction and elimination of the disease in developed countries. In 2010 Namibia adopted a strategy to eliminate malaria within its borders by the year 2020 as a result of the reduction in malaria cases. However, as malari...

Developing learning diaries for action research on healthcare management in Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda

Abstract Action research (AR) can be an effective form of ‘on the job’ training. However, it is critical that AR cycles can be appropriately recorded in order to contribute to reflection and learning. One form of recording is for coresearchers to keep a diary.We found no previous literature describing the use of diaries in AR in sub-Saharan Africa. We therefore use this paper to reflect on how diaries were used by district health management teams in the PERFORM project. We share five less...

Causes And Early Management Outcomes Of Traumatic Haemothorax, Pneumothorax And Haemopneumothorax Patients Admitted In Dodoma City And Iringa Municipality Hospitals Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT Background: Chest injuries are among the commonest injuries worldwide, of which the most associated injuries are haemothorax, pneumothorax and haemopneumothorax mostly due to RTC, the productive age male being the most victims. This agrees with my study. In my study, unemployment and low education level have been the most causes. Though some respondents died but a few patients were saved by tube thoracostomy and the use of steroid drugs. Objectives: The aim of the study was to determ...

Effects Of Hydroxyurea Utilization On Incidence Of Disease Related Complications Among Children With Sickle Cell Disease In Dodoma

ABSTRACT Background Early initiation of comprehensive sickle cell disease (SCD) care with interventions such as hydroxyurea (HU) and transfusion programs have significantly been related to reduced morbidity and mortality among children with SCD. Despite these proved benefits, utilization of hydroxyurea for control of SCD related complications among children with this condition in low-and middle-income countries remains low. Objective To determine the effect of Hydroxyurea Utilization on incid...

Population - Based Impact Of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine, On The Prevention Of Pneumonia Among Children Aged 2 – 5 Years In Zanzibar: A Case-Control Study

ABSTRACT Background: This study, was intended to assess the population based impact of PCV, on the prevention of pneumonia among children aged 2 – 5 years in Zanzibar. Methods: A matched case control study of 560 random selected children was conducted in three regions with seven districts in Zanzibar from April to end of June 2018, controls were matched to the cases based on age and sex of the children with ratio 1:3 making a sample of 140 cases and 420 controls. Purposively sampling techni...

An Overview Of Completeness Of Maternal Records: Documentation Of Maternal Nursing Care Rendered To Women During The Four Stages Of Labour In Oshakati Intermediate Hospital

ABSTRACT Nursing documentation continues to be criticised by professional, community and regulatory bodies because of incomplete, substandard charting practices. Poor documentation may have adverse consequences for care providers because data collection through auditing could create the impression that care was not provided, that is, the impression that what was not documented was not in fact done for the patient. Documentation of the actions of nurses and midwives provide evidence of the qua...

Needs Of Family Members Of Patients Admitted In Two Intensive Care Units In Windhoek

ABSTRACT The admission of a relative to an intensive care unit (ICU) is a stressful experience for family members because most admissions are urgent and unexpected. Hence, it is imperative for health care professionals to be knowledgeable about their needs to promote optimal outcomes for both the patient and family members during admission for critical illness. The purpose of this study was to describe and compare the needs of family members of patients admitted in the ICU in a private and st...

The Effect Of Career Perspective Orientation On The Attitude, Perception And Interest Among Secondary School Students Towards Nursing Profession As Career Of Choice In Northern And Central Zo

ABSTRACT Background: An estimate of 35 million nurses and midwives make up the greater part of the global healthcare workforce. Historically the nursing profession has been viewed as an occupation of low status and more feminine work; thus prevents students from choosing nursing as their career. Objective: The study intended to explore the effect of career perspective orientation on the attitude, perception and interest among secondary school students towards nursing profession as career of c...

Factors Influencing The Follow-Up Visits Of Mothers Registered With Prevention Of Mother To Child Transmission (Pmtct) Of Hiv/ Aids Programme At The Katutura State Hospital.

ABSTRACT The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) has launched a comprehensive programme for the prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) in March 2002. This programme was introduced for the prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission in Namibia using Nevirapine (an Antiretroviral drug). The programme was initiated at two pilot sites i.e. Katutura State Hospital Antenatal Clinic (KSH-ANC) and Oshakati State Hospital. This programme was aiming to reach 500 HIV positive w...

Factors Affecting Cervical Cancer Screening Among Women Of Child Bearing Age, Attending Intermediate Hospital Oshakati (Iho), Oshana Region, Namibia: A Case-Control Study

ABSTRACT Cervical cancer is the second most prevalent cancer among women after breast cancer, in Namibia. Human Papilloma Virus is the significant cause of cervical cancer prevalence worldwide with an estimation of 99.7%. The World Health Organisation (WHO) predict that Cervical cancer will kill >443,000 women worldwide every year by 2030, nearly 90% of them in Sub- Saharan Africa. Nevertheless, cervical cancer is potentially preventable through HPV vaccination, early diagnosis of pre-invasiv...

Music in Therapy and Loneliness in the Elderly

ABSTRACT In this study the aim was to determine whether elderly people are lonely. The researcher also wanted to determine whether music in therapy is a suitable mode of therapy to alleviate or lessen loneliness. This study was conceived as the author felt that this creative mode may be able to achieve what other modes of therapy cannot do, namely transcend the limitations of language or provide a vantage point for the therapeutic process. The study focused on elderly people, as the elderly m...

Determination Of Plasma Levels Of Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 In Ghanaian Individuals With Hypertension And Chronic Kidney Disease

ABSTRACT Background: Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) is a newly found hormone that promotes renal phosphate excretion. It is secreted by osteocytes. In progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD), FGF23 levels increase in parallel with the deterioration of renal function, thus serves as a novel risk marker for progression of chronic kidney disease. The physiologic stimulus for FGF23 secretion is linked to hyperphosphatemia caused by phosphate load. Elevated FGF23 levels have spurious effect...

Factors associated with the utilization of gene pert in the diagnosis of drug resistant tuberculosis in the greater Accra region.

ABSTRACT Background There has been a gap in the diagnosis of drug-resistant tuberculosis, hence a new rapid diagnostic test; the gene Xpert was introduced by the World Health Organization in 2010. The objective of this study was to identify factors that affect the utilization of the gene Xpert intervention in the Greater Accra Region. Methods This was a mixed-methods study. A qualitative approach was used to provide empirical explanations for the findings of the quantitative component which ...

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