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Medical & Health Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Prevalence and pattern of violence in pregnancy in Ibadan, South-west Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Violence against women is embedded in most cultures with pregnancy associated with higher rates. This study assessed the pattern of violence in pregnancy in two maternity centres in Ibadan, Nigeria. This was a cross-sectional study of antenatal clinic attendees, between 1 and 31 March, 2007 at the University College Hospital (UCH) and the Adeoyo Maternity (AMH). By systematic random sampling, 404 women were interviewed. Analysis was done by means, w2-test (at 5% level of significa...

A Review Of The Effect Of S-Fluorouracil On The Outcome Of Trabeculectomy In Ibadan

ABSTRACT SUMMARY Aim: In .ctrospectivclv assess the outcome of trabecu lectcmv performed using an intraoperative sponge soaked 5-fluorouracil (50 mg/ ml). Methods: Trabeculcctornv with an intraoperative sponge soaked with 5-f1uorouracil (5-fU) was performed in 21 eyes of 1-+ patients. The reduction in in traocular press ure (lOP), com plications and va ria tions in visual acuity were noted. Results: The mean preoperative lOP was 31.5 ± 10.6 mmHg. The mean postoperative lOP was 7.3 ± 5.7m...

Knowledge, Attitude And Adoption of Appropriate Infant Feeding Practices of Mothers And The Anthropometric Indices of Their Children in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT This study was designed to assess the knowledge, attitude and adoption of appropriate infant feeding practices of mothers and the anthropometric indices of their children. Three hundred and seventy three mothers who attended infant welfare clinics at the three health settings (General hospital Ekwulobia, Primary health care Ekwulobia, and Primary health care Akpo) all in Aguata L.G.A were involved in the study. The study evaluated the nutritional status of the infants in relation to...

Consumption Pattern of Antioxidant Rich Foods by Middle Aged Adults in Enugu North Local Government Area, Enugu State Nigeria

ABSTRACT  This epidemiological study was to elicit information on the consumption pattern of antioxidant-rich foods among middle-aged adults in Enugu North local government area, Enugu State, Nigeria. Four hundred adult men and women aged 40-60 years were used for the study. Multiple- staged stratified random sampling technique was used for the selection of the subjects used for the study. The respondents were randomly selected from 10 streets in the 5 urban zones making up the Enugu North l...

Postnatal Care Practices Among Mothers in Three Rural Communities of Yakurr of Cross Rivers State

ABSTRACT Reports show that most maternal deaths occur during the post natal period, yet this is when coverage and programmes of maternal and child health are at their lowest along the continuum of care in the local government, state, country and African region at large. Therefore it is important to investigate postnatal care practices carried out by mothers to reduce the trend. The aim of this is study was to assess postnatal care practices with respect to, perineal wound care, breast-feedin...

Coagulation Profile of Non-Diabetic Hypertensive Patients in Enugu Urban Enugu State

Abstract Fifty (50) Non-diabetic Hypertensive Patients in the medical out-patient (MOP) department of University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Ituku Ozalla, Enugu, Nigeria aged 40-78 years comprising 25 males and 25 females were investigated. Also fifty age and sex-matched apparently healthy subjects served as the control group. The following variables were determined using standard methods: prothrombin Time, Activated partial Thromboplastin Time, Fibrinogen Assay, platelet Count, Fas...

Evaluation of Nutritional Status And Dietary Management of In Patients Diabetics in University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital , Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study was carried out using randomized 121 in-patient diabetics in medical wards of University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) Ituku-Ozalla. The instrument for data collection was structured, validated pre-tested questionnaires, anthropometry and dietary study. Body mass index was calculated for each patient using weight and height measurements. The adequacy of nutrient intake was assessed by comparing the energy and nutrient intakes of patient with FAO/WHO requirements. The...

Evaluation of Hypoglycaemic Effect And Phytochemical Constituents of Methanol Extract of Vernonia Amygdalina Del Fam. (ASTERACEAE)

ABSTRACT Leaf of Vernonia amygdalina has been shown to have hypoglycemic activity. This may be as a result of the presence of secondary metabolites as its constituents. The major secondary metabolites present in the leaf are tannins, carbohydrates, reducing sugars, glycosides, steroids and proteins. This work was designed to identify these secondary metabolites responsible for this activity, test the lethality of the constituents and then determine the best solvent for extraction. A 1 kg cru...

Evaluation of The Antiplasmodial Activity of Methanol Leaf Extract And Fractions of Landolphai Owariesis P. Beauv (APOCYNACEAE) in Mice

ABSTRACT  Landolphia owariensis P. Beauv (Apocynaceae) is a woody liane commonly used in Africa for the treatment of gonorrhea, worm infestation and malaria. The methanol leaf extract (ME) of L. owariensis was obtained by cold maceration and then fractionated into nhexane (nHF), ethylacetate (EF) and methanol (MF) fractions. The methanol extract and fractions were tested against chloroquine-sensitive Plasmodium berghei berghei in early, established and repository models of infection using Pe...

Preformulation Studies of Cyperus Esculentus Starch Used as Disintegrant And as Binder in The Production of Paracetamol Tablets

ABSTRACT Starch is a naturally occurring polymer found in parts of the plants such as leaves, stems, tubers, and fruits. It is a commonly used excipient in pharmaceutical formulations because of its availability, affordability and inertness. Cyperus esculentus (tiger nut) is widely cultivated in the country especially in the northern part of Nigeria. Until recently, the use of tiger nut had been limited to food products and few pharmaceutical applications. This research is aimed at character...

Effectiveness of adenotonsillectomy in resolution of enuresis in children with sleep-disordered breathing: a hospital based prospective cohort study in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

ABSTRACT    Background: Adenotonsillar hypertrophy remains to be the commonest causes of sleep disordered breathing in paediatric patients and has been implicated as a cause of primary and secondary enuresis. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of adenotonsillectomy in resolution of enuresis in children with sleep-disordered breathing.   Methods: A hospital based prospective cohort study was conducted at Ekenywa Specialised Hospital in Dar es Salaam, from May 2018 to ...

Perception and affordability of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets among pregnant women and mothers of children under five years in Ogun State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Summary Despite the distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) in Nigeria, access to and use of LLINs continues to be minimal. Little is also known about the perceived fair price people are willing to pay for LLINs in Ogun State, South-West Nigeria. Data were collected using semi-structured questionnaire among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics and mothers of under-five children in randomly-selected malaria holo-endemic communities of Ijebu North and Yewa N...

Determinants of quality of life of elderly Nigerians: results from the Ibadan Study of Ageing

Abstract Background—Little is known about factors that determine the QoL of elderly persons living in developing societies undergoing rapid social changes. Method—A representative sample of elderly Nigerians, aged 65 years and over (n= 2152), was assessed for QoL using the World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument (WHOQoLBref). Other than sociodemographic factors, respondents were also evaluated for major depressive disorder, physical conditions as well as for social network, s...

Routine Antenatal Syphilis Screening In South West Nigeria- A Questionable Practice

ABSTRACT 1 Background: Untreated maternal syphilis is strongly associated with adverse birth outcomes, especially in women with high titre syphilis. The WHO recommends routine serological screening in pregnancy. Some workers have advised a reappraisal of this practice, having demonstrated low sero-prevalence in their antenatal population. In view1 of this, the aim of this study was to determine the sero- prevalence of syphilis in the antenatal population presenting at a major hospital in sout...

Perceived stress factors and coping mechanisms among mothers of children with sickle cell disease in western Nigeria

Abstract While many studies have looked at the stressful effects of chronic illness of those who suffer such conditions, less is known about the effects on caregivers, especially in developing countries. Mothers in particular must bear the brunt of care and stress for children who have sickle cell disease (SCD). A sample of 200 mothers attending six SCD clinics in both public and private hospitals in the Ibadan-Ibarapa Health Zone of Oyo State, Nigeria, were interviewed. Stress levels were me...

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