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Medical & Health Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Assessment of Routine Medical And Dental Examination Among Adults in Tema, Community 20

ABSTRACT Introduction: Life expectancy and prosperity have risen over the past 5 decades globally, and are expected to continue to rise. The relevance of routine medical and dental examination cannot be overemphasized with an increase in advocacy as individuals are encouraged to undergo these examinations regularly especially among the young adult. This is to increase the prevention of disease rather than curative measures. Methods: A cross-sectional quantitative study was conducted among ad...

Factors Influencing Contraceptive Uptake Among Reproductive Women in Tamale Metropolis

ABSTRACT Introduction Contraceptive uptake can accelerate the achievement of not only the four Millennium Developments Goals( MDGs) that are directly related to reproductive health, but can also help in the elimination of poverty and hunger as well as environmental sustainability. Despite these benefits, modern contraceptive uptake among reproductive women, in Ghana is still below the national target of 51 %. The Northern Region has one of the lowest contraceptive uptake in the country over ...

Adherence to Treatment Regimen Among Type 2 Diabetics at The Ridge Hospital, Accra

ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas is no longer able to produce insulin, or when the body cannot make good use of the insulin it produces. There are three main types of diabetes. The most common type is the Type 2 diabetes which represents 90% of cases worldwide .The other types of diabetes are Type 1 diabetes and gestational diabetes. Type 2 diabetics are faced with challenges and experiences such as financial difficulties, forgetfulness, and probl...

Knowledge And Practice Of Tuberculosis Infection Prevention And Control Measures Among Nurses And Doctors In Selected Government Hospitals In Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT Tuberculosis (TB) is a major occupational hazard in resource limited healthcare settings. Owing to this, the World Health Organization (WHO) has suggested the adoption and implementation of Tuberculosis Infection Prevention and Control (TBIPC) programs in all healthcare facilities. However, studies have reported improper implementation and practice of these TBIPC measures in healthcare facilities in developing countries. Thus, this study examined the knowledge and practice of TBIPC m...

The Association Between an Infant And Young Child Feeding Index, The Nutritional Knowledge of The Care- Giver And The Nutritional Status of Children 6-23 Months in The Upper-Manya Krobo Distr

ABSTRACT The complexity in measuring feeding practices makes it difficult to study the relation between infant feeding practices and other characteristics. This cross-sectional study carried out in Upper Manya Krobo District (UMKD) among 260 children aged 6-23 months (mo) was aimed at understanding the association between infant and young child feeding index (ICFI), the nutritional knowledge of the care-giver and the nutritional status of children in UMKD. A structured questionnaire was used...

Prevalence And Factors Associated With Hypertension Among Senior High School Students Of Saint Thomas Aquinas And Accra High Senior High School

ABSTRACT Introduction: Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Many factors contribute to the development of hypertension, which may include nutrition, obesity, lack of exercise, alcohol intake, and tobacco use. The prevalence of hypertension in adolescents far exceeds the number who have been diagnosed. Early diagnosis of hypertension in adolescents will help reduce the prevalence of hypertension and its complications in adulthood. The objective of this study was to ...

Computational Study of Dual Sensor Design For Noninvasive Diabetics Detection Device Based on Infrared And Ultrasound PIEZOELECTRIC MEMS Technologies

ABSTRACT Continuous and noninvasive method of monitoring and regulating the blood glucose level in diabetic patients is essential to avoid complications that may result from the condition. Over the last few years, efforts have been made to replace the existing invasive method of glycemic monitoring with the novel noninvasive approach by taking advantage of recent developments in biosensors and enhanced computing power of microprocessors. This work sought to explore the combined technologies ...

Dietary Intake Patterns And Adequacy of HIV-Infected Adult Seeking Clinical Care in Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT Although access to highly active antiretroviral therapy has expanded rapidly and led to effective reduction in HIV/AIDS related morbidities and mortalities, inadequate dietary intake and food insecurity are barriers to the success of the therapy. Few studies have reported on the association between dietary intake coupled with food security and HIV in Ghana. This study describes dietary practices of HIV-infected adults on ART in Ghana. The study collected data on demographic characte...

Factors Associated With Dispensing Practices For Antimalaria in The LA-NKWANTANANG MADINA Municipality

ABSTRACT Introduction: Malaria, though a preventable and treatable disease, remains a major public health problem worldwide. It is mesoendemic in Africa, with increased rate of morbidity and mortality among children under five and pregnant women. Efficient case management includes accurate diagnosis, the use of Artemisinin based combination therapy (ACT) and appropriate dispensing practices. These form the basis for optimal therapeutic outcomes. Despite the strategies adopted in Ghana to rol...

The Efficacy of Doubling Fortified Salt in Reducing Iodine Deficiency And Anemia

ABSTRACT About 1.6 billion people in more than one hundred countries including Ghana suffer the consequences of micronutrient deficiencies, namely iron, iodine and Vitamin A. A thousand million people were estimated to be at risk of iodine deficiency alone in 1990. Two hundred million have goitres, 20 million are mentally retarded; six million of these being cretins. Iron deficiency anemia is the most widespread nutritional deficiency in the world today. Two billion people are affected by ane...

Substance Use Patterns And Implications For Drug Policy: A Study at Accra Psychiatric Hospital.

ABSTRACT Psychoactive and illicit drug use constitutes significant cause of morbidity and mortality but empirical laboratory data that complement epidemiological evidence are lacking. The study sought to examine the patterns of substance use among individuals who were investigated for evidence of psychoactive and illicit drug use at the Accra Psychiatric Hospital during the review period. All medical laboratory reports of investigations conducted on substance use at the facility over the fiv...

Occupational Exposure To Needle Stick Injuries Among Health Care Workers At The Tamale Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Background: Needle stick and sharp injuries (NSSIs) or needle stick injuries (NSI) have been recognized as one of the most serious occupational health hazards among health care workers (HCWs) with a potentially high risk of transmitting blood borne pathogens. Such pathogens include hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The incidence of NSIs is highest in low income countries ostensibly due to lack of strict adherence to the use of pe...

Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs And Practices of Dog Owners: Relevance For Control of Rabies in The Tamale Municipality in The Northern Region of Ghana

ABSTRACT  The study was intended to find out the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices of dog owners on dogs, rabies and rabies control and make appropriate recommendations to the authorities concerned, in the design of effective awareness campaigns in the control of the disease in the Tamale Municipality. As research and information on rabies is limited in Ghana, it is hoped that this study will serve as the basis on which other research on rabies can be built. An exploratory study wa...

Knowledge Of Patients With Diabetes Mellitus On Nutritional Management: A Study At The Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra

ABSTRACT The rising mortality rate of diabetes mellitus and the upsurge in diabetes complications is very alarming. This has been attributed to the poor knowledge patients living with diabetes have on diabetes and its management, especially the nutritional management. This study sought to explore the knowledge on nutritional management of diabetes mellitus among patients living with diabetes mellitus who attended clinic at the National Diabetes Management and Research Centre of the Korle-Bu T...

Factors Contribution to The High Default Rate of The Dots System in The Yendi District

ABSTRACT This study was designed to elicit the factors that contributed to the high default rate of the DOTs system in the Yendi District. Questionnaires were administered to all patients who registered for DOTs in 1998. 1999 and 2000. Focus group discussions were also conducted to explore the underlying factors for the health-seeking behaviours of the people. In-depth interviews were conducted with service providers so as to elicit the service-related factors of default alongside the patien...

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