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Medical & Health Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Childhood Febrile Illness, Are We Over Diagnosing Malaria?

Abstract Malaria and bacterial infections are major causes of febrile illness in the developing world. To investigate the contribution of malaria and concurrent bacterial infection to febrile illness in children, 50 children aged 6 to 60 months, who presented with fever 37.5 C (axillary) or above at the Dodowa Health Center, a primary care center between July and August (wet season) 2003 were enrolled into a study. The most common presenting signs were vomiting (54%), inability to suck or eat...

The Influence Of Social Support, Spirituality And Resilience In The Subjective Well-Being Of Parents Of Children With Special Needs

ABSTRACT It has previously been established that social support and spirituality influence the well-being of parents of children with special needs. To date, few literatures have examined the psychological process through which these protective resources exert their effects on well-being. This study explored whether social support and spirituality predicted the subjective well-being (i.e., Life satisfaction, Positive affect and Negative affect) of parents of children with special needs in Gha...

Comparison Of Anaemia Prevalence Between Women In Fish Smoking And Non-Fish Smoking Livelihoods In Biriwa In The Central Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Background and objective: Anaemia among Ghanaian women of reproductive age is an important public health concern that contributes to morbidity, poor reproductive outcomes, low productivity and mortality. Chronic smoke inhalation from the use of biomass fuel for cooking has been shown to be associated with anaemia in some populations. Fish smoking using biomass fuel is an important livelihood among women living in coastal communities in Ghana which may increase their risk of anaemia. ...

Epidemiology Of Avian Influenza In Domestic Poultry And Wild Birds In The Tema Metropolis

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Avian influenza (AI) is an infectious disease of birds caused by influenza type A viruses. Migratory waterfowl - most notably wild water fowls are the natural reservoir of all influenza A viruses. There are 16 subtypes of influenza A viruses, of which H5 and H7 subtypes are the most pathogenic In April 2007, the first outbreak of HPAI was reported in Ghana in a small scale poultry farm at Kakasunanka, near Michel Camp in the Tema Metropolis. There were subsequent outbreaks...

Male Contraceptive Use In The Asuogyaman District Of The Eastern Region.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Until recently, fertility and family planning research in developing countries, as well as policy and programme formulation has generally relied on data collected from women. Increasingly however, attention is being paid to men. The literature on male contraceptive use in Ghana is limited. This study was conducted in response to a felt need by the District Health Administration of the Asuogyman District in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The main objective of the study was to a...

Some Psychological Correlates Of Adolescent Sexual Behaviour And Hiv/Aids Prevention

ABSTRACT A survey of 240 adolescents comprising 112 males and 128 females was conducted to find out how perceived control, self-esteem, HNIAIDS knowledge and general anxiety predicted their perception of HIV/AIDS risk, ability to buy condoms and condom use at first sexual intercourse. An HNIAIDS prevention program was piloted with 30 participants to assess its impact on participants' health locus of control, selfefficacy and HIV/AIDS knowledge at pre- and post- test periods. A regression anal...

Factors Associated With Tuberculosis Treatment Success In Kwahu West Municipality

ABSTRACT Background: Tuberculosis threatens public health all over the world and affects persons mostly in their productive lives (WHO, 2015a). Treatment success is a key indicator for assessing effectiveness of TB control programme. Effective treatment success is a major element for reducing transmission and reducing incidence of Multidrug resistance TB (NTCP, 2013). Global treatment success has experienced a tremendous improvement since the establishment of annual collection of data on TB i...

Prevalence Of Dental Malocclusion And Occlusal Traits Among 12- 16-Year-Old Children In Shaiosudoku District

ABSTRACT Background Dental malocclusion is the third most dominant dental condition behind dental caries and periodontitis. Unlike other disease conditions, dental malocclusion is a deviation in the arrangement of the teeth from the norm. It is not a life-threatening condition but can result in difficulty in mastication, speech and maintenance of good oral hygiene. Data on the prevalence of dental malocclusion based on acceptable classification of the condition remain scarce. Objectives The s...

Comparative Analysis Of Cardiorespiratory Function Among Bankers And Mobile Food Vendors At Agbogbloshie An Ewaste Recycling Plant Site In Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT Background: Healthcare cost of treatment for respiratory diseases is an increasing burden on the economies of all countries. Outdoor air pollutants including particulate matter, heavy metals, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, fumes containing toxic organic substances have been associated with short-term adverse effects on lung function in healthy adults, children or patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma. Agbogbloshie is a vibrant informal settlement with...

Maternal Factors Associated With Hepatitis B Transmission To Neonates; A Study Selected Antenatal Clinics In The Sekondi Takoradi Metropolis And Effia Kwesimintsim Municipality, 2019.

ABSTRACT Background: Neonatal Hepatitis B viral (HBV) infection is a public health concern worldwide. Prevalence of chronic HBV infection in Ghana is in excess of 8.0 %, and was 2.3 per 100,000 in Sekondi Takoradi in 2017. The purpose of the study was to determine maternal factors associated with transmission of Hepatitis B to newborn babies. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving pregnant women was carried out at antenatal units of selected hospitals in the Sekondi Takoradi Metropolis. H...

A Study Of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Associated With Solid Waste Management Activities In Accra

ABSTRACT Background: There are considerable implications of rapid population, industrialization and urbanization on global health, food security and climate change. As global population increases, solid waste generation rates also increases. Waste management activities are as diverse as the shortlived climate pollutants (SLCPs) they generate, since at every stage of the waste management process SLCPs are released. This study assessed the contribution of urban solid waste management activities...

Effect Of Different Vegetable Fats On Lipid Profile And Risk Of Atherosclerosis In Rats

ABSTRACT Atherosclerotic vascular diseases (AVDs) are presently increasing rapidly in incidence and have become key contributors to the burden of disease in most developing countries like Ghana. The condition has been projected to more than double by 2025. The type and amount of dietary fat has been associated with several disorders including AVDs and it complications. Diet, as one of the most important modifiable risk factors of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) modulates the other known risk fac...

Prevalence Of Tuberculosis In Cattle In The Dangme- West District: Public Health Implications.

ABSTRACT It has been documented that in developing countries, bovine infected with Mycobacterium bovis constitute a significant reservoir for human tuberculosis and unless bovine milk is pasteurized, consumption o f it can lead to the spread of gastrointestinal tuberculosis in humans.The Ghana Government through its peri-urban daiiy cattle development project, is encouraging the use o f milk and dairy products from local cows in selected districts o f the country, including the Dangme W est D...

Assessment Of Cowpea (Vigna Uncruiculata Walp) Production, Consumption And Nutritional Evaluation Of Cowpea - Fortified Fermented Maize

Abstract In an effort to evaluate the nutritional value of cowpea - fortified maize-dough, and to assess the availability and utilization of cowpeas in the Ga - district, this study was carried out. The study was designed to ascertain the socioeconomic factors associated with cowpea production, consumption, Post-harvest handling and distribution, as well as the nutritional benefit and efficacy of using cowpea as a fortifying-agent in fermented maize dough, a popular base for both traditional ...

Knowledge, Attitude And Feeding Practices Of Caregivers’ Of Malnourished Children Admitted To Savelugu Hospital In the Savelugu/Nanton Municipality.

ABSTRACT Background: Malnutrition has plagued populations of developing countries for decades leading to severe increased risk in morbidity and mortality. Malnutrition has been observed to affect many vulnerable people in communities especially women and children. Individuals in any age group could be malnourished at different times but children under five are more likely to be malnourished because of their nutrient requirements for their developmental processes. The aim of this study is t...

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