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Medical & Health Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Adherence To Anti-Retroviral Post Exposure Prophylaxis Following Needle-Stick Injury Among Healthcare Workers In Umuahia Urban Abia State

ABSTRACT The research study was conducted to assess the level of adherence to anti retroviral post exposure prophylaxis following needle stick injury among the different categories of HCWs (Doctors, Nurses and Medical Laboratory Scientists) in umuahia urban of Abia State South Eastern part of Nigeria. The study was a descriptive (cross-sectional) survey of qualified health care workers in all registered health facilities in Umuahia Urban. Abia State. The sample size of 222 was drawn from th...

Analysis And Integrated Modelling Of Biophysical And SocioEconomic Determinants of Cropping Systems in The Volta Delta

 ABSTRACT Cropping systems productivity in the Volta Delta is dependent on complex interconnecting biophysical and socioeconomic determinants. The study analysed the determinants of cropping systems yield and developed an integrated model for managing desired sustainable crop production scenarios. The analysis was conducted on change in yield over time, rainfall, temperature, Land use/land cover (LULC) and soil characteristics. District level crop yield was regressed on the biophysical vari...

Performance of Community Based Agents Care For Malaria in Under Fives Jirapa And LAMBUSSIE Districts Of The Upper West Region,Ghana

ABSTRACT  Introduction:Home-based Management of Malaria (HMM) is a strategy to increase access to malaria treatment in Africa. In 2006, the strategy was launched in the Upper West Region (UWR) of Ghana. Community Based Agents (CBAs) were trained and equipped to provide home-based treatment to children aged 6-59 months with malaria. HMM was expected to reduce the number of children seen in health facilities with malaria. However, there has been a consistent increase in the burden of malaria ...

Prevalence Of Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, And Risk Factors Among Truck Drivers In Tema, Ghana

ABSTRACT Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and syphilis infections have now spread to all parts of the world, and the rate of infection is found to be high in the cities with high number of mobile populations. One of such mobile populations is long distance truck drivers. Although studies from Asia, Europe, USA, and elsewhere have documented high prevalence of HBV, HIV and syphilis infections among truck drivers (long and short distance), such data are sparse from Af...

Burden of Care giving On Informal Care Givers Of Stroke Survivors in The Western Region

ABSTRACT  Background: Stroke is a life-changing event which leaves the stroke survivors with varied degrees of disability requiring a lot of assistance from their informal caregivers who require substantial amounts of uncompensated time and energy to carry out their activities of daily living over a prolonged duration of time. The informal caregivers are therefore exposed to physical, psychological, social and financial problems, commonly reported as burden which affects their quality of li...

Prevalence Of Anti Bodies To Human LYMPHOTROPIC Virus ; TYPE I Among Blood Donors At The 37th Military Hospital, Accra, Ghana

Several infectious diseases have been found to be associated with transfusion o f whole blood or blood components. Reports from studies conducted in many African countries indicate a high incidence of blood-borne pathogens such as human T-lymphotropic virus type-I (HTLV-I) among healthy blood donors. Experimental data indicate that a r. ajor route for transmission o f the HTLV-I is through blood transfusion. The prevalence o f HTLV-I antibodies among blood donors in Ghana is not well document...

Nutritional And Non Nutritional Supplements( Ergogenic AIDS) And Sports Performance

ABSTRACT  This project report, submitted to the University of Ghana, was on the efficacy of commonly purported ergogenic aids used by athletes. Literature review was conducted on 77 substances to ascertain their ergogenic effects. Possible adverse effects on health and legality were also looked at. Only five (6%) of the supplements had clear scientific support for their ergogenic effects. These include alkaline salts (sodium bicarbonate, sodium citrate), caffeine (including sources of caffei...

Assesing Managers And Staff Perception Of Implementing And Electronic Health Record System(EHR) A Case Study of The Ghana Atomic And Energy Commission Clinic

ABSTRACT Health Information Technologies such as Electronic Health Records (EHRs) is considered by health care professionals, consumers and policy makers to be fundamental in transforming the health care industry. Given the complex nature of the health care industry, the limitations of using paper-based medical records are obvious, hence a transition of traditional paper-based medical records to electronic health recording system. EHR is known to reduce loads of medical records keeping, quali...

Social Barriers That Affect The Non-Use Of Contraceptives Among Adolescents In The Gomoa East District.

ABSTRACT The study set out to examine the social barriers that affect contraceptive non-use among adolescents in the Gomoa East district. The Gomoa East district was selected for the study due to its high rate of teenage pregnancies associated with high birth rates, and maternal morbidity. The study was carried out among 238 in-school and out of school adolescent males and females. Two secondary schools were purposively selected (one urban and one rural) and the out of school adolescents from...

Proximal Femur Indices Of Adults In Ghana

ABSTRACT Background: Definite knowledge of the anatomical indices of adult proximal femur of indigenous Ghanaians will better inform procurement of best-fit prostheses imported from abroad, where these are made for populations with different anthropological indices. This development should forestall the occurrence of misfit femoral prostheses and attendant health hazards in Ghana. AIM: This study generated clinically relevant anatomical dimensions of the proximal femur in Ghanaian adults for ...

An Analysis Of Characteristics Of Labour And Outcome Before And After The Introduction Of The Partograph In A Hospital In Ghana.

A B S TR A C T The main purpose o f th is re tro s p e c tiv e com parative stu dy o f random ly selected women was to assess the partograph as an aid to p a rtu ritio n and to p ro vid e fu rth e r inform ation to s u p p o rt more w idespread use o f th is instru m ent and id e n tify any areas w here im provem ent could be made. Two g ro up s o f women expecting th e ir f ir s t babies were stu die d. The p re -p a rto g ra p h group comprised 65 women who d elivered in 1988 before the p a...

Pattern Of Acceptance Of Hepatitis B Vaccination Among Clinical Staff Of The University College Hospital, Ibadan.

ABSTRACT Hepatitis B infection is one of the most important occupational hazards for clinical staff of hospitals. Despite the availability of an effective hepatitis B vaccine, information is scanty on the acceptance of this vaccine and factors influencing decision to accept it. This study was therefore carried out to identify pattern of acceptance of hepatitis B vaccination among clinical staff at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. A cross-sectional survey involving 438 clinic...

The Role of HIV focal Persons in HIV and AIDS Education And Service Delivery; A Study of The Focal Person in Enterprises in Accra Ghana

 ABSTRACT People living with HIV and AIDS are likely to experience stigmatization and ostracism when they open up about their sero-status at work. The HIV Focal Point is a system where a staff member, referred to as a focal person is assigned to deliver HIV related services. It offers distinct opportunities and advantages as a key delivery point for HIV prevention, treatment and care programme for specific groups of people. Yet, many programmes do not explain the operational issues concerni...

Experiences of Pregnant Women Diagnosed With HIV/AIDS; A Study at Accra Metropolis

ABSTRACT  Women who test positive for HIV during pregnancy continue to increase in Ghana. The experiences of pregnant women diagnosed with HIV during antenatal clinic visit were explored. The descriptive qualitative design was used to obtain narrative accounts on test experiences, coping strategies and availability of support for HIV positive pregnant women. Respondents were purposively selected from Ridge Hospital in Accra. Required data saturation was attained with a sample size of 10 res...

Birth Preparedness Among Expectant Teenagers in Ledzorkuku Krowor Municipal Assembly (Lekma)

ABSTRACT  Introduction One of the strategies aimed at enhancing the utilization of skilled care in low-income countries is improving knowledge of obstetric danger signs and birth preparedness. SubSaharan Africa has the highest number of teenage women who are pregnant (20-40%). In Ghana, teenage pregnancy and early marriage contribute to high maternal and child mortality. This study sought to determine the level of birth preparedness and knowledge of obstetric danger signs among expectant te...

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