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Medical & Health Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Detection of p53 codon 249 mutation in Nigerian patients with hepatocellular carcinoma using a novel evaluation of cell-free DNA

ABSTRACT Objectives: This case-control study was done to determine the association and prevalence of p53 codon 249 mutation using cell-free DNA in the plasma of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in South-Western Nigeria. Method: Eighty-five adults with HCC and seventy-seven age and gender matched controls without evidence of liver disease or malignancy involving any part of the body, were recruited. Plasma DNA was analyzed for p53 codon 249 by restriction fragment length polymorphi...

Evaluation of Heavy Metal Status of Water and Soil at Ikogosi Warm Spring, Ondo State Nigeria

ABSTRACT The concentration levels of selected heavy metals, (Cu, Cd, Zn, As and Cr) were determined in the soil (µg/g) and water (ppm) samples collected at Ikogosi Warm Spring, Ekiti State, Nigeria. After digestion, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) was employed for the determination. The study area was at Latitude of 7o 35' 38.9'' , Longitude of 4o 58' 52.6'' and at average elevation of 479m above mean sea level (msl). The average concentrations (µg/g) of the heavy metals in the so...

Informed Consent in International Research: Perspectives from India, Iran and Nigeria

ABSTRACT The amount of international biomedical research is increasing and much of this is happening in developing countries. It is important to place adequate focus on the issue of obtaining voluntary informed consent. Researchers need to understand local socio-cultural realities and also respect local cultural beliefs and indigenous research guidelines. Through examples from India, Iran and Nigeria the authors highlight the diversity within and between developing country situations. Emphasi...

Correlation of Cag-A serologic status with histological parameters of chronic gastritis among dyspeptic patients in south western Nigeria

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine the sero-prevalence of Cag-A strains of Helicobacter pylori in both dyspeptic and nondyspeptic individuals and also correlate the serological status of Cag-A strain of H. pylori with the various graded histological variables of chronic gastritis in the dyspeptic patients. 

Emergency Contraceptive Pill Knowledge, Attitudes and Dispensing Practices of Pharmacists in Ibadan and Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Use of Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECP) is desirable in Nigeria where there is high rate of unwanted pregnancy. Pharmacists are expected to play important role in promoting use of ECP but few studies have assessed their knowledge, attitude and dispensing practice of this product in Nigeria. A total of 211 randomly selected pharmacists practicing in Ibadan and Lagos metropolis completed a questionnaire that assessed knowledge about ECP, attitude towards this contraceptive and actu...

Dyslipidemia in ART-Naive HIV-Infected Persons in Nigeria—Implications for Care

Abstract Aims: This study aimed to describe the prevalence and pattern of lipid abnormalities among antiretroviral therapy (ART)- naive HIV patients, understand if there is any relationship to virologic and immunologic status, and discuss the implications for care. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in which baseline demographic, clinical, and laboratory data of all ART-naive HIV-infected individuals recruited into the adult ARV clinic, University College Hospital, Ibadan, between Janu...

Low field MR imaging of sellar and parasellar lesions: Experience in a developing country hospital

ABSTRACT Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), an advancement which followed computed tomography (CT) is expensive and inaccessible in most developing countries. However it is the procedure of choice in evaluating sellar and parasellar lesions. Its major advantages are its superior soft tissue contrast differentiation, its capacity for multiplanar imaging and nonexistence of ionising radiation. Its use is relatively new in Nigeria, a developing economy in Africa. Since its introductio...

A Survey of Antimalarial Drug Use Practices among Urban Dwellers in Abeokuta, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Drug-use pattern of anti-malarial has been associated with development of resistant strain and therapeutic failure. This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out to assess anti-malarial drug-use practices among dwellers of Adigbe communities within Abeokuta environment. The study documented the knowledge, the attitude and behaviour of three hundred and fifty (350) respondents in terms of drug preference, attitude to drug use and the effects of non-compliance to antimalarial...

Laboratory Profile of HIV-2 and Dual HIV-1/HIV-2 Associated Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in Nigeria

ABSTRACT Background: HIV-2 is comparatively less pathogenic with slow progression of infection to clinical disease and consequently there is less of information on the occurrence of HIV-2 associated disease than HIV-1. We hereby describe some laboratory profiles of individuals presenting with HIV-2 and dual HIV-1/2 related AIDS at the University College hospital in Ibadan over a period of seven years. Methodology: Blood samples from patients presenting with the AIDS defining illness at the U...

Baseline chest radiographic features among antiretroviral therapy naive human immuno-deficiency virus positive children in a pediatric care program

ABSTRACT Background: Pulmonary diseases are commonly seen in children with HIV infection, and their etioiogy is often' unclear. The-radioloqical appearances of these conditions are often non-specific. Conventional radiographs play an important role in the management of chest conditions especially in resource poor settings. Objective: This retrospective study was carried out to determine the chest radiographic pattern in children with HIV infection. Materials and Methods: The baseline chest X-...

Congenital poikiloderma with unusual hypopigmentation and acral blistering at birth

Abstract Congenital poikiloderma is an uncommon hereditary disorder. It has been reported in association with various syndromes. , No case has previously been reported from this environment. We report a case of congenital poikiloderma in a two and a half year old female Nigerian associated with unusual generalised hypopigmentation and acral blisters at birth. The child! subsequently developed macular hyperpigmentation on an erythematous background and atrophy of the skin. Although she had . ...

Screening for Retinopathy of Prematurity in Ibadan

ABSTRACT Between January to June 1995, a prospective study was carried out to determine the incidence and severity of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in newborn infants of less than 1,500g birthweight or less than 31 weeks gestational age. 18 babies were eligible for inclusion in this study and only one developed ROP, a Stage 1, Zone III disease i.e. 5.5% of babies at risk. In spite of the low incidence compared with other studies', it is advisable to continue the collaboration between optha...


ABSTRACT Corporal Punishment (CP) is one of the ways of disciplining students when they misbehave in many Nigerian schools. However, its application could lead to adverse physical consequences in students. In Nigeria, there are few documented studies relating to the perception and attitude of parents, teachers and students concerning CP in Secondary Schools (SS). This study was aimed therefore at assessing perception and attitude of parents, teachers and students towards CP in SS within Ibad...

Anemia in pregnancy at two levels of health care in Ibadan, south west Nigeria

Abstract Background: In Africa, anemia in pregnancy contributes to non-attainment of the MDG goals 4 and 5. This study examined the prevalence and some risk factors for anemia at two levels of health care in the Ibadan metropolis. Methods: This was a retrospective study of the booking records of pregnant women at the University College Hospital (UCH, a profi t-making tertiary institution) and Adeoyo Maternity Hospital (AMH, a secondary level institution offering free services) in Ibadan, Se...

Perceptions of Refugees About the Durable Solutions: A Case Study of the Buduburam Refugee Camp in Ghana

ABSTRACT Refugees living in the Buduburam camp of Ghana suffer from numerous social, economic and psychological problems owing to their status as refugees. These problems require the durable solutions, but the implementation of the durable solutions cannot be achieved without the acceptance of the solutions by the refugees. This research sought to assess the perceptions of refugees about the durable solutions. By adapting ‘When Displacement Ends’ framework for the durable solutions, the ...

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