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Medical & Health Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Knowledge and Practice of Health Workers On Post Abortion Care at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital Bushenyi District

ABSTRACT Introduction Abortion is still a public health dilemma in developing countries Uganda inclusive. Abortion is illegal in Uganda, and unsafe abortion is responsible for at least 30% of all maternal deaths. Each year, an estimated 297,000 induced abortions are performed in Uganda, and nearly 85,000 women are treated for complications, as a result of unsafe abortion. The main objective of the study was to assess the knowledge and practice of health workers on Post Abortion Care at Kampal...

Male Partner Involvement in Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS at Hoima Refferal Hospital in Hoima Municipality

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION...................................................................................................................................................IDEDICATION ....................................................................................................................................................IIAPPROVAL ......................................................................................................................................................II...

Utilization of Antenatal Care Services by Women of Reproductive Age (15-49), at Kiryangdongo District Western Uganda

Table of ContentsDeclaration ............................................................................................................................................................................iApproval ..............................................................................................................................................................................iiiDedication .....................................................................................................

Impact Assessment of Urbanisation On the Environment a Case Study of Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania0

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONDEDICATION iiACKNOWLEDGEMENT iiiLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ivLIST OF TABLES VABSTRACT ViCHAPTER ONE 11.0 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 11.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT 11.3 STUDY OBJECTIVES 21.3.1 General Objectives 21.3.2 Specific Objectives 21.4 Report Structure 3CHAPTER TWO 42.1 Introduction 42.2 Criteria for defining urban areas 42.3 Agenda 21-human settlements 52.4 Historical perspective of urbanization 62.5 Causes of urbanization 62.6 Major problems with urbanization 72.7 Urban popu...

The Impact of Human Activities On Sustainable Environment Management of the Lake Shore Ecosystems: A Case Study of Mwaloni Landing Site On Lake Victoria, Tanzania

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL HDEDICATIONAKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF TABLES vULIST OF FIGURES vHjABBREVIATIONSABSTRACT xCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 11.1 Background of the study area 11.2 The problem statement ,“, .. 31.3 Purpose of the study 41.4: Objectives of the research 41.4.1 General Objective 41.4.2 Specific Objectives 41.5 Research questions 4i.6Scopeofthestudy 51.6.1 Content scope 51.6.2:Geographical scope 51.6.3 Time scope S1.7 Significance of the study s1.8 Theoretical framework...

Factors Contributing to Enrollment of HIV/Aids Patients in Art Care Clinic in Kambuga Hospital Kanungu District Uganda.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. IDEDICATION........................................................................................................................... IIAPPROVAL ............................................................................................................................. IIIACKNOWLEDGEMENT.......................................................

Assessing the Effectiveness of Medical Waste Management Strategies; A Case Study of Mwanza District, Tanzania

TABLE OF CONTENTSContents PageDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiLIST OF FIGURES viiiLIST OF PHOTOS ixABSTRACT xCHAPTER ONE 11.0 INTRODUCTION 11.1 Background of the study 11 .2 Statement of the problem 21 .3 General objective 21 .4 Specific Objectives 21 .5 Research Questions 31.6 Significance of the Study 31 .7 Scope of the study 3CHAPTER TWO 42.0 LITERETURE REVIEW 42.1 Medical waste generations 42.2 Medical waste management 52.3 Classi...

2_Ajibo et al analgesic cpds

The Antioxidant Analgesic activity of some Natural plants in Comparison to Acetaminophen 

Prevalence and Factors Associated with HIV Serodiscordance Among Couples Attending Iganga General Hospital-Iganga District, Eastern Uganda

Table of contentsDeclaration............................................................................................................................. iApproval...............................................................................................................................iiDedication............................................................................................................................iiiAcknowledgement .......................................................

Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Tuberculosis Coinfection at Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT Background; Worldwide, tuberculosis (TB) is one of the top 10 causes of death, and the principal cause from a single infectious agent (above HIV/AIDS); millions of people continue to fall sick with the disease to each year, HIV and TB alone or as coinfections, are a significant public health problem in the world with the biggest contribution to morbidity and mortality felt in sub-Saharan Africa. The immunosuppressive state caused by the decline in immunity as a result of HIV enables ...

Occupational Safety and Health; A Focus On the Support Staff of Kampala International University, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclarationApprovalDedicationAcknowledgements ivAbstract VAcronyms And Abbreviations viTable Of Contents viiCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Backround Of The Study 11.2 Statement Of The Problem 41.3 Aims And Objectives 51.4Aim 51.5 Objectives 51.6 Research Questions 51.7 Justification Of The Study 61.8 Scope Of The Study 61.9 Definition Of Key Concepts 6CHAPTER TWO 82.0 Literature Review 82.1 Introduction 82.2 Duties Assigned To Support Staff And The Relationship With Safet...

Factors Associated with Prevalence of Home Accidents in Children Under 5 Years Attending Kampala International University Teaching Hospital

TABLE OF CONTENTSABSTRACT............................................................................................................ICOPYRIGHT........................................................................................................IIAUTHORIZATION............................................................................................IIIDEDICATION.....................................................................................................IVACKNOLEDGEMENT................

Factors Contributing to Obstetrical Fistulas Among Mothers Attending Post Natal Clinic at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION............................................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. iiDEDICATION..............................................................................................................................iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT..................................................


ABSTRACT Introduction Family planning can help reduce maternal mortality by reducing the number of pregnancies, the number of abortions, and the proportion of births at high risk in Bushenyi District. It has been estimated that meeting women’s need for modern contraceptive use would prevent about one quarter to one third of all maternal deaths. Objectives This study was aimed at assessing the factors affecting utilization of family planning methods among clients attendin...


ABSTRACTBackground of the study:Malaria remains the single main cause of ill-health and death among HIV/AIDSpatients in resource poor countries worldwide. Malaria still remains a challenginginfection affecting the lives of several HIV infected persons in Uganda.Problem statement:Statistics from the Ministry of Health (2016) show that malaria is still the leadingcause of death in Uganda, accounting for over 27% of deaths. Malaria prevalence inHIV+ positive patients in Kyamuhunga Health Centre ...

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