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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences


he level of private investment in Kenya, Rwanda and Burundi (KRB), as a percentage of real Gross Domestic Product, has been fluctuating over time since independence. Several studies have been carried out on regard to the macroeconomic determinants of private investment at country level, but the findings are inconclusive. Conversely, from the empirical literature review, these studies have failed to capture the impact of availability of credit on private investment in the three states. It is a...


The major objective of this study is scrutinizing the impact of government sectoral expenditure on economic growth in East African countries over the period from 1985 to 2015. It focuses on sectoral expenditures on health, education, defence and agriculture segments. The main contribution of this research is examining expenditure components in line with current government categorization to establish these sectoral budget allocations that have impact on economic growth in order to provide a gu...


Agricultural sector contribute about 36% of the East African Community’s Gross DomesticProduct (World Bank, 2009), 80 per cent of the populace depend on agriculture directly andindirectly for food, employment and income, while about 40 million people in EAC (East AfricanCountries) suffer from hunger and the agricultural sector still retains a lot of untapped potential,specifically for commercial farming. However, economic growth target for agriculture sector can beachieved by stimulating th...

Government Expenditure and Regional Economic Growth: The Direction of Causality

This study examines the link between government expenditure and regional economic growth, overthe period 2013 to 2017. Gross County Product per capita growth is used as indicator of regionaleconomic growth. This study used Error Correction Model and Engle and Granger framework twostep procedure to investigate the long-run and short-run equilibrium relationship betweenexpenditure and regional growth. The analysis reveals that expenditure and regional growth are cointegratedand, hence a long-ru...

Determinants of regional economic growth in Kenya

This research empirically explores the determinants of Kenya’s regional economic growth in the 47 counties over the period 2014 to 2017. Though economic policies aimed at enhancing regional growth were implemented, the economic performance has not been satisfactory hence the study seeks to find out what determines economic performance at the sub-national level. This research is based on the reduced Solow-Swan growth theoretical framework. The analysis techniques that were used in this study...


O presente estudo, assumindo um orçamento equilibrado, busca estimar a administraçãoideal de despesas de um governo descentralizado em 47 unidades subnacionaisdo Quênia por meio da regressão de painel ARDL e o modelo de Scully para o período2014-2018. O modelo de estimativa examinou a ideia de Armey de uma curva quadráticaque explica o nível de despesas governamentais e o nível correspondente decrescimento econômico. A análise do painel ARDL revela que o tamanho de governosdescentr...


This study, assuming a balanced budget, attempts to estimate the optimal size ofdevolved government expenditure in 47 Kenyan counties using the panel ARDLregression and Scully (2008) model for the period 2014-2018. The estimation modelexamined Armey’s idea of a quadratic curve that explains the level of governmentexpenditure in an economy and the corresponding level of economic growth. Thepanel ARDL series analysis reveals that devolved government size is optimized whencounty expenditures s...

Do Fiscal Transfers Foster Regional Economic Growth?

Fiscal transfer development across the world today has been in part driven by assertions of a supposed ‘economic dividend’ linked with the devolved financial spending. There is, however, little empirical evidence to validate these assertions in Kenya. It is against this background that this study was carried out to estimate the end product of fiscal transfer on regional economic growth in Kenya using a secondary panel data set. Using the ARDL estimation technique the long-run and error co...

Impact of Agricultural R&D on Sectoral Economic

Public and private investment in agricultural research and development (R&D) createspreconditions for the implementation of more advanced and better technologies. It enables theintroduction of new production processes and products which can result in higher earnings andpotential sectoral economic growth in Agriculture. Despite the fact that accelerated agriculturalresearch and development is a catalyst for the beginning of the long-run economic activity, itsimportance is not widely investigat...

East African Community Regional Integration: Private Investment Implications

The objective of regional integration is the attainment of long-run economic growth for membercountries. Private investments are decisive in attaining this objective, given the high dependence ofEAC member states on state-owned investment. This has been attributed to the economic policiesimplemented by the government which favors state-owned investment. Further, existing empiricalstudies have been unable to determine whether trade liberalization advances or obstructs theaccumulation of privat...

Financial Inclusion in East Africa: Does Economic Growth Matter?

Inclusive financial systems in any economy cannot be ignored. In fact, it has become a policystrategy in many governments around the world, including East Africa region economies – Kenya,Uganda and Tanzania. Using panel data, this study presents a cross country analysis of thevariables that determine financial inclusion levels with a key focus on economic growth throughdemand leading hypothesis. The study sought to test if economic expansion matters in financialinclusion in East Africa for ...

Contraceptive Use Among Young Adults in Zimbabwe, Questionnaire Study

Adolescents face several challenges where ASRH issues are concerned. One of these issues is the low uptake of HIV prevention services especially those in high-density urban townships who are prone to several factors that hinder their access to HIV prevention services. This study sought to highlight the prevalence of HIV prevention methods use among adolescents and factors that determine their accessibility in Dzivarasekwa and Tynwald Districts. A total of 500 questionnaires were administered ...

The Determinants of Financial Inclusion

There are hosts of dynamics contributing to financial inclusion. These sources may be both from the demand side and supply side. The government and financial institutions use several policy initiatives to encourage the supply of financial services to the excluded sector. However, the demand-side factors of financial access have attracted little focus. This study provides an over-view of sources of financial inclusion and highlights the policy measures from the perspective of consumers of fina...

An Analysis of the Household Choice and Determinants of Livelihoods Diversification Activities of the Galo Tribal People, India

Though many scholars have written several articles on the livelihoods activities of the tribal population, only a few have tried to offer an outsider in-depth analysis of the livelihoods of tribal people, specifically those in North East India. The few research on this topic mainly focused on the challenges being faced by tribal communities without paying attention to how the tribes are manoeuvring their vast challenges in their livelihoods, opportunities and the constraints they face in doin...

Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Exchange Rate Uncertain

Macroeconomic convergence is critical for member states to achieve the level of harmonization required for establishing a stable and resilient monetary union. The East African Community (EAC) member states, therefore, established set targets for macroeconomic convergence, in-tending to eliminate exchange rate uncertainty within the bloc and reduce the costs of the mon-etary union. However, recent empirical studies indicate that the rate of convergence of the member states to the set macroecon...

1516 - 1530 Of 19439 Results