Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Rewards and Employee Performance. A Case Study of Cairo Bank

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between rewards and employee’s performance .The objectives were to establish the relationship between rewards and employee commitment and rewards and time management. The researcher used descriptive survey designs and purposive research designs. Both qualitative and quantitative designs were used. The researcher used random sampling technique and handled a sample of 57 employees out of 200 populations. The researcher use...

Monitoring and Evaluation System as a Tool for Efficient and Effective Performance of Government Projects in Rwanda

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this research was to assess the impact of Monitoring &Evaluation system towards efficient and effective performance of government projects in Rwanda. The specific objective of the research was to determine the profile of the respondents, the level of M &E system in regards to Efficient and Effective Performance of government Projects in Rwanda, level of Efficient and Effective Performance of government Projects in Rwanda and establish the significant relationship bet...

Re-Integration and Gender Sensitivity among Ex-Combatants in Central Equatoria State, South Sudan

ABSTRACT  This study was carried out in Central Equitoria State, south Sudan on female excombatants and members of organizations working with reintegrating former combatants. The study revolves more on reintegration and gender sensitivity among excombatants. The main objective of the study was to document the lives and experiences of female ex-combatants within fighting forces, DDR programs and their communities. This is done for the fact that, women are often present if not always present w...

Cultural Diversity and Culturally Related Conflicts in Kampala International University, Kampala, Uganda.

ABSTRACT  The study was carried out in Kampala International University, (Main Campus) Kampala District, Uganda with the following objectives: To determine the profile of respondents, to determine the level of cultural diversity; to determine the level of cultural related conflicts and to examine the relationship between the two variables. The study utilized descriptive survey research design, in particular descriptive correlation. Data was collected through questionnaires and interviews and...

Leadership Styles and their Effects on Staff Turn- Over in an Organization A Case Study of Voluntary Action for Development [VAD]

Abstract  This is a report of a study which establishes the effect of good leadership on staff turn over. It is a case study of VAD operating in Wakiso and Mpigi Districts of Uganda. The main research problem was that mangers lack knowledge about or there is little documentation of the relationship between leadership and staff turn over. At VAD, there was certainly no such data. The purpose of this study was therefore to provide documented evidence that good leadership is associated with low...

Employee Compensation and Job Satisfaction in Salaam Somali Bank, Mogadishu Somalia

ABSTRACT  The study was set to investigate the employee compensation on employee satisfaction was based on three objectives that were determining the effect of job based, skills based and performance based compensations on job satisfaction in Salaam Somali bank. The study was conducted based on a cross-sectional design based on the quantitative approaches where the employees of Salaam Somali bank provided the information. The intervention was through the questionnaires. The population of 280...

Performance Management and Work Effectiveness among the Public Employees in Wajir County, Kenya

ABSTRACT  This research tried to establish effect of performance management on work effectiveness in Wajir County, Kenya. The study was guided by three objectives that included: I) determining the effect of performance improvement on public employees in Wajir County. Kenya, 2) to examine the effect of behavior Management on Work Effectiveness among the Public Employees in Wajir County, and 3) to establish the challenges affecting performance of employees in the public sector departments in W...

Workplace Conflict and Employee Performance in Selected Branches of Daha Shil Company in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT  The study focused on workplace conflict and employee performance in selected branches of Dahabshil Company in Mogadishu, Somalia. Five objectives guided the study namely; the characteristics of the respondents, factors associated with workplace conflicts among employees, the degree of performance of employees, relationship between workplace conflict and employee performance and strategies for enhancement of the performance of employees. The study used the cross-sectional survey res...

Profitability and Export Volumes of Certified Organic Dried Fruits of Selected Companies in Central Uganda

ABSTRACT  The study intended to establish the relationship between Profitability and Export Volumes of Certified Organic Dried Fruits of Selected Companies in Central Uganda. It was guided by the following objectives which included determining: Demographic profile of the respondents; level of profitability; level of export volumes of certified organic Dried Fruits and whether there is a significant relationship in level of Profitability and Export Volumes of Certified Organic Dried Fruits of...

Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Uganda (1990-2016)

ABSTRACT  This study examined the impact of the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on economic growth in Uganda using time series data from 1990-2016.The specific objectives of the study were: to examine the effect of FDI on Agricultural sector growth, Manufacturing sector growth, Industrial sector growth and Service sector growth in Uganda using Seemingly Unrelated Regression analysis (SUR). This method of analysis allows modeling of the sector growth rates on same set of FDI, Human capital, l...

Results-Based Management and Bilateral Projects Success in Pagor, Southern Province, Rwanda

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study has been to test the theory of Results-based management (CIDA, 1996) usefulness on implementation of bilateral projects. The General objective has been to determine the correlation between the results-based management approaches used in PAGOR as a bilateral project implemented in Rwanda and its success. As specific objectives, the research had to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, age, marital status, educational qualification, fi...

Financial Transactions and Internal Control in Selected Financial Institutions in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT  This study sought to establish the relationship between financial transactions and internal control in financial institutions in Mogadishu, Somalia. The study was guided by four research objectives; to determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, educational qualification and number of years experience in financial institutions; to determine the extent of financial transactions; to determine the level of internal control and to establish whether the...

The Relationship between Remittance and Human Development in Mogadishu Somalia (2000-2009)

ABSTRACT  The study investigated the relationship between remittance and Human Development in Somalia with the objectives of establishing the relationship between remittance and Social Development in Mogadishu and establishes the relationship between remittance and Household Poverty levels in Mogadishu. The study used a nonexperimental case study design using quantitative and qualitative approaches on a sample size of 399 respondents who receive and do not receive remittance in Mogadishu cap...

Procurement Procedures and Employee Performance in the Health Sector in Tororo District,Uganda.

ABSTRACT  Public procurement is a vice that is gradually taking shape in all departments. The procurement processes therefore are looked at by staff as a hindrance to quick accessibility to the health resources from amongst the service providers in terms of the documentation and aggregate time taken. In the study, the researcher endeavored to investigate the extent of the processes and the impact on the health care service delivery to establish the cost effectiveness as well as the efficienc...

Loan Management Strategies on the Efficiency of Selected Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda

ABSTRACT  The present study assessed loans management strategies on the efficiency of selected microfinance institution in Rwanda. The research was guide by four objectives; to identify the personnel, demographical profile of respondents; establishing the level of loans management strategies in selected microfinance institution in Rwanda; determining the degree of efficiency of the loans management strategies and finally to identifying if there are relationships between the level of loans ma...

1756 - 1770 Of 19638 Results