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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Women Education and Quality of Life in Kicukiro, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This report is a result of an academic research entitled ‘Women education and quality of life in kicukiro district”. The main purpose of this study was to identify the correlation between education and quality of life. The study was guided Four research questions. i) What is the profile of respondents? ii) ) What is the importance of women education on quality of life? iii) What is the extent of Quality of life in Kicukiro District? iv) What is the significant relationship betwee...

Challenges Faced by United Nations Agencies in Delivering Emergency Response Services in South Central Somalia

ABSTRACT The impact of growing insecurity on the humanitarian situation is severe and the delivery of aid to the 3.2 million Somalis in need has been seriously reduced as NGO workers, UN agencies have become prime targets, This calls for investigations on the challenges faced by the United Nations Agencies delivering emergency response projects in war affected areas in order to come up with policies that can be employed to positively address the situation. The main Purpose of the study was to...

Ethical Leadership and Conflict Resolution Techniques of the Academic Administrators in Selected Private Universites In Ogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT The study was guided by the following research objectives; the first objective was to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of: age, gender, highest educational qualification, and rank in the university, position in the university and number of years in present position and the second and third objective was to determine the level of ethical leadership and the level of conflict resolution techniques of the academic administrators and the fourth objective was the relations...

Staff Development Programs and Employee Performance in Selected Microfinance Institutions in Uganda

ABSTRACT This study set out to establish the relationship between staff development programs and employee performance in selected microfinance institutions in Uganda. The study was based on four specific objectives: (i) to determine the influence of training on employee performance in the selected microfinance institutions in Uganda, (ii) to examine how employees' promotion affects their performance in the selected microfinance institutions in Uganda, (iii) to find out how of rewards affect e...

Infrastructure Resources and Performance of Primary Schools Under Free Primary Education in Selected Schools Eldoret, Kenya

ABSTRACT The govern~ment of Kenya introduced free primary education in the year 2003. This was very well received all over the, country due to the reduced burden on parents who were unable to pay school fees for their children. However during the initial implementation stages, it was realized that the country had limited physical infrastructure to be able to handle the ever increasing enrolment of students in primary schools. The government through the Kenya Education Sector Support Program d...

Procurement Planning and Accountability in The United Nations Entebbe Support Base Uganda

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between procurement planning and accountability of United Nations Logistics Base in Entebbe. Uganda. The study was guided by three objectives: determine procurement planning. extent of accountability of United Nations Entebbe Support Base, and whether there was a significant relationship between procurement planning and accountability of United Nations Entebbe Support Base. Uganda. The study comprised of a population of 190 respondents who included...

Internal Auditing and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Uganda; A Case of Centenary Bank, Adjumani Branch

ABSTRACT The study was set to examine the impact of internal auditing on financial performance of commercial banks in Uganda. The objectives nature of the internal auditing function fInancial performance of centenary bank, examine the challenges faced in the internal audit function in financial performance of centenary bank and determine the effect of internal audit function on financial performance of centenary bank. The study was conducted used a descriptive correlation design. This design ...

The Impact of Poverty and Child Mortality in Uganda. A Case of Kanungu District

ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing the relationship between poverty and child mortality in Kanungu district. The objectives of the study were, to determine the effects of poverty in Kanungu district, to examine the factors influencing child motility in Kanungu district and to identify the relationship between poverty and child motility in Kanungu district. These designs helped to generate information on Poverty and Child Mortality in Kanungu district. The designs employed the use of que...

Effect of Financial Interest Rates On Small Scale Enterprises. A Case Study of Owino Market Kisenyi Flour Millers In Kamplacity

TABLE OF CONTENT 1. DECLARATION ........................................................................... .iv 2. DEDICATION .............................................................................. v 3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................ vi 4. LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................ vii 5. ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................... viii 6. EXECUTIVE SU...

Credit Policy and Default Rates in Micro Finance Institutions Case Study: Pride Micro Finance

ABSTRACT MICRO FINANCE INSTITUTIONS usually make profit by extending loans to mainly micro and small scale enterprises, which cannot get loans from commercial banks. Due to the collateral, those are required by the bank. However, it is reported that many of the clients of micro finance fail to pay the loans and therefore this leads to loss of funds. The study was to establish how loans are managed in micro finance institutions, more specifically in pride. The specific objectives were; to esta...

Assessment of the Contribution of Accounting Records On the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Uganda, A Case Study of Entebbe Municipality

ABSTRACT This research has been conducted at Entebbe Municipality to investigate the contribution of accounting records on the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Uganda. Most SMEs do not progress well due to various constraints, one of them being poor accounting records. Accurate accounting records enable the business to manage its finances and make good financial decisions which in turn improves the performance ofthe business. Data were collected through questionnaires as well as...

Electronic- Business and Organizational Performance. A Case Study of Spear Motors Uganda Ltd

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CHAPTER ONE 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Back ground of the study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 2 1.3 Purpose of the study 3 1.4 Objectives of the study 3 1.5 Research questions 3 1.6 Scope of the study 3 1.6.1 Geographical scope 3 1.6.2 Time scope 3 1.6.3 Subject scope 3 1.7 Significance of the study 4 SECTION TWO 5 LITERATURE REViEW 5 2.0 Introduction 5 2.1 E-business and Technology s Here are some reasons e- business knocks out ERP in tod...

Contribution of Micro Finance Towards the Socioeconomic Empowerment of Women: (Case Study: Kamwenge Sub County, Kamwenge District)

ABSTRACT This study was set tow empirically establish the contribution of micro fmance towards the social economic empowerment of women micro - enterprises in Kamwenge district. It specially focused on the following objectivities; establishing micro finance services accessed by women micro entrepreneurs, indentifying problems encountered by women m1cro entrepreneurs in Kamwenge district during and after accessing and analyzing the socio-economic status of women entrepreneurs, before and after...

The Impact of Accounting Information System On the Performance of Small Scale Entrepreneurs in Kikuubo Trading Centre.

TABLE OF CONTENTS D ECLA.RA TIO N: ················································ ·--·-·····-··-············ ·········· ·········· i'i APPROVAL ·····························- ········-···-····-······-----.... --·--··························iii DEDICATION: ····································�...

The Impact of Reward Management on Employee Performance.

ABSTRACT Management of rewards in organizations is of great important in running the organization efficiently on its daily operations. If those rewards are not managed properly then there is a I ikely chance that employees will perform poorer. The performance of employees depends largely on how their resources are allocated and their ability to adapt to a changing condition and therefore there is a great need of how to manage and maintain rewards, The study was based on looking what were the ...

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