Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Account Credit Management And Profitability Of" Manufacturing Companies A Survey Of Three Companies In Mogadishu Somalia

ABSTRACT Managing credit particularly accounts receivable effectively and efficiency way is one of the most difficult tasks under the managers, because accounts receivable is the second broadest part of company's assets after Cash. While on the IV Accounts receivable are amounts owed by a customer on account. They are from the sale of goods and services. These receivables generally are expected to be collected within 30 to 60 days, and they are the most significant type of claim held by a com...

Infrastructure Levels And Development Of Markets In Kampala A Case Study Of Kamwokya Market

ABSTRACT This work is research which is compulsory for third year students offering bachelors in business administration. This paper is based on selected topics in the student's field of study. It tests student's ability to correct express him I herself in English to his readers and to articulate his views collected from the field in a reasonable manner. This paper introduces the student his profession the problems encountered and how they can be solved. Objectives of this research were to ex...

Communication And Employee Performance Case Study South Ny Anza Sugar Company Limited Mi Gori District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to identify the relationship between communication and performance. The objectives of the were; • To establish the relationship between communication and employee perf01mance m south Nyanza Sugar Company limited. CD To examine the effect of communication on performance m south Nyanza sugar company limited. CD To find out what forms of communication are used in south Nyanza Sugar Company limited. The design of this study was to completely analyze the que...

Tax Assessment And Revenue Collection In Pader Town Council: A Case Study Of Pader Town Council

3.4 SAMPLING METHOD(S) ......................................................... 20 3.4.1 DA T.A COLLECTION TOOLS ............................................... 20 3.5 SAMPLE SIZE ................................................................................ 22 3.5.1 SEMI- STRUCTURED QUESTIONNAIRE ........................... 21 3.5.2 INTERVIEW ............................................................................... 21 3.5.3 OBSERVATION ..................................................

Training And Employee Performance In Mayfair Safari Hotel Jinja, - Uganda

Abstract This study on training and employee performance in Mayfair Safari Hotel, Jinja - Uganda was based descriptive correlation survey designs. The researcher used a selfadministered questionnaire to collect primary data from 67 employees, using simple random sampling. Data analysis was done excel frequencies and percentages. The study was based on three specific objectives: (i) to examine the different methods/approaches used in training employees, (ii) to examine the impacts of training...

The Effect Of Mortgage Finance On The Perception Of The East African Society.

TABLE OF CONTENTS: DECLARATION ............................................................................... i APPROVAL ........................................................................................... ii DEDICATION .............................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................ iv LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................

Microfinance Policies And Financial Performance Of Smes In Kisoro District, A Case Study Of Kisoro Municipality

ABSTRACT Generally, microfinances provide a wide range of financial services to low-income clients. including sell~ employed and low earning individuals who are working in informal sectors. The core objective or microfinance is to create a favorable environment for the low income self-employed and near-poor households in which they have permanent access to an appropriate range of high quality financial services, including not just credit but also savings, insurance, and general banking servic...

Conflict And Employee Performance In Organisations A Case Study Of Sameer Agriculture And Live Stock Fresh Diary Uganda (1967) Limited

ABSTRACT The study was about conflict and Employee performance in an organization case study of Sameer Agriculture and Livestock fresh Diary Uganda (1967) Limited. The purposes of this study was to establish relationship between conflicts and employee performance, to find out what forms of conflicts existing at in Sameer Agriculture And Livestock fresh Diary Uganda (1967) Limited. The Objectives of this Study were to find out what forms of conflicts existing in Sameer Agriculture And Livestoc...

Factors Influencing Women’s Decision To Adopt Family Planning Method Alebtong District. The Case Of Amugo Sub-county.

ABSTRACT The study was done on factors influencing women’s decision to adopt family planning method in Amugu sub county, Alebtong district. The puipose of the study was to find out the factors that influence women’s decision making on adoption of family planning method. The specific objectives were; to examine how public policy affect family planning program in Alebtong district, to assess the extent to which logistics affect decision making in adopting family planning program in Alebtong...

Cost Control Techniques And Profitability In A Manufacturing Firms In Western Uganda: A Case Study Of Gourmet Burger Kitchen G.B.K Group Of Companies Limited In Mbarara Municipality

ABSTRACT This study sought Cost Control Techniques and Profitability in a manufacturing firm in 1¾.~siern Uganda: a case study ofgourmet burger kitchen G.B.K Group ofCompanies Limited in Mbarara ~vIunicipality. This study intends to establish the effect of cost controls on profitability of ~nanufacturing firms in G.B.K Group of Companies Limited in Mbarara Municipality, with the following specific objectives. (z) To determine the effect of budget control on profitability of ~nanufacturing fi...

Effect Of Business Strategies On Foreign Investment In Uganda Case Study Private Sector Foundation

ABSTRACT The aim of the research work is to assess “the effect of business strategies on the foreign investments in Uganda specifically the private sector foundation” this is because, business strategies are important tools used to expand the level of investments in an economy. The statement of the problem of this research banks about the ineffective strategies. The objective of this research study is to highlight the effects of business strategies on the foreign investment of the private...

Employee Development and Job Performance. CASE STUDY: SPLA Medical Corps.

ABSTRACT This study was qualitative in nature aimed at Employee Development and Job Performance in SPLA Medical Corps with a view of examining into how training and performance correlate and how training will affect development in SPLA Medical Corps. The main objectives were to find out the relationship between's employee development and job performance management in SPLA Medical Corps. Specifically the objectives of the Study were to examine effect of training on employee performance also to...

Muzna Abbas draft 1

Everything is okay 

Unknown Candidate 106 PAGES (19080 WORDS) Sociology Thesis
Dependency Ratio And Poverty In Uganda~ A Case Study Of Makindye Division, Kampala District

ABSTRACT This study investigated about dependency ratio and poverty in Makindye division, Kampala district. The study was guided by the subsequent objectives; to determine the level of dependency ratio in Makindye divisions, Kampala District to determine the level of poverty in Makindye division, Kampala district and to establish the effect of dependency ration on poverty in Makindye division, Kampala District. The study used descriptive survey design with a sample size of 104 respondents; ho...

SSA Research 65 PAGES (13244 WORDS) Economics Report
Drug And Substance Abuse Among Adolescents In Katanga Slum, Kampala District

ABSTRACT The study aimed at examining drug and substance abuse among adolescents in katanga slum, Kampala district, The main objective was to establish the determinants of drug and substances abuse among adolescents in Katanga slum, Kampala district. Specific objectives were; to asses individual factors that lead to drug and substance abuse among adolescents in Katanga slum, Kampala district. To establish socio-economic factors that lead to drug and substance abuse among adolescent in Katanga...

2956 - 2970 Of 19638 Results