Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Shareholder Rights and Performance of Deposit Taking SACCO’s

Abstract Purpose:Greater attention has paid on shareholder rights in the 21st century by shareholders, regulators and the general public. Effective shareholder protection mechanisms have played a crucial role thus bolstering shareholder confidence and retention. this study probed the influence of shareholder rights on Deposit Taking SACCOs performance in Kenya. Design/Methodology: The relation was analyzed on the basis of all the 42 Deposit Taking SACCO’s in Nairobi County. The study relie...

Effect of Monetary Reward Strategies on National Police Service Delivery in Nairobi County, Kenya

Abstract Despite the fact that the National Police Service (NPS) is mandated to protect the lives and properties of the people as stipulated in the Kenyan constitution, it continues to face unprecedented pressure to improve its services to the public. Despite several changes being witnessed in the recent past, including annual recruitment of personnel, increased recruit training duration, acquisition of sophisticated weapons, advancement in technology, and most recently the merger of KPS and...

Influence of Liquidity Risk Management on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya

Abstract The management of liquidity risk in commercial banks determines the banks' financial performance, which predominantly influences the quality of the loan portfolio and the nature of credit administration programs as a whole. By ensuring that liquidity risk is effectively managed, the primary objective of liquidity risk management is to generate a high-quality, stable, large, and growing flow of net interest income for banks. This objective is achieved by ensuring that banks can meet ...

Influence of Audit Committee Meetings on the Quality of Audit Reports of Saccos in Homabay County, Kenya

Abstract Every operating organization keeps tabs on its development by producing accurate financial statements at the conclusion of each fiscal year, which are subsequently distributed to various individual users who are concerned with the organization's development. The audit procedure then confirms the accuracy of the financial accounts, and the audit committee then provides the specific business with a transparent audit report to seal the deal. The main objective of this study was to exam...

Effect of Corporate Culture on the Performance of the Kenya Commercial Bank

Abstract Over the last seven years, Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) management has initiated various restructuring processes, such as "moving from good to great" positioning strategy, rebranding tactics, value concerns, and behavior reassessment. These restructuring strategies are meant to place the financial institution as the market leader in the banking industry, not only in Kenya but also to encourage it to become a pan-African bank. Indeed, the bank has demonstrated strength in its branch n...

Selected Human Resource Management Practices and Employee Retention: A Case of Deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions in Nairobi, Kenya

Abstract Retention of employees is increasingly becoming a real challenge in organizations. While past studies have demonstrated the importance of employee retention in organizations, few have empirically examined the effect of human resource management practices on employee retention. The overall objective of this study was to examine the effect of selected human resource management practices on employee retention in deposit-taking microfinance institutions in Nairobi, Kenya. Specifically, ...

Effects of Debtors’ Management on Financial Performance of Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations in Nandi County, Kenya

Abstract Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) are key components of the economy and social development. However, it’s experiencing both internal and external issues that should be handled. The study attempted to identify the effects of business financial parameters on the performance of SACCOS in Nandi County. Specifically, the study investigated the effects of the management of loan debtors on the financial performance of SACCOs in Nandi County. The study was guided by li...

Customization and its Influence on the Performance of International Courier Firms in Kenya

Abstract The primary objective of this research was to investigate the influence of customization on the performance of international courier companies operating in Kenya. The study employed a descriptive research design, utilizing the survey technique as its methodology. The research focused on operations managers, with an estimated population of 55 individuals representing various international courier firms in Kenya. To gather data, the researcher employed a census-based purposive samplin...

Influence of Electronic Payment on Business Efficiency in Petrol Stations in Nyanza Region, Kenya

Abstract The Oil Sector Over the centuries, the oil industry has remained a predominant player in the world’s economy. This sector is known for its great contribution to many nations. The National Oil Board states that consumption of oil and petroleum products is projected to grow from 4.5 million metric tons to 12 million metric tons by 2030, yet currently, petroleum products procured face challenges. Recent findings have shown low efficiency in the procurement process at petrol stations ...

Effect of Credit Monitoring Practices on Loan Nonperformance among Microfinance Institutions in Nairobi County, Kenya

Abstract The Kenyan microfinance industry faces many challenges. Studies point to nonperforming loans as one of the main problems facing microfinance institutions in Kenya, which has led to reduced profitability and institutional collapse in some cases. Noncompliance with credit monitoring and loan policy provisions have been cited as some of the factors leading to increased non-performing loans. The main objective was to determine the effect of Credit Monitoring on nonperforming loans among...

School Budget Development and Financial Accountability of Public Secondary Schools in Khwisero Sub County, Kenya

Abstract The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) raised concern about the misuse of funds in public secondary schools, warned principals in charge, and even indicated the interdiction of principals with financial anomalies. In Turkana South, the audit questioned the use of Kenya Shillings 29 million to buy three school buses, failing the school budget implementation plans. There were no logbooks for the said vehicles. According to audit reports on public secondary schools, financial statement ...

Supplier Evaluation Management Practice and Supply Chain Performance of Kenyan Selected County Governments in Nyanza Region

Abstract Adequate supplier evaluations reduce the cost of projects. Therefore, inadequate supplier monitoring can lead to high costs, non-performance risks, and poor quality of the deliverables. The study examined the influence of supplier evaluation management practices on the supply chain performance of selected Kenyan county governments in Nyanza Region. The study used a number of methods, first utilising a descriptive and correlational research design. The study targeted 112 staff in the...

Continuance Commitment and Employee Performance of Non-Academic Staff in Public Universities in Western Region of Kenya

Abstract The present trend among firms is to prioritise the cultivation of dedicated employees due to the notable disparity in performance between devoted employees and their counterparts. Devoted personnel exhibit high levels of performance inside a company, hence contributing to the organisation's attainment of a competitive advantage over rival entities. The objective of this study was to examine the correlation between continuance commitment and employee performance of non-academic staff...

Effect of Pre-Contracting Procurement Practices on Supply Chain Performance of Road Authorities in Kakamega County, Kenya

Abstract The study focused on the effect of pre-contracting procurement practices on the supply chain performance of road authorities in Kakamega County, Kenya. Implementing and adopting the procurement Contracting practices in public institutions have continuously faced challenges due to their complexity and lack of resources, which directly impact supply chain performance. Institutions are operating in a competitive business environment with many players, and massive changes are taking pla...

Impact of Asset Quality Compliance on Financial Performance of Nairobi Securities Exchange Listed Commercial Banks

Abstract Asset quality compliance is relatively important; however, the banking sector has undergone major financial shocks due to compliance signals. With losses experienced among commercial banks, for instance, return on assets (ROA) dropped consistently from 29% to 24% in 2019 to 21% in 2020, hence the wrong signals. The decline in the number of assets and low deposits further magnified the challenge; this led to the closure of a number of banks, such as Chase Bank and Charterhouse Bank. ...

286 - 300 Of 19439 Results