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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

An Assessment of the Socio-Economic Impact of Cash Transfers: A Comparative Study of Kenya and Malawi between 2008 And 2014

Abstract: Cash transfers have increasingly been regarded as best practice for social protection mechanisms in developing countries. In Kenya, the pilot program of cash transfer introduced in the year 2004 focused on Orphans and vulnerable children with the aim of mitigating the effect of Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Human Immuno Virus (HIV) on children in the nation. In Malawi, the Social Cash Transfer was rolled out in 2006 on a pilot basis in response to chronic hunger an...

The Effects of Habitual Khat Use on Marital Satisfaction among Couples in South C Ward, Langata Constituency, Nairobi County, Kenya.

Abstract: Habitual khat use is a widespread and culturally acceptable practice in Kenya but lack of awareness its effects propagate its use in the community. Khat, a psycho stimulant, creates several central nervous system effects when ingested such as increased euphoria, motor stimulation, and a sense of excitement and energy. Its long-term effects are debilitating on the user and subsequently on his/her spouse and children. Psychosis, mood swings, depression, anxiety, physiological health ...

Examining the Use of Force by Police as a Driving Factor to Youth Radicalisation and Recruitment in Kenya

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the use of force by police as a driving factor towards youth radicalization in Eastleigh area, Nairobi County, Kenya. This is due to previous accusations that the Kenya police has used excessive force to prevent and respond to terrorism. While such force may help to immediately suppress the situation, it often contributes to further frustration, anger and resistance in the longer-term. This includes an unintended effect of further youth radi...

An Analysis of Political Regimes Model on Economic Development in Uganda: 1963-2013

Abstract: The consistent shift in Uganda governance structure over the years, since independence, encouraged the leadership in power to influence political instability and promote socio-economic decay in the country. The economic and social decay was largely was associated with unstable governance and lack of proper leadership. This analysis points out the reasons for absence of commitment by leaders to democratic practices and constitutional rule which may enhance economic growth. The emerg...

Examining the Role of the World Bank in Post- Conflict Reconstruction: A Case of the Democratic Republic Of Congo

Abstract: Democratic Republic of Congo is a country with rich natural resources. However, the continuous civil wars in DRC have made it difficult for any meaningful economic, social, and political development to take place. The underdevelopment in DRC is the reason why the World Bank initiated projects that can help in steering economic development in DRC thus the need for the study. Therefore, it is critical to understand the underlying issues affecting the suitability and effectiveness of ...

South-South Migration: The Impact of Diaspora Remittance on National Development of Kenya

Abstract: There is a growing recognition of the south to south migration in developing countries, shaping the relationship between diaspora remittance and national development. It is for this reason that the study was justified on the basis that many studies on remittance are derived from the Global north than the Global south. The purpose of this study was to find the relationship between diaspora remittances to Kenya’s national development focusing on the Global south. The study was guid...

Paradiplomacy in Kenya: A Case of the Devolved System of Governance

Abstract: Based on the broader concept of decentralization as a strategy for development, this paper examined the incentives of County Governments in advancing their interests in the international arena, a practice known as paradiplomacy. The Fourth Schedule of the COK 2010 provides the distribution of powers and functions between the National Government and the County Governments. The Constitution also emphasizes the importance of each level of government respecting the functional and insti...

Liberal Democracy Conundrum: Examining the Impact of Term Limit Extension on Liberal Democracy in Africa

Abstract: The main objective of this study was examined the impact of presidential term limit extension on liberal democracy in Africa. Majority of citizens from most Africa states oppose term limit extension, yet during referendums the same citizen approve this term extensions. This study adopted a mixed methodological approach by utilizing both qualitative and quantitative research design method. Secondary data was used in this study. Data was extracted from previous studies on presidentia...

Kenya’s Approach in Countering Violent Extremism

Abstract: This study examined Kenya‘s approach of Counter Violent Extremism (CVE) in achieving the intended objectives of preventing radicalization and recruitment of individuals into active participation in violent extremist activities. The study found out that broadening CVE approaches in Kenya could work beyond state-centric interventions that allow a broader space for myriads of actors. The role of the Kenyan government needs to adapt a collective vision and engage community actors to ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Sovereign Wealth Fund on Development: Case of Rwanda and Norway

Abstract: In recent years, the Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF) have emerged as dynamic class as a crucial source of funding for economic development especially in times of economic crisis. The funds currently managed through various SWF are estimated between 2 and 3 trillion dollars, which is huge in terms of its development value to states that own them. For the developing countries of Africa, the objectives of creating SWF are to provide a resilient source of development in finance. Rwanda is...

The Role of Regional Trade Agreements on Africa’s Multilateral Policy Growth: An Analysis of East African Integration

Abstract: This thesis examines the role of Regional Trade Agreements in Africa’s multilateral growth, the various factors that lead to their proliferation and the role of globalization in Africa’s multilateral policy. The East African Community integration has been used as a case study to represent Africa multilateralism. To bridge further gaps, the study considered the role of African Regional Trade Agreements in defining their place in multilateral platforms, thereby concluding that Af...

An Evaluation of Work-Related Stress among Probation Officers in Nairobi County

Abstract: In the course of their work, probation officers interact with various types of offenders, offenders’ families, the victims of the crimes, court officers, the police and other persons affected by the offences. As a result of this interaction it has been found that probation officers experience high levels of work-related stress. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the work-related stress amongst probation officers in Nairobi County. The study addressed the work-related...

The Independence of the Judiciary in Kenya: An Analysis of Presidential Election Petitions Pre and Post 2010

Abstract: In a historic and first of its kind ruling, the Supreme Court of Kenya showed the fortitude and courage of the judiciary by nullifying the August 8th 2017 presidential election that had been tainted by irregularities. This sent word to the country that the Kenyan Judiciary is not an institution to be taken for granted and can be counted upon to uphold the rights of the people irrespective of their position within the spectrum of power. The independence of the judiciary is critical ...

Determining the Effects of Parent- Adolescents Relationship on the Psychological Wellbeing of Adolescents: A Case of Dagoretti South Sub-County

Abstract: The study sought to determine the effects of parent-child relationship on the psychological wellbeing of adolescents: a case of Dagoretti South Sub-County. The study examined parental attachment, the perception of the adolescents towards their relationship with parents, communication between parents and adolescents and gender differences in relation to the psychological wellbeing of adolescents. A sample size of 100 adolescents aged 13-17 years was selected using simple random samp...

Effects of Body Image on Self-Esteem among Young Adults: A Case of University Of Nairobi

Abstract: For the last several years, study on body image has been a growing field. The primary goal of this project was to determine the effects of bodyimage on self-esteemamong young people of 18 to 25 years. The research objectives for the study were: to establish whether body size influences the level of self-esteemamong young people of 18 to 25 years; to find out whether fashion influences the level of self-esteemamong young people of 18 to 25 years, to investigate whether complexion in...

406 - 420 Of 19439 Results