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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Financial Management in Co-Operative Financing Agency (A Case Study of Kwara Co-Operative Financial Agency Ltd

INTRODUCTION          Co-operative financing agencies are not different from other types of business with respect to efficient management of their funds they are required it’s used fund very carefully and judiciously because their source of funds tends to be limited.          The peculiar limitation imposed by cooperative principles make it very difficult for cooperative to obtain sufficient fund from outside e.g. that interest payment must not exceed a certain percentage...

Edu Frontiers 69 PAGES (8421 WORDS) Finance Seminar
Examine the Relationship Between Effective Leadership and Production in an Organization (A Case Study of Unilever Nigeria PLC)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page                                                                                                        i Certification                                                                                                    ii Dedication                   ...

The Effect of Education and Gender on Political Participation in Nigeria (A Case Study of Ilorin East Local Government Area)

TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE                                                                           i APPROVAL PAGE                                                                  ii DEDICATION                                                                         iii ACKNOWLEDGEMEN...

The Effect of Military Rule on Nigeria Political Economy (A Case Study of Abacha Regime 1993 – 1998)

ABSTRACT           Military rule has been one of the greatest factors responsible for the set back of the African continent. Infact General Sanni Abacha’s regime has been described by many scholar’s, as the most unconcerned government when it comes to the issue of economy. Therefore, this project assesses the effect of military rule on the Nigeria economy choosing the General Sanni Abacha’s regime as a case study. Chapter one serves as the general introduction to the study. Ch...

Examined the Impact of Sale Promotion on Manufacturing Industry (A Case Study of Nigeria Bags Manufacturing Company Ikeja Lagos)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title pagei Certificationii Dedicationiii Acknowledgement iv Table of contentsvi CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Background to the study1 1.2 Statement of the research problem2 1.3 Objectives of the study3 1.4 Significant of the study3 1.5Scope of the study3 1.6 Limitations to the study4 1.7 Definition of terms4 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW  2.1 Introduction6 2.2 Importance of promotion as a marketing mix7 2.3 The need for promotion7 2.4 Promotion and communication process9 2.5 Communicat...

Taxation and Revenue Generation in Nigeria Local Government Administration (A Case Study of Asa Local Government Area of Kwara State)

TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE 1.0Introduction  1.1Background to the Study   1.2Scope and Limitation of the Study   1.3Aims and Objectives of the Study  1.4Significance of the Study    1.5Definition of Terms Used  1.7organization of the study   REFERENCES CHAPTER TWO 2.0Literature Review  2.1Meaning of Taxation    2.2Principle of Taxation    2.3Types of Taxes   2.4Indirect Taxes  2.5The Purpose of Taxation      2.6Method of Tax Improvement  2.7Meaning of Revenue    2.8S...

Manpower Training and Development in the Public Sector (A Case Study of State Universal Basic Education Board Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Certification Dedication Acknowledgment  Table of Content CHAPTER ONE 1.0Background of the study 1.1Introduction  1.2Statement of the problem 1.3Objective of the Study 1.4Significant of the Study 1.5Research Hypothesis 1.6Scope and Limitation of the Study 1.7Organization of the Study 1.8Definition of Terms CHAPTER TWO Literature Review 2.0Introduction 2.1Theoretical Frame Work 2.2Current trend in thinking 2.3Summary of the chapter References CHAPTER THREE 3.0Res...

An Evaluation of Strategic Planning or Organization Performance (A Case Study of Pz Cussons Nigeria Limited)

BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF THE STUDY In as much company have conducted business, some have been experiencing outstanding Successes while other person dismal failure. Some organizations act with purpose and sense of direction, other draft, some companies are adopt at seizing new opportunities, other watch passively or let the ship through cracks. Management is a set of function i.e. planning, controlling, directing etc and the best way to predict a future is by planning ahead. Business organiza...

Assessing to Roles of Zakat Institution on Nigerian Economy Development (A Case Study of Niger State Endorsement Board)

ABSTRACT Almighty Allah the ordained wealthy individual muslim pay their Takat as ludainetital pillar, also as source for welfares services to the poor and needy. The eight of Zakat recipient who are entitle to benefit were enumerated such as the poor, needy and welfare e.t.c. Zakat fitr and Zakatul wealth and property were important aspect of this research work. The zakatable wealth includes the following cash, animal and plant crops. The essence of Zakat is to provide welfare package top ti...

The Significance of Motivation on Staff Performance (A Case Study of Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin)

PROJECT PROPOSAL The significance of motivation and staff performance (A Case Study of Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin). This project is divided into five chapters. Chapter one consist of introduction of the study, objectives of study and the problems encountered in the course of the study. Chapter two will focus attention mainly on the review of related literature on the review of related literature on motivation try to apply or review some notable motivated theories postulated by early scho...

Bureaucracy as a Tool for Effective Performance in Public Sector (A Case Study of Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin.)

PROPOSAL The main objective of the research work is bureaucracy as a tool for effective performance in the public sector. (a case study of Kwara state polytechnic, Ilorin) The first chapter of the project which is chapter one will explain the background of the study and statement of the problem, aims and objectives/ purpose of the study and scope and limitations of the study, organization of the study and explain the definition of the study terms operational terms. Chapter two of the study wi...

The Development of Small Scale Industries as an Instrument for Controlling Unemployment Problems in Nigeria (A Case Study of Ostrich Bakery Ilorin Kwara State)

ABSTRACT The main thrust of this study was to evaluate the significance of the development of small industries as an instrument for controlling unemployment problems in Nigeria, choosing Ostrich Bakery Limited Ilorin, Kwara state as the case. To achieve this series of text on the development of small scale industries as an instrument for controlling unemployment problems in Nigeria were consulted with the aim of knowing the perspective of various aultours on the theoretical frame work of the ...

The Effect of Deregulation in Banking Industry on Nigeria Economy (A Case Study of Intercontinental bank Plc, Igbona Branch, Oshogbo)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page Certification  Dedication  Acknowledgment  Table of content  CHAPTER ONE Introduction  1.1background of the study  1.2statement of the problem  1.3research question  1.4purpose of the study  1.5scope of the study  1.6limitation of the study  1.7significance of terms  CHAPTER TWO  Literature Review  2.1Deregulation and the banking industries  2.2Historical background of banking industries in  Nigeria  2.3The Nigeria banking industries  2.4Types of ...

The Roles of Marketing in the Commercial Banking. [A Case Study of Diamond Bank Nigeria Plc].

ABSTRACT The research works seek to indentify the roles of marketing in the commercial banking. [A case study of diamond bank Nigeria plc]. Commercial banking was entrenched in 1892 with the establishment of British bank for West Africa [b.b.v.a]. The indigenous bank were saved from extraction after 1954 by the intervention of the western and eastern regional bank, marketing is a concept which has not been given due and serious attention among banks in Nigeria because of the seller market nat...

Effect of Credit Management in Banks Profitability and Growth in Nigeria Economy (A Case Study of Central Bank of Nigeria Ilorin Branch)

CHAPTER ONE 1.0          INTRODUCTION Bank lending evolved from the beginning when the goldsmith discovered that only small proportion of the money kept with him to save was in fact required by the depositor at any point in time and that he could safely lend the rest to borrowers and charge interest thereon. Commercial Banks hinged their consistent existence in the profession on profit-making or profitability. Hence, it is chiefly regarded as aspect of a financial operation system...

4276 - 4290 Of 19638 Results