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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Internal Control System in Nigeria Deposit Money Banks Prospects And Problem (A Case Study Of Union Bank Plc)

Abstract Banks are very important in nation; they are the backbone of the nation’s economy.  Functions of the bank according to ezeuiji (1997), including money creation, acceptance of deposit from the customers, provision of facilities for domestic and foreign remittance, help government in implementing monetary policies etc. According to the operational standard (guideline). Internal control is defined as the whole system of controls,, financial and otherwise, established  by the manage...

Effect Of Internal Audit In An Organization (A Case Study Of University Of Ilorin Teaching Hospital Ilorin)

Abstract Internal auditor constitutes parts of the structure of the internal control system, which function as a check in other work in and organization. The internal auditors enjoy some measures of independence from organizations operating personal for the fact that they make report, the chief executive of an organization to whom they are responsible. The external auditor is certified that the activities of the internal auditor is assured of the reliability of accounting records, he can su...

An Appraisal Of Accounting Information As A Tool For Decision Making Process In The Manufacturing Sector (A Case Study Of International Tobacco Company Plc, Ilorin, Kwara State)

Abstract Appraisal statement has been defined by the statement of accounting standard No: 2 (SAS 2) as the means of communication to invested party’s information on the resources, obligation and performance of the reporting entity or enterprise. Financial statement therefore are statement of summarizing transaction of a business, prepared and presented basically for a time period for various decision making situation by variety of users. The purpose of this statement is not to evolve a ba...

Privatization And Commercialization Of Public Enterprises: Problem And Prospect (A Case Study Of P.H.C.N Ilorin)

Abstract In recent times, in their effort to manage their resources more efficiently for maximum growth and development. Most countries have started to question the wisdom of investing so much in their public sector from which not much returns in terms of efficient supply of goods and services or profit ability or both could be good. However, privatization and commercialization have for long been and still remains a highly controversial topic in Nigeria. To be or not to be? This project is ai...

Accounting System In Agricultural Development Project In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Kwara State Agricultural Development Project)

Abstract Government accounting is the process of recording, analyzing, summary; communication and interpreting financial information abut government in aggregate and in details, reflecting all transactions involving the receipts, transfer and disposition of government funds and property. This is the effect it his laid down in the audit ordinance in 1956 and the finance control and management ordinance of 1958. The provision of these two ordinances of 1958. The provision of these two ordinance...

Accounting Information as a Basis For Managerial Decision-Making (A Case Study Of Kam Wire Company Limited, Ilorin)

Abstract Management is the aspect of a business which relates to making policies, developing programmers, setting standards, applying to financial, physical, human resources, maintaining plant and equipment, supervisory, labour and clerical forces at a maximum efficiency.  In a nutshell, management involves setting goals and directing people and other resources in the accomplishment of the enterprise goals. In discharging its inherent duties and responsibilities, management the task of choos...

Financial Planning And Control In Catering And Hotel Operation (A Case Study Of Circular Hotel Limited, Ilorin)

Abstract Although we know that setting up hospitality industry in a prominent position in the Nigeria industrial league table with regards to the number of employees and annual turnover, in its present state, it is fairly of displeased origin dating from the introduction of regular mail coaches in the eightieth century and developing further during the colonial era, with the advert of railways and their motor car which gave ordinary men the means of travelling easily than ever before. Wheneve...

Impact Of Budget On Effective Planning And Control In An Organisation (A Case Study Of Kwara Hotel Ilorin.)

Abstract Budget is an estimate of probable future income and expenditure, it is mechanism for deciding what will be spent and realized in future. Budget is the expression of management master operating of financing plan that is the formalized outline of company objectives and means of attaining them. It can be said that budget are formal statement of organization resource set aside for the purpose of carrying out specific function or activities over a given time period. Budgets are useful an...

Internal Control System As A Means Of Detecting And Minimizing Fraud In Government Establishments (A Case Study Of Lower Niger River Basin And Rural Development Authority Ilorin)

In any organization be it small, medium or big, it is very crucial to work towards achieving a goal. To struggle towards the realization of this goal, one needs to employ human, financial and material resources. The degree of achievement largely depends on the organization’s ability to coordinate the above resources towards achieving the stated objectives. No doubt, the economic recession has affected both individual and companies in general and this has gone a long way to guide expenditur...

The Impact of Value Analysis and Value Engineering on Organizational Profitability

Abstract Value Analysis/Value Engineering is a systematic and organized procedural decision-making process. It has been used in almost any kind of application. It helps people creatively generate alternatives to secure essential functions at the greatest worth as opposed to costs. This is referred to as value. It is also known as Value Analysis, Value Management, Value Planning, and a host of other names. As organization seeks to maximize profitability, they have utilized various business st...

The Effect Of Cost-Control In The Profitability Of A Business Organisation (A Case Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company, Ilorin Plant)

Abstract One of the means of measuring the performance of an organization’s management is its efficiency. Efficiency reliable to the optimum utilization of inputs to derive the best achievable outputs. An efficient manager executes his responsibilities with the last resources and maximum output to accomplish the organizational goals. An important goal of a profit oriented organizational is to operate at a profit. However, if how effort to generate maximum revenue is not cost efficient, it...

Cost Control And Reduction Strategies For Solving Business Economic Problems. (A Case Study Of Guinness Nigeria Plc)

Abstract A business can be defined as the sum total of those activities that have their main purpose of creations, maintenance and extension of a concern, with continuous to exist because it earns profit or than benefits. Business is set-up to achieve certain objectives, these objectives may range from maximum of the organizer, wealth, rendering of certain essential service to the community, capturing of larger share of market for it product or services to maximization of profit or minimiza...

The Impact Of Liquidity On Banks Profit In Nigerian Banking Industry (A Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria)

Abstract In every system, there are major component that are paramount for the survival of the system. This is applicable to financial system. The banking institution had contributed significantly to the effectiveness of the entire financial system as they offer an efficient institution mechanism, through which resources can be mobilized and directed from less essential uses to more profitable and productive investment. The performance of these financial institutions has proved to be effecti...

Level of Videogames Addiction of Senior High School Students During The Covid-19 Pandemic

The purpose of this study is to find out the level of videogames addiction of Senior High School students during this pandemic and how it affects the factors under time management, physical health, mental health and social interaction. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Is there a significant difference in the level of e-games addiction to Senior High School students before and during this Covid-19 pandemic? Is there a significant difference in the level of e-games addiction to Senior High School stude...

Diversification of the Economy: An Imperative for Sustainable Development in Nigeria

The study was to evaluate the diversification of the economy as an imperative for sustainabledevelopment in Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: evaluate the effect of enhancing Agriculturalsector on the creation of jobs in Nigeria, assess the effect of manufacturing with high local contentson the derivations of economic growth in Nigeria and ascertain the effect of solid minerals sectors onthe income redistribution in Nigeria. The study used the survey approach. The primary source of da...

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