Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Role of Auditors With Their Clients and Third Parties. A Case Study of Adebayo Bankole & Co Chartered Accountant

Table of Contents Title Page Certific­ation Dedication Acknowledgement Preface CHAPTER ONE 1.0      introduction 1.1    Background of the Study 1.2    Aims and Objectives of the Study 1.3    Significance of the Study 1.4    Limitation of the Study 1.5    Definitions of Terms 1.6    Organization and Plan of the Study 1.7    Statement of Research Hypothesis   CHAPTER TWO 2.0    Introduction 2.1    Concept of Auditing and its Independence 2.2    Audit Commit...

Problems and Prospect of Cash Management in Money Deposit Banks (A Case Study of Union Bank of Nigeria Plc, Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                                                       i Certification                                                                   ii       Dedication                                                                      iii Acknowledgm...

Preservice Economics Teachers Perception and Attitude Towards the use of Computer- Based Test for Assessments in University of Ilorin

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study A systematic collection of information for use in judging the worth of a programme, product, procedure, or objective; or the potential utility of alternative approaches designed to attain specific objectives (Joshua, 2004). Evaluation of teaching and learning in the Nigerian educational system consisted, essentially, of tests and examinations often conducted by teachers or instructors, examining bodies or government departments. Evaluation o...

Edu Frontiers 34 PAGES (11474 WORDS) Economics Seminar
Critical Evaluation of Accounting System in Non Profit Making Organization (A Case Study of Kwara State Water Cooperation Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Pages Certification Dedication Acknowgement Table of content CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1      Background of the study 1.2      Statement of the problem 1.3      Objectives of the study 1.4      Significance of the study 1.5      Scope and limited of the study 1.6      Defination of terms   CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1      Accounting information report 2.2      Objective of an enterprises 2.3      Conflicting objec...

Planning Implementation and Control in the Public Sector. (A Case Study of Kwara State Bureau of Economic Planning)

CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction          The main essence at any development planning is to organize the priorities of the government in such a way as to quicken the pace of development. In the last two decades, most countries of the third world nation,  have drawn up national development plans with the objective at accelerating the economic growth and the rate at which the standard of living of the populace can be raised in addition to sustaining an increased rate of economic growth...

Planning as a Management Function (A Case Study of Ilorin East Local Government)

CHAPTER ONE 1.1         Background of the study 1.2         Statement of the research problem 1.3         Objectives of the study 1.4         Significance of the study 1.5         Scope of the study 1.6         Delimitation and limitation of the study 1.7         Organization of the study CHAPTER TWO 2.1         Literature review 2.2         Nature of planning 2.3         Steps is stages in planning CHAPTER THRE...

Personal Selling as an Effective Promotional Tool in Marketing of Industrial Goods (A Case Study of NNPC, Ilorin)

ABSTRACT The project aim at knowing personal selling as a promotional tools in the marketing of industrial goods, which provide for detail information about all activities that is going in industrial goods/ products, and also touch the parts of promotional activities like sales promotion, public relation, advertising and publicity which is useful to solve marketing problems. This project explains all process involve in oil companies in order to make successful selling activities. However, it ...

Edu Frontiers 79 PAGES (8979 WORDS) Marketing Project
Source of Finance in a Manufacturing Company (A Case Study of Global Soap Detergent Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of Contents CHAPTER ONE 1.0     Introduction                                                                                                                                                                                          �...

An Evaluation of the Contribution of Small and Mediums Scale Enterprises (Smes) to the Economic Development in Nigeria (A Case Study of Eight (8) Selected Smse in Ilorin Metropolics)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of Content CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.0      Background of the Study 1.1      Statement of the Problems 1.2      Objectives of the Study 1.3      Research of the Study 1.4      Significance of the Study 1.5      Scope and Limitation of the Study 1.6      Organization and Planning of Study       CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0      Definition  of Small and medium scales En...

Ratio Analysis as an Important Tool for Evaluation Performance in the Banking Sector (A Case Study of Union Bank of Nigeria Plc).

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                                                                                                   i Certification                                                                                                              ii Ded...

Organizational Structure in Formal and Informal Organization (A Case Study of Cabuy Nigeria Limited Lagos State )

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page                                     Approval  page                                               i Dedication                                                     ii Acknowledgement                                                   iii-iv Abstract                     ...

The Liquidity and Profitability Management in Commercial Bank ( A Case Study of Union Bank of Nigeria Plc Lagos)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page                                                                              i Certification                                                                          ii Dedication                                                                       ...

Money Laundering and Financial Crime in Nigeria the war of Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) and the Impact on Nigeria Financial System.

ABSTRACT          Money laundering and financial crime in Nigeria: The war of the economy and financial crime commission and the impact on the Nigeria has through service of reformation and damaged in the economy of Nigeria. The content of this review is the effort or war fight by the economic and financial crime commission in computing money laundering and financial system.  The first chapter contains the introduction of the aspect of the study, which review the background and the...

An Evaluation Of The Impact Of Continue Devaluation of Nigeria Currency on Industrial Performance in Nigeria (A Case Study of Okin Biscuit Nigeria Limited Ijagbo)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Content                                                                Pages Title page                                                                      i Certification                                                                  ii Dedication               �...

Nigeria Tax System – Its Aims, Objectives And Contribution to the Nigeria Economic Development (A Case Study of Kwara State Board of Internal Revenue, Ilorin)

  ABSTRACT Since the past years, none of the students of the department of Accounting either NCE or B.Sc. has made any write-up on the topic Nigeria Tax system. In view of this, it is important and necessary to let students of Accountancy Department and necessary and other Department to know the importance of tax system in the Development of Nigeria economy. This has become imperative because of the ignorance of people on the importance of Nigeria Tax system, which has been a hindrance to t...

Edu Frontiers 25 PAGES (11617 WORDS) Accounting Seminar

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