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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Availability and Utilization of Computers In Teaching and Learning of Business Studies in Selected Secondary Schools in Kajola Local Government, Oyo State

ABSTRACT The use of computers the world over has changed the way we do many things. The integration of computers in teaching and learning has proved to be a worthwhile experience. This study sought to establish the availability and utilization of computers for teaching and learning Business Studies in public secondary schools in Kajola Local Government, Oyo State. The objectives of this research were: (1) To investigate the availability and accessibility of general purpose of computers to te...

Auditor’s Role in Reporting of Financial Statement of a Company (A Case Study of Olushola Adekanola and Company Chartered Accountants)

Abstract  In the contemporary business world, there should be a good communication method between the management and the providers of capital otherwise called the owners of shareholders. Usually, the shareholders appoint expertise as managers/directors to run the business on their behalf. This occurs when the shareholders do not have the technical know-how or have limited time to manage the business. The manager communicates the stage of affairs of the business to them (the owners) at the ...

Edu Frontiers 91 PAGES (11070 WORDS) Accounting Seminar
Assessing the Roles of Zakat Institution on Nigerian Economy Development (A Case Study of Niger State Endorsement Board)

Abstract The dynamic of my project is based on assessing the roles of Zakat Institution on Nigerian economic development. It contains five chapters. Chapter One contain the Introduction of the Study, Background of the Study, Statement of the problem, Purpose of the Study, Significant of the Study, Scope and Limitation, Research Question and Definition of Terms. Chapter Two also contain Literature Review, Concept and Ideas of Zakat, Types of Zat, The Zakatable Wealth, The Beneficiaries Grou...

Assessing the Problems of Financial Management in Local Government (A Case Study of Ilorin South Local Government)

     INTRODUCTION Financial Management is primarily concerned with the management process of planning the provision and effective utilization of funds.  In the context of this study, financial management is more than mere receipt and disbursement of funds.  It entails the proper use of available resources which are usually limited financial resources for the accomplishment of set goals and objective which would have been arrived at through and arduous and painful process of choosing amon...

Appraisal Accounting System in Multinational Company Operations ( A Case Study Of Cadbury P.L.C. Lagos)

ABSTRACT This project focuses on the value of accounting system in multinational company operations using Cadbury plc of  Lagos as a case study. It comprises of five chapter one deals with the background of the study viewed by the research. Chapter two contains adequate attempts made by the researcher to merge muiti-dimensuinal view form literature that is opinion of different writers in journals magazines and textbooks in relation to topic. Chapter three deals with research methodology, ...

Edu Frontiers 90 PAGES (9789 WORDS) Finance Seminar
Impact of Perceived Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty (A Case Study of Honeywell Flour Mills Plc)

ABSTRACT           This research is used to explore the impact of perceived service quality on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. The main objective of this study was to identify the service quality offerings of Honeywell Flour Mills Nig. Plc and Lister Flour Mills Ltd to their customers, to ascertain the level of customer’s satisfaction and to determine the relationship between customer service and brand loyalty. Questionnaires were used in collating respondent’s opinion...

Application of Marketing Concept in a Non-Profit-Organization (A Case Study of Securities and Exchnage Commision Abuja)

Abstract Marketing may very well be most significant activities in our society today. Your very existence if profoundly affected each day by a wide at marketing activities, the food you eat the cloth you wear, housing that shelter you and activities you engage in both in profit oriented organization non-profit oriented organization, manufacturing industries have been to some measures affected by marketing act. The role of marketing in promotion of financial services is the topic for the rese...

Implication of Foreign Exchange Management and Global Economy Down Turn on Nigerian Economy (A Case Study of Eco Bank Plc Ilorin Branch)

Abstract The need for foreign currency policy management arises only within the framework of countries engaged in international trade in contract to a closed economy, whose scope does not transcend its intra country trade transactions. Foreign exchange is the means or ways of effecting payment for the international transactions it can be acquired by a country through the export of goods and services, direct investment inflow drawn down on external loans aid or grants and it can also be expan...

The Role of Auditing in the Business and Economic Life of a Manufacturing Industry (A Case Study of Utc Nigeria Plc)

Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of content CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1       Background of the study 1.2       Statement of problems 1.3       Significance of the Study 1.4       Research question 1.5       Working hypothesis 1.6       Scope and limitation of the study 1.7       Definition of the Study Reference CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1       Introduction 2.2       Auditors reports 2.3       Effe...

An Assessment of the Impact of Asset and Liability Verification in a Company (A Case Study of Global Soap and Detergent Industry Nigeria Ltd)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of contents   CHAPTER ONE 1.1    Introduction 1.2   Statement of the problem 1.3   Objective of the study 1.4     Scope of the study 1.5     Limitation of the study 1.6     Plan of study. 1.7     Definition of terms CHAPTER TWO 2.0    Review of related literatures 2.1    Introduction 2.2   Verification procedures 2.3    Principles of verification of fixed asset and liabilities 2.4    T...

An Investigation Into Effect of Bad Debt on Profitability Of Banks (A Case Study Of Union Banks Of Nigeria Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                                                      i Certification                                                                  ii Dedication                                                                     iii Acknowledgement       �...

An Evaluation of the Relationship Between Literature and Practice of Tax Revenue in Local Government of Nigeria (A Case Study Of Isin Local Government Area Of Kwara State)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of Contents Chapter one: Introduction 1.1         Background of the Study 1.2         Statement of the Research Problem 1.3         Objective of the Study 1.4         Significance of the Study 1.5         Research Questions 1.6         Scope of the Study 1.7         Limitation of the Study 1.8         Study Plan 1.9         Definition of Key Ter...

Edu Frontiers 92 PAGES (12639 WORDS) Accounting Project
The Impact of Continued Devaluation of Nigeria Currency on Industrial Performance in Nigeria (A Case Study of Nigeria Eagle Flour Mill, Nigeria Limited Ibadan)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                                                                    i Certification                                                                                 ii Dedication                                                        �...

An Evaluation of the Contribution Of Small and Mediums Scale Enterprises (Smes) to the Economic Development in Nigeria (A Case Study of Eight (8) Selected Smes in Ilorin Metropolics)

1.1   BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY         This study will have its fundamental root from the contribution of small and medium scale enterprises (SMES) o the economic development in Nigeria. Apart from the potential development of small and medium enterprise for ensuring a self reliant industrialization in terms of the ability to rely largely on local raw materials. It is also a good strategy to boost employment and guarantee an even distribution of industrial establishments in the cou...

An Evaluation of Shares and Securities Dealing in the Nigeria Capital Market (A Case Study of Nigeria Stock Exchange From 2002-2006)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of content CHAPTER ONE 1.1           Background of the study 1.2           Statement of the problem 1.3           Objective of the study 1.4           Scope of the study 1.5           Significance of the study 1.6           Limitation of the study 1.7           Definition of terms CHAPTER TWO 2.1           Criteria for price determination (st...

4531 - 4545 Of 19638 Results