Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Inventory Management And Production Levels In Manufacturing Firms In Uganda Case Study: Movit Products Limited Company

ABSTRACT The research study was under taken on inventory management and production levels in manufacturing firms in Uganda. The research was based on three objectives i) To determine the inventory management system used by Movit Products Limited Company ii) To find out the trend of production levels and analyze the methods of inventory management applied. iii) To establish the relationship between inventory management and inventory levels. To achieve the study objectives, the researcher colle...

The Effects Of Internal Control System On Organisation's Cash Flow Management

ABSTRACT This Study was about the Effects of Internal Control System on Organization's Cash Flow Management a case ofKilifi Teacher's Co-operative Society. The main Objective of the study was to establish the Relationship between Internal Control System on Organizational Cash Flow Management in KITECO. Chapter One of the Study established the background of the study, the statement of the problem, the Purpose of the study which was to establish the Relationship between Internal Control System...

Tendering Process And Service Delivery In Local Government In Uganda. A Case Study Of Arua District Local Government Headquarters

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ........••.••...............••..•••••.•.••.......................•.•.••.•••.......................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .........•.••.•.•.•...........................••.••.•............

The Effect Of Ethical Principles On The Procurement Process (Case Study Of Local Gorvernment, Bundibugyo District)

ABSTRACT Ethical principles make procurement to be transparent and accountable. The public procurement and disposal department of Bundibugyo district, due to its own characteristics has not applied the ethical practices as clearly stated in the PPDA Act 2003 as widely as it should have. The purpose of this exploratory study is to increase the understanding of the different ethical principles in Uganda and emphasis the practices of morality during the procurement process. The study will also ...

Motivation And Employee Performance In An Organization: A Case Study Of Hima Cement Factory Kasese District Western Uganda

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was motivation and employee performance in Hima cement factory in Kasese district western Uganda; the problem of the study was to have proper motivation of employees in Hima cement factory in Kasese district western Uganda. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between employee motivation and their performance in Hima cement factory in Kasese district western Uganda. The objectives of the study were; To find out the types of motivation in ...

Effectiveness Of Participatory Planning In The Provision Of Service Delivery Case Study: Nakasongola Town Council

Abstract This study was carried out in Nakasongola Town Council, Nakasongola District in the Central paii of Uganda. This study explored the effectiveness of participatory planning in decentralized development in the provision of services in Nakasongola Town Council. Under the Local Government Act 1997, participatory planning was adopted as an approach that encourages participation and involvement of all key stakeholders in development planning and implementation. The Local Government Act 19...

Motivation and employee performance at global lofty ·. Solutions limited in kampala-uganda.

ABSTRACT . . t~.Jo!, ._.:! :·t Human resources apart from other resources m an organization are the most valuable resource for effective organizational performance. Organization either public or private is highly depends on employee's performance and commitment towards achieving organizational goals. Employee's commitment 1s associated with employee's motivation at workplace and depends highly on how management treats employees. The general objective of the study was to find out the effect ...

The Influence Of Community Based Savings Micro Finance On Poverty Eradication In Uganda: A Case Study Of Kabwohe Town Council, Sheema District

ABSTRACT The study on “Community based savings micro finance and household income poverty eradication in Kabwohe town council, Sheema district” was guided by three research objectives which sought to: Examine the impact of Community Based Savings Micro Finance towards poverty eradication among the households of Kabwohe town council Sheema district; establish the challenges being faced by Community Based Savings Micro Finance beneficiaries in their struggle to eradicate household income p...

Total Quality Management And Customer Service Delivery A Case Study Of Uganda Telecom

Table of Contents Chapter 1 1.0 lntroduction .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background of Study ........................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................ .3 1.3 Purpose and Objectives of the Study ...........................

Inventory Management And Profitability Of Companies In Kampala: A Case Study Of Mega Standard Supermarket

ABSTRACT The major aim of this research was to find out the relationship between inventory management and profitability of companies. The research topic was "Inventory management and profitability of Companies in Kampala" A Case study of Mega Standard Supermarket. The objectives of the study were; to examine the inventory management practices used in Mega standard Supermarket, to examine the factors affecting profitability of Mega standard Supermarket and to study the relationship between in...

Challenges Faced By Female Headed Households In Improving Household Welfare, A Case Study Of Mpumudde-Kimaka Sub County, Jinja District Eastern Uganda

ABSTRACT The research was carried out to find out the challenges faced by female headed households in Mpumudde-Kimaka Sub County as the case study area. The research arose due to the challenges faced by the female household heads and the objective of the study were to find out the nature of problems faced by female headed household, To examine the factors leading to women becoming household heads and To find out measures put in place to solve the challenges faced by female headed households. ...

The Role Of Non-Government Organisations In The Rehabilitation Of Street Children In Kampala City Case Study: Friends Of Children Association (Foca)

ABSTRACT This study is about the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the rehabilitation of former street children in Kampala Uganda. The study was set to determine the nature of street children, the positive contributions resulting from rehabilitation of street children and the social problems experienced by street children. The study used both qualitative and quantitative methods. Data was gathered from FOCA stakeholders, local leaders and street children using questionnaires, ...

Micro Finance Credit Policies And Loan Repayment In Centenary Bank And Fin Ca Uganda Ltd, Kampala

ABSTRACT The research topic: the impact of microfinance credit policies and loan repayment in finca Uganda limited and Centenary bank, Kampala. The main objectives of the study included: a) To examine the credit policies in micro finance institutions b) To examine the effectiveness of loan repayment in micro finance institutions c) To establish the relationship between micro finance credit policies and loan repayment. The literature review presents work of other scholars on area of Micro Fin...

Corporate Income Tax And Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks In Uganda: A Case Study Of Centenary Rural Developmentbank, Ishaka Branch Bushenyi District

ABSTRACT The study was carried out on corporate income tax and financial performance of commercial Banks in Uganda, a case study of Centenary Rural Development Bank lshaka, The research was conducted basing on two study variables: corporate income tax as an independent variable and financial performance was the dependent variable, The study was guided by the following objectives; to evaluate the effects of corporate income tax, level of financial performance and find out the relationship bet...

5296 - 5310 Of 19638 Results