Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Determinants Of Women Participation In Political Leadership: The Case Of Turkana Central Constituency, Turkana County

ABSTRACT Over the years, many interventions have been used to enhance women participation in political leadership. However, despite efforts to ensure that women ascend to elective leadership positions, women in both developed and developing countries are still underrepresented and their participation in political leadership remains low. In Turkana County, all the members of the 12th parliament representing the 6 constituencies in the National Assembly are male. In addition, Turkana Central C...

Enterprise Resource Planning Transformation Effect On Employee Productivity In Geothermal Development Company, Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The transformational aspect of an ERP entails the re-engineering of the organizational business process and the influence of necessary critical factors for the radical transformation. The general objective of this study was to determine the relationship between ERP Transformation and Employee Productivity in Geothermal Development Company, Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to assess the effect of business process re-engineering on employee product...

The Efficacy Of Customer Relationship On Guest Loyalty In Tourist Accommodation Facilities In Masai Mara National Reserve, Narok County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya’s hospitality sector operates in a very competitive environment leading to business instability. Thus there was need to assess whether customer relationship initiative would be a means of influencing loyalty in accommodation facilities in Masai Mara National Reserve (MMNR) as an issue of concern in research, policy and practice. In particular, the study sought to establish the trust level of guests on tourist accommodation facilities in MMNR, examine the intensity of commitm...

The Effect Of Transformational Leadership On The Performance Of Employees In Kenya: The Case Of Kenya Wildlife Service

ABSTRACT This study aimed at analysis the effects that transformational leadership has on the employees of an organization in terms of their performance rate. The research therefore aims at looking at how transformative leadership impacts on employee performance at KWS and if yields the same results as other researches have shown in other parts of the world. With the main objectives being to investigate the changes in leadership that has been achieved within the organization and also to inve...

An Investigation Into The Challenges Facing Implementation Of Entreprise Resource Planning In The Dairy Industry In Kenya (A Case Of Selected Dairy Firms)

ABSTRACT In recent years there has been an increase in using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in large companies and government corporations mainly in developed countries. While there is wide adoption of ERP systems in Western economies, developing countries lag far behind. However, due to recent economic growth, developing countries such as Kenya are increasingly becoming major targets of ERP vendors. There is an urgent need for understanding ERP implementation issues in developin...

Public Sector Accounting Standards And Financial Reporting In Central Region County Governments, Kenya

ABSTRACT Over the years, through the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya, practitioners have championed the adoption of Public sector accounting standard (IPSAS) in Kenya. However, much of this took place in boardrooms, conferences and seminars. It was not until 2014 when treasury, the auditor general and Ernest and Young teamed up to steer the IPSAS adoption in the central government, that the implementation actually commenced. This research assessed the impact of implementat...

Contribution Of Youth Self Help Group Initiatives To Socio-Economic Wellbeing Of Youth In Dandora, Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Estimates reveal that 1.2 billion (17%) of the world population is youth aged 15 to 24 years who constitute 40% of the world’s unemployed. While the developed world has some strategies to cushion youth against unemployment, the developing and underdeveloped world are struggling with this phenomenon. Approximately 36% of Kenya’s population are youths who remain marginalised and unable to contribute to their full potential in national development. Whereas numerous studies have bee...

Benchmaking Practices And Performance Of Commercial Banks In Bungoma County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The past recent years have seen changes in the Kenyan economy and commercial banks have not been spared from the impact of these changes which includes: interest rate capping; increasing competition from financial technology companies and increased Consumer expectations as well as political interference. These challenges possess financial pressure to the bank hence losses and create risk to Kenya’s financial stability if allowed to persist in the long term. Majority of commercial ...

Analysis Of Tax Revenue Productivity For Selected Countries In The East African Community

ABSTRACT The East African Community member states face challenges in mobilizing tax revenues to the required level which is suitable for economic growth enhancement and attaining fiscal sustainability. Tax reforms have been implemented in the region with the main objective of mobilizing more tax revenues. However, the tax revenue collections have been inadequate leading to persistent budget deficits which shows the inability of the tax system to generate sufficient revenues to finance public...

Edu Frontiers 244 PAGES (56173 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Micro Entrepreneurial Environment And Profitability Of Micro Small Bar Ventures In Beverage Industry In Kasarani Sub – Countynairobi Kenya

ABSTRACT This study examines micro entrepreneurial environment and profitability of micro small bar ventures in beverage industry in Kasarani Sub-county Nairobi Kenya. The study was motivated by the rapid changes that threaten to destabilize the industry if not checked. Further, the regulations in the beverage industry particularly in bar ventures have had a myriad of effects eminent among them being that which affect the operations of small bar ventures either directly or indirectly thus pu...

The Effect Of Contraband Smuggling On Rehabilitation Of Inmates In Kenya: The Case Of Kamiti Maximum Prison

ABSTRACT The main mission of Kamiti Maximum prison is to rehabilitate its inmates in order to make good citizens once they are out of the facility. Contraband on the other hand finds their way into the prison via different means hence posing a great challenge to the process of rehabilitation. The aim of this study therefore was to find out how the contraband are smuggled into prison, why inmates use contraband and to examine the effect of contraband on inmates‟ rehabilitation. This qualita...

Mortgage Financing And Profitability Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT The study sought to determine the relationship between mortgage financing and profitability of commercial banks in Kenya. Lending is one of the main activities of banks in Kenya and other parts of the world. Mortgage loans have become an important aspect of loan portfolio among commercial banks in Kenya, earning commercial banks‟ profits like other type of loans. Profitability, it is always associated with performance and productivity. Mortgage financing over the years has been a ...

Monitoring And Evaluation Practices And Performance Of Constituency Development Fund Projects In Kiambaa Constituency, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT There have been numerous complaints by scholars, researchers, professionals and consultants that CDF projects are not performing. The speed at which the government deals with the grey areas of CDF funded projects management will determine the realization of the Kenya Vision 2030 whose main objective is to transform Kenya’s economy through the well-intended devolved CDF fund projects. Devolution of resources to the decentralized government is a national Government move. The issue i...

Mobile Banking And Profitability Of Tier 1 Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT Mobile banking is an administration given by commercial organizations in participation with cell phone administrators. Mobile banking is evolving as the new front on which banks can differentiate their service delivery as a form of financial innovations. Hence financial innovations have been largely adopted by local banks to enhance profitability. More and more banks are strategically launching newer and newer mobile banking platforms. At the same time, improved financial performanc...

Firm Characteristics And Capital Structure Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Kenya

ABSTRACT Small and Medium Enterprises play an important role towards economic growth and development in Kenya at large. Studies have indicated that there is a relationship between firm characteristics such as profitability, asset structure, firm size, age and capital structure of small enterprises. However, iinconsistencies have partly been traced on methodological issues majorly differences in measurement of variables and study designs. In addition, there is limited evidence on their capita...

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