ABSTRACT One of the environmental influences to a business arises from competition. Banks have to respond strategically to environmental factors in order to be sustainable. Increased competition threatens the attractiveness of an industry and reduces the profitability of the players (Hamel and Prahalad, 1993). To succeed in the long term, organizations must compete effectively and out-perform their rivals in a dynamic environment. To accomplish this they must find suitable ways for creating ...
ABSTRACT Macroeconomic uncertainty, volatility and risk on manufacturing firms have adversely affected the profitability in developing countries and Kenya as well has not been spared. Various financial factors are said to influence profitability of manufacturing firms; fluctuation of exchange rate, interest rates and inflation affect the cost of production and the cost of raw material hence leading to low profits. This study sought to determine the financial factors that affect the profitab...
ABSTRACT Projects are prone to risks the numerous types of risks that may affect a project are financial, strategic, hazardous and operational risks. Unexpected events and uncertainty often result to damaging consequences for projects. If these risks are not effectively dealt with, they may pose a challenge in the completion of the project. Therefore, risk analysis and management of risks is a major feature of project management in which project managers need to effectively deal with the ris...
ABSTRACT In the advent of competitive and globalized business environment, financial institutions have been triggered to come up with unique strategies that enable them to achieve competitive advantage. Several studies have been carried out on customer service and its impact on bank performance, but few have exploited on the customer service strategies which were used in this study. Hence this study examined customer service strategies effect on bank performance. The specific objectives of t...
ABSTRACT Corporate governance is considered an important requirement for operations for any organization as it enhances out effectiveness of Boards, transparency and disclosure, accountability, risk management, internal controls, ethical leadership and good corporate citizenship. Nairobi City County is one of the devolved governments being county number 47 in Kenya. The county is charged with the role of bringing services to the people through the devolved functions. The demand for better ser...
Abstract This study set out to investigate the health status, health-seeking behaviour as well as the factors that influence the behaviour among elderly women and men in Githiga Location, Githunguri District. A total of 53 elderly women and men were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Of those, 49.1% were female and 50.9% were male. Besides the elderly women and men, health workers in Githiga and Gitiha health centres as well as in private clinics and pharmacies were interview...
ABSTRACT The coffee sector plays a significant role to Kenya‟s economy. The sector contributes to foreign exchange earnings, household incomes, employment and food security. The industry supports about 700,000 households comprising of 535 coffee cooperative societies for the development and marketing of coffee. A new concept in marketing all over the world has been the adoption of certification standards which are becoming increasingly popular in Kenya; currently there are about four cert...
ABSTRACT There is scanty data that shows the influence of devolved administration on crime reduction, social harmony and dealing with anti-social behaviour at the sub-county level within Kenya in general and particularly in Laikipia County. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of devolved county administration initiatives on maintenance of law and order in Laikipia County, Kenya. The study objectives were to examine the effect of devolved administration on crime red...
ABSTRACT Quality has become one of the major concerns in the business world. There is a lot technological invention and innovation across the globe and the world has become a global village. The consumers are informed and stakeholders are demanding accountability. This has raised a lot of pressure on how organizations should produce and deliver their products and service. Culture has also become a membrane which has to be penetrated for successful implementation of quality management. This e...
ABSTRACT Kenya has witnessed increased financial integration following capital liberalization in the late 1980s which led to increased foreign private capital flows. Financial integration is considered to complement domestic investment, enhance economic growth and reduce macroeconomic volatility by promoting credit and risk diversification. However, private capital can enhance macroeconomic volatility by exposing domestic market to external volatility. Despite Kenya experiencing increased fi...
ABSTRACT By utilizing electronic media and social networks, the ways of conducting businesses are rapidly changing and evolving. New business opportunities are emerging due to elimination of geographical barriers and the clientele being reached varies in age, culture and fmancial capability. With the growth of social media networks, most people tend to access their profiles in their work area networks. Social networks enable a business to be where the customers are. The sites rely on the reg...
ABSTRACT Businesses are experiencing pressures to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain, seeking to deliver the best value to the ultimate consumer whilst remaining competitive. The performance of the Flour manufacturing sector in Nairobi has been affected by use of inadequate supply chain management practices and technologies. The existing studies are however characterized by various research gaps, both conceptual and contextual. Some of the studies were based on othe...
ABSTRACT The title of the study is Factors Affecting the management on the Application of ERP system. A case of National Cereals and Produce Board in Kenya.ERP system is an integrated system that handles the majority of system requirements in all function units of an enterprise. The benefits that accrue as a result of using ERP system are sharing of data in a centralized location, improved customer service and competitive advantage through increased market share.Organisations in Kenya using ...
ABSTRACT Developing countries have invested heavily in pursing policies and strategies to attract foreign direct investments to augment the existing capital stock. These efforts have seen a substantial increase in the flow of foreign direct investments to developing countries. For the last two decades foreign direct investments inflows in Kenya have risen substantially but the effect of the rising inflows on economic growth has not been felt. The growth in foreign direct investments inflows ...
ABSTRACT Irrigated agriculture plays a major role in the livelihoods of Kiladeda sub catchment, Pangani Basin, Tanzania. However, the sub catchment is experiencing a problem of inequitable distribution of irrigation water among farmers. The challenge is escalated by rapid population growth, economic growth, other water users and irrigation management practices. This situation has increased conflicts and insufficiency in irrigation particularly in downstream of the river. This study aimed at a...