ABSTRACT In Kenya the responsibility for the promotion, growth and development of the cooperative sector has been given to the Ministry of Co-operative Development and Marketing. This sector has made tremendous contribution towards wealth and employment creation. Currently there are over 10,800 registered Co-operative Societies with a membership of over 6 million, (Mutua &Oyugi, 2006). Co-operatives are the most practical ways of pulling resources together and accessing credit easily among t...
ABSTRACT The HIV/AIDS epidemic has had devastating effects in the workplace. It poses challenges to companies such as loss of productivity, employee turnover, increased medical costs, cost of HIV testing and treatment etc. (Aventin 1998). HIV/AIDS is not just a potential crisis, but also a real threat to the workforce and the entire community at large. This paper looks at the impact that HIV/AIDS has had on companies and the responses that companies are making towards prevention of these cos...
Abstract Corporate Social Responsibility is a recent development in business which is defined as company's voluntary contribution to the society and environment which goes beyond production of goods and services. Today it is important that each business should balance objectives without allowing any conflict to arise between the business and the society at large. The study investigated on factors influencing Corporate Social Responsibility programmes implementation among the commercial banks...
ABSTRACT Over the years, HIV / AIDS has become a major threat to the socio-economic development in the world especially in economically poor countries. HIV/ AIDS continues to be the leading cause of death in the region with 2.1 million AIDS related deaths. A total of 33.2 million people worldwide were also living with HIV/AIDS (WHO, 2007).Due to high prevalence of HIV/ AIDS worldwide, HIV/ AIDS policies have become crucial in many organizations for the purpose of addressing the scourge. Thes...
ABSTRACT The need for this study stems from the traditional view that women have a primary responsibility for family care while that for men is to provide for the family. This result in women being steered from an early age into sex stereotyped occupations and roles. Historically these occupations have been structured in either the middle and the lower cadres of the organizations, while those for men are structured at the top echelons of the organizations. It is in this light that this study...
ABSTRACT The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of school fees default on the financial capacity of secondary schools in Kiambu District. A sample of 5R secondary schools was selected using stratified random sampling method as the subjects were stratified into five categories; national schools, provincial hoarding, provincial day, district boarding and district Day. A self-report questionnaire was administered to the principals of secondary schools in Kiambu District...
ABSTRACT Proceeding on the basis of performance differences between male and female owned enterprises, the research analyzed the gender differences on entrepreneurial self-efficacy among Small and Medium Entrepreneurs at Githurai Trading Center, Nairobi Kenya. Descriptive survey design was adopted using structured questionnaires that were administered to a sample size of 150 respondents. Descriptive statistics and chi-square statistical analysis methods used .. Data from research indicate t...
ABSTRACT In the work environment, there is the inevitable practice of performance appraisal whether formal or informal. Research evidence also point out that in most admired organizations, employee performance appraisal is a vital and vigorous management tool. (http://www.hrdirectory.org/hr-articles/employee-performance-appraisals .php) While performance appraisal has been the focus considerable research for almost a century, this research has resulted in very few recommendations about desig...
Studies done by researchers show that entrepreneurial activities among women in Kenya are relatively lower than in developed countries. Studies done in other parts of Africa indicate that ownership of Co-operative Societies business is mainly by women aged between 30 and 45 years. This is mainly so because the women constitute about 32% of the population of Kenya of 33 million people, which is the current statistics.According to Okwoche 1998, 85% of women co-operators and 87% women non c...
A lot of organizations have adopted and implemented enterprise wide information systems which can be summarized in the term Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. An ERP system can be characterized as an information system made up of different modules, each supporting the business processes. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems affect organizations and are implemented to enhance organizational effectiveness. However, ERP implementation is complex, costly and the research to da...
ABSTRACT Commercial banks play a critical role in economic growth and development, income generation and job creation especially in developing countries. With the increasing trend of sudden corporate failures in both global and local context, shareholders and management are increasingly becoming more concerned with the factors that affect financial performance of firms. The Banking sector in Kenya is an important sector whose performance is instrumental in the economic growth and development...
Deposit Taking Microfinance institutions have increased in number through issuance of license by Central Bank of Kenya. The trend of financial sustainability for deposit taking microfinance institutions overall sector over the years has been below the threshold except for 2013 when operating self-sufficiency was only achieved. In the year 2017 the sector was hit by loss making whirlwind with only Faulu staying afloat thus raising an alarm that financial sustainability needed to be checke...
ABSTRACT Performance appraisal is a systematic evaluation of staff with respect to their performance on the job, potential for development aimed at contributing towards attaining corporate goals and objectives. The concept therefore provides a feedback process leading to greater clarity regarding organization's expectations, staff capabilities, performance goals and communication improvement. Alot of research has been conducted on performance management and its purposelimportance in organiza...
ABSTRACT Kenya Rural Enterprise Programme (K-Rep) is one of the leading micro - finance institution in Kenya, which lends money to small and micro - enterprises. It is therefore important to small and micro - enterprises. It is therefore important to study and understand terms of loans in micro - finance institutions to small and micro - enterprises particularly in this study second - hand clothes dealers This study used systematic sampling. Primary data were collected through personally adm...
ABSTRACT Electricity is a primary factor of development and should therefore be harnessed, and developed in an efficient manner. It should also be available in adequate quantity, quality and affordable prices. The level and intensity of commercial energy use in a country is a key indicator of the degree of economic growth and development. The challenges facing the power sector in Kenya include weak transmission and distribution infrastructure, high cost of power, low per capita power consump...