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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Strategic Management Drivers And Service Delivery: A Case Of Huduma Centre In Mombasa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT  This study sought to establish if service delivery enhanced implementation of strategic management drivers in an organization in the public sector. Strategic drivers are forces that shape an organization’s strategy, which contributes to the growth of a particular business. This study’s general objective was to establish how strategic management drivers influence service delivery in Kenya’s Huduma Centres focusing specifically on Mombasa County Huduma Centre. Specific objectiv...

Determinants Of Economic Stimulus Programmes Implementation In Uriri Constituency, Migori County

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to determine the determinants of the Economic Stimulus , Programmes (ESPS) implementation in Uriri Constituency, Migori County. The specific objectives of the study were; to find out the capacity of the ESP project teams in the constituency, the effects of the ESP projects and the performance of the projects in Uriri constituency. The target population was all the ESPs managers. The sample population was determined using the simple random sampling techni...

Assessing How Sound Management Practices Influences Business Performance: (A Case Of Kenya Wildlife Service)

ABSTRACT Business enterprises are regarded as engines of economic development in many nations of the world. Many of these enterprises are faced with a myriad of problems especially in their initial stages, key among them, insufficient business and management skills. In this study, enterprises were categorized as micro, small and medium. Entrepreneurial training enables enterprise operators adopt better management practices such as profit retention, good customer relations, 4 timely loan repa...

Effect Of Kenya’s Bilateral Relations With China On Economic Growth Of Kenya (2000-2015)

ABSTRACT The importance of bilateral relations to any country is to offer the country the chance to access resources that are not locally available. The bilateral relations between China and Kenya have been developing and evolving since Kenya‟s independence. This study sought to examine the effect of Kenya‟s bilateral relations with China on economic growth of Kenya. The objectives of the study were to assess the effect of China‟s Loans, FDI and AID on Kenya‟s economic growth. The st...

Edu Frontiers 61 PAGES (12660 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Information Communication Technology Integration And Performance Of Public Secondary Schools In Mombasa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT In spite of all inputs on professional enhancement and ICT infrastructure to better education in several countries, ICT adoption and integration in teaching and learning have been minimal. Technological revolution in schools has been set by theoretical inadequacies that have kept educational technology at the margins of the established educational system. In spite the ICT policy for basic education in Kenya, minimal outcome is seen in the use of ICT as an educational tool in teachin...

Competitive Strategies And Performance Of Selected Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT Performance is multidimensional involving elements such as: economic performance sales, productivity, profit, social performance, employee and customer satisfaction, legal performance obeying of laws, social performance adoption of conduct norms based on ethical considerations. A competitive strategy is the search for a favourable competitive positioning in the industry. It is concerned with how a company can gain advantage through a distinctive way of competing. It aims at establish...

Household Choice Of Mobile Money Transfer Service Providers: Case Of Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The adoption and use of mobile money have become widespread particularly among the poor and the unbanked society. Besides reducing the costs of communication and improving access to information, mobile phones are an enabling technology for other innovations. One important example is mobile money transfers services, which could be very relevant for the rural poor, who are often under-served by the formal banking system. As a valued addition service (VAS), Mobile Money Transfer Service...

Market Penetration Strategies On Organizational Performance In Telkom Kenya Limited, Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The telecommunication industry has responded to the changing business environment with several strategies aimed at maintaining and consequently growing its portfolio. Telkom Kenya limited was granted exclusive monopoly for 5 years on landline operations in Kenya, but during the monopoly period it lost a significant part of its business. Most of the clients swapped fixed lines phones for mobiles from other providers and this exacerbated the competitive pressure on the company‟s per...

Effects Of Policy Intervention Of Domestic Investment On Devolved Systems Of Government. A Case Of Nairobi City County

ABSTRACT In the past, Kenya has experienced changes in its investment policy formulation process and strategic trade and industrial policies have been mainly influenced by the changing political set-up of the country. However Kenya is faced with a number of challenges which include structural reforms’ poor economic policies and inconsistent efforts, corruption and bad governance, public services deteriorations made the foreign investors to be discouraged since 1980s when things began to cha...

Effects Of Reward And Compensation Systems On Employee Performance Within The National Museums Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Reward and compensation systems in any organization are a vital tool and play an important role as far as employee motivation and performance was concerned. The way organizations managed their reward and compensation systems determined or influenced the attitudes of employees towards work, as well as their performance. This study therefore sought to investigate the effects of reward and compensation systems on employee performance. Specifically, it were to analyze major levels of rew...

Effects Of Strategic Change Management Practices On Performance In The Telecommunication Industry In Kenya: Case Of Telkom Kenya Limited

ABSTRACT The benefit of managing strategic change is to harness people, process and technology to achieve a competitive edge. Management of strategic change is based on the understanding of the processes so that the system design reflects real work practices and delivers userfocused outcomes. It also ensure that people understand and accept changes more readily since they understand where changes may take place in current practice, and the benefits from the change being implemented. Simi...

Tax Compliance By Small And Medium Enterprises In Nairobi North Tax Region, Kenya

ABSTRACT Taxes are an involuntary charge levied by the government on individual workers income, business profits and on transactions of goods and services. Unfortunately, Kenya does not collect all the taxes that it ought to. This is mostly attributed to high levels of tax non-compliance. In Kenya, the biggest block of taxpayers on the business sector are the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) which are estimated to be at 34.4% of total businesses in Kenya and they account for 77% of employm...

Effect Of Stress Management Strategies On Employees’ Commitment: Case Of Family Bank Branches In Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Stress is considered to be one of the main factors affecting employees‟ performance and commitment negatively. Work-related stress is considered to be the product of an imbalance between environmental demands and individual capabilities. Recently, there is a problematic increase in cases of occupational stress related problems among employees, which have led to declining interest in their jobs, less commitment and growing impatience among the top managers. Some stress is essential ...

An Investigation Of Factors That Affect Financial Performance Of Cross·Listed Companies In Kenya.

ABSTRACT Corporations can raise their development capital domestically or through cross-borders listing. Literature reveals that cross-listing of shares enhances firm's visibility and value, and lessens information asymmetry. However, there is scanty empirical evidence on the factors that affect cross-border firm's financial performance since this is an emerging trend in developing economies. The study concentrated on four objectives namely, cost of operations, information asymmetry, ownershi...

Talent Management Strategies For Generation Y And Competitive Advantage Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT An organisation’s focus is to provide best quality at the lowest cost using its top talent which makes the difference between success and failure. They are therefore required to identify the impact of the values and work preferences of the young generation of workers in order to employ, develop, retain and prepare staff for future leadership. Talent Management strategies such as Human Resource Planning, Human Resource Procurement, Human Resource Retention and Human Resource Develop...

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