Abstract: Enset is one of the major food crops supporting many people in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region. The crop requires intensive management and has high amount of nutrients. However, only limited efforts have been made to improve productivity and marketing of the crop though the demand for the crop increases from time to time. Therefore, this study examines enst production efficiency and impacts of participation in enset products marketing on food security in gedeo zo...
Abstract: The study was designed to generate empirical evidences on the value chain of major spices in Sheka and Kafa zones, Southwestern Ethiopia. The core objectives of the study were to map the value chain, quantify the value addition and marketing margins among actors and analyze factors affecting marketed surplus, market outlet choices, farm level value addition and export performances of the two major spices. Both cross-sectional and panel data were used. Cross sectional data were obta...
Abstract: Coffee is Ethiopia's most important export crop, accounting for a significant portion of the country's GDP. However, its potential is inhibited by inadequate production and market development along the market chains. Thus, the study was proposed to analyze the market chain. Using a multi-stage sampling procedure, 200 coffee producers, 22 traders, and 22 consumers were selected to collect primary data through structured questionnaires. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and e...
Abstract: This study deals with the analysis of dairy industry and its impact on household market participation, income and food security in Mekelle city, Ethiopia. The study employed cross-sectional data obtained from 797 respondents were 427 of them constitute the whole population of producers, processors and traders and 370 were consumers selected using multistage random sampling technique. The data were analyzed using value chain mapping, descriptive statistics, cost-margin analysis and ...
Abstract: Despite there being favorable conditions for potato production there are a number of challenges that face smallholder potato farmers in Ethiopia and hence studying determinants of potato production is important. This study was aimed at identifying and analyzing fundamental socio-economic, production, and institutional factors affecting potato production and analyzing the opportunities and constraints of potato production at the smallholder farmers’ level. A multi-stage random sam...
Abstract: Access to safe drinking water is a fundamental human need for improving their livelihood and it is an essential input for industry, energy production, and agriculture. However, access to safely managed drinking water remains to be the problem faced by households. The extent to which households contribute in the form of WTP for the proposed water supply improvement is very crucial. Therefore, this research was designed to estimate households mean WTP for improved water supply servic...
Abstract: Despite high livestock population and existing favorable environmental conditions, the current livestock output of Ethiopia is little. The availability of feed resources and the nutritional quality of the available feeds are the most important factors that determine the productivity of livestock.. Adopting improved forages is necessary to alleviate the often said problem nutritionally rich feed shortage. The seed of these improved forages should be available to farmers at reasonabl...
Abstract: Pepper is an important cash crop for its contribution to income generating, employment opportunity and improvement of food security to majority of the rural household. However, enhancing pepper producers to reach market and actively engage in the pepper value chain is a key issue needed in the study area. This study was undertaken to map red pepper value chain actors and identifying their roles and linkage; analyzing marketing margins across the channel; analyzing determinants of m...
Abstract: Chronic food insecurity is one of the main problems which affected millions of Ethiopians for centuries. In 2005, to solve the problem of food insecurity and move away from the previous system of annual emergency appeals, the Ethiopian government in collaboration with development partners launched social protection program called productive safety net program. This study was conducted to identify factors affecting participation in productive safety net program and to evaluate its i...
Abstract: Several decisions are made by farm households with family members who contribute labor, time, and knowledge, and by those who have stake in all activities of households. These members mainly include the household head (male or female), spouse, productive youth, and the elderly. Rural women in the developing world in general and throughout Ethiopia in particular make critical contributions to household agricultural production and consequently to household and national food security....
Abstract: Sorghum is an important crop in Mieso Woreda. It has been producing traditionally using oxen plowing, sowing by broadcasting and threshing by animals. The grain is used for human consumption and the stover for animal fodder. Using improved high yielding crop varieties for agro pastoral households remains an option to increase agricultural production and ensure food security in developing countries. This study investigated improved Sorghum varieties adoption by agro pastoral househo...
Abstract: In developing countries, micro and small enterprises are recognized as important vehicles of economic growth, employment creation, income generation and poverty reduction. This study aimed at identifying the determinants of micro and small enterprises participation in business development services in Jigjiga city of Somali region. Random selection of 127 micro and small enterprises from the city was chosen to collect primary data, although only 123 Enterprises responded. Data were ...
Abstract: Goats are important to the socioeconomic wellbeing of the pastoralists in Moyale district in terms of nutrition, income and intangible benefits. However, the development of the subsector faces challenges such as information about market actors, what determines goat market participation and supply, information about market margin and outlet preference. Therefore, this study was aimed to analyze goat market chain in Moyale district. Both primary and secondary data were used for the s...
Abstract: irrigation dams from small-scale up to large-scale irrigation scheme so as to reduce the frequent drought, food insecurity and poverty problems. Koga large-scale irrigation is part of these initiatives for rural farmers and intended to achieve poverty reduction goals. However, less attention is given for large-scale irrigation schemes for rural farmers in the country. The main objective of this study was to examine the impact of Koga-large scale irrigation scheme on poverty status ...
Abstract: This study analysed the marketing chain of groundnut in Gursum District, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia. Data used in the study were collected from 155 groundnut producers with the aid of semi structured questionnaire using three stage sampling technique in 2014/15. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics; gross-margin analysis, measures of market concentration and regression analysis. Concentration ratios (4-firm) were employed in measuring the market concent...