Abstract Equity Bank was selected for the case study because, it continued to register significant growth in financial performance while the larger proportion of . For instance, the bank’s profit before tax improved from 17.4 Billion in 2012 to 24.9 billion in 2016. Equity Bank was resilient against banking sector downward trends and maintained an impressive banking performance. By seeking views from the bank staff and customers, the study gained the clear understanding behind the improvin...
Abstract Job satisfaction is the feeling of pleasure and achievement that one experiences in his/her job when they know that their work is worth doing; or the degree to which work gives feeling of pleasure.WHO refers to human resource for health as the engine that propels health systems. The presence of a highly skilled and motivated workforce is key to optimal health service delivery. While employees exist to achieve the goals of the organization, a dissatisfied employee is likely to leave ...
ABSTRACT Online shopping is considered to be a very convenient and helpful way of buying products and services through the internet. Consumer needs to make a decision when they want to purchase from the websites selling identical products. The main objective of the study was to establish factors influencing customer’s choice of online shops in Kenya, with special focus on of Jumia. Specific objectives were; to determine the influence of personal characteristics, consumer attitudes and conv...
ABSTRACT The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector plays a significant role in the Kenyan economy, offering opportunities for employment and innovation. However, there exist a financing gap due to limited personal finances, credit, grants, equity and other sources of finance that subsequently limits MSMEs access to funding. This further inhibits many entrepreneurs from sustaining and growing their enterprises. The crowdfunding platform phenomenon was first adopted in the developed...
ABSTRACT The needs of citizens and their demands of their governments are changing around the world, including in Kenya. This change is creating complex working environments for governments that are compounded by the finite resources available to cater for multiple competing needs in service provision. In Kenya, the promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and the aim to provide quality services, both from private and public institutions, has catapulted the focus on quality of governme...
ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to examine the effects of operational management practices on the performance of health insurance companies in Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: To establish the effects of process and capacity design on the performance of health insurance companies in Kenya; To determine the effects of layout design on the performance of health insurance companies in Kenya; To examine the effects of service design on the performanc...
ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the cost drivers of health care and cost containment measures in employer sponsored medical scheme. A retrospective case study was carried out. The study included the entire population of the scheme beneficiaries. Both quantitative data and document review were used. Quantitative data was expenditure in Kenya shillings, secondary data collected from the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) from 2011 to 2015. Document review of policy document and operation ma...
Abstract Pharmaceuticals together with salaries consume 60-80% of the health budgets of most counties in Kenya, therefore improving performance of the pharmaceutical commodity supply chain is one of the key activities aimed at improving health systems in Kenya. An efficient supply chain system reduces wastage and ensures availability of and accessibility to essential medicines, namely the right product in the right quality, in the right condition, at the right place, at the right time and a...
ABSTRACT The overall research purpose was to explore the influence of reward practices on organisational culture at selected INGOs in South Sudan. The case study organisations were two INGOs operating in South Sudan providing humanitarian assistance. The research methodology outlined a qualitative case study design. A heterogeneous purposive sampling method was used to conduct semi structured interviews with the HR Managers, Finance Managers and Country Directors at the case study INGOs. The...
ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to assess the impact of employee satisfaction on clinical team effectiveness.The population of interest for this study comprised 63 clinical department supervisors from the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (P.C.E.A) Kikuyu Hospital, owing to them being among the oldest and most successful healthcare institutions in Kenya with an aim of discovering the factors that have the greatest impact and are adaptable by the public healthcare system. This s...
ABSTRACT The used car market is a significant part of the motor vehicle industry as it contributes 8% to the Gross domestic products and creates employment to approximately 59 % of the micro, small, and medium enterprises labour force in Kenya. The sector saw a positive trend in growth for the past two decades but has seen a significant reduction in growth in the last 5 years. This study sought to explore the influence of consumer decision making factors on revenue growth of used motor vehic...
ABSTRACT Blood donor notification on transfusion transmissible infections (Hepatitis B/C, HIV and syphilis) status is a mandated requirement of blood bank healthcare workers. Transfusion-associated transmissible infections notification faces many challenges despite national blood bank efforts in blood donor notification. The current study was aimed to determine challenges faced by healthcare workers in Lodwar county and referral hospital blood satellite Centre. The study was done retrospecti...
ABSTRACT In the recent past there has been a rapid uptake in the deployment and use of HMIS by private facilities in Kenya. It is unclear how private sector managers have implemented these systems and whether they are using these systems to provide the information to make important strategic decisions vs. other sources of information and to what extent. Our objective is to explore the use of the information generated by these systems in the strategic decision making process to inform if mana...
ABSTRACT In accommodating the healthcare need of patients, medical and clinical officers in any health centre must provide prescriptions that meet their demands. There has been an increasing debate on the motivational factors which describes how physicians prescribe drugs for their patients, more so with the increased anti-hypertensive rate in Kenya with specific focus in Kiambu County. While this could be as a result of brand loyalty developed by either the patients or physicians, little li...
ABSTRACT The introduction of structured products to the Nairobi Securities Exchange, whose access previously was only limited to corporate investors, has been followed by mixed uptake of the investment option by retail investors in the local market. While the Fahari i-REIT Initial Public Offering at the Nairobi Securities Exchange wasn’t as successfully subscripted and only managed to raise one-third of the targeted KES 12.5 Billion subscription, the issuance of KES 4.2bn 5-year Equity Lin...