ABSTRACT The developing world is changing from one of rural villages to that of urban dwellings. The population of Lagos, which stood at 270,000 in 1952/53, rose to 5.69 million in 1991 and was estimated to be 18 million in 2010. This has created excessive demand for housing. Available statistics on housing production showed that between 1974 and 1989, 11422 units of houses were produced. This number fell precipitously to 8162 units between 1994 and 2004. The estimated housing deficit for La...
Semi-autonomous government agencies within the state department of energy are critical to the taxpayer and the government for efficiency in public service delivery. Diverse studies have examined the role of internal audit on the organizational performance but do not link internal audit to organizational performance within semiautonomous state agencies in Energy department. This study sought to fill this gap by targeting semi-autonomous agencies in the State Department of Energy in Nakuru Coun...
ABSTRACT The study sought to evaluate the relationship between Porter’s generic competitive strategies and organizational performance among agro food processing firms in Nakuru and Kericho Counties in Kenya. Specific objectives were;- to determine the relationship between utilization of focus strategy and organizational performance, to determine the relationship between the utilization of cost leadership strategy and organizational performance , to determine the relationship between differ...
ABSTRACT With the collapse of Enron involving the misconduct of one of the Big 4, Arthur Andersen & Co. in the US and the CMC and Uchumi scandals in Kenya involving the big audit firms Delloitte and PwC, the argument for audits for big audit firms as synonymous with quality audit has become questionable. Despite several studies having been done on audit quality, none of them has touched on the analysis of audit quality attributes in relation to client satisfaction for the listed companies on...
ABSTRACT Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) is a major source of liquidity to domestic firms. However, foreign exchange-risk makes returns to foreign investors uncertain thereby discouraging FPI. This uncertainty is more pronounced in developing economies where exchange rates play key roles and markets for hedging are underdeveloped. While studies from different economies have shown that firms hedge foreign exchange-risk or pay a premium to investors who bear it, previous studies on Nigeria ...
The performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is considered one of the driving forces for developing countries like Kenya, where the economy has benefitted greatly from the contribution of SMEs. The traditional mode of delivering products and services by SMEs to the consumers is through a single distribution channel and that is physical SMEs branches. The aim of this study was to identify whether there is any role played by MFIs services on the achievement of strategic objectives of ...
The banking system plays a crucial role for any economy and any form of disruption in its functioning would have negative effects on the whole economy. It is therefore important to know the factors that influence the performance of the banking sector since identifying these determinants of bank performance is an important predictor of unstable economic conditions that would have negative effects on the banking sector. The objectives of this study were to examine the effects of stock market vo...
Introduction Research into epilepsy tends to be largely focused on neurobiological issues, but over the years a body of empirical research findings has developed that indicates that seizure di 'orders are often associated with a variety of psychological and social difficulties. Social anti psychological effect or epilepsy is basically disabling and could be more handicapping than the seizures themselves. Two models in research literature have been propounded to explain the increased psychosoc...
The hotel and tourism industry contributes a significant proportion of country employment and earnings in developing economies. In Kenya the hotel and Tourism sector contributes 14% of the Gross Domestic Product. Nakuru Town is one of the major tourist destinations in Kenya, however, security threats and decline in the number of tourists visiting the country, increased options, new innovations, and presence of substitute products has changed the competitive landscape. However, there is little...
Branding in universities are alternatives to bring differentiation in order to attract the attention of stakeholders. The problem addressed by this study was to examine how branding strategies such as internal branding strategies, external branding strategies and service mix branding strategies influenced postgraduate students’ choice of Universities in Nakuru County, Kenya. The study employed explanatory research design, the population of the study comprised of 3,742 universities postgradu...
To protect human health and for successful environmental protection in a given area, there must be effective waste management practices in place. There have been problems with household solid waste management which is one of the root causes of pollution. This study assessed the influence of household characteristics on solid waste management in Mukono town, Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine the influence of formal education level of household head, income levels ...
ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the participation and ascendancy of elite women in political leadership as it is of a national concern in Kenya. However, the case of Maasai community; especially within Narok South Sub-County has been focused in this study. The objectives of the study were to explore the influence of historical trends, socio-cultural, economic and demographic factors on women’s political participation. On the strength of these objectives, a conceptual framework was de...
This study analyses the relationship between corporate social responsibility and brand equity of Universities in Kenya. Many corporations seem to engage in socially responsible behavior as part of their normal business operations. The socially responsible activities include positive actions towards economic, social and environmental concerns of the society in which the firm operates. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) integrates these concerns into the corporate strategy and operations in ...
ABSTRACT This study examined gender-labour relations in tobacco production and their implications on household‟s socio-economic welfare in Kuria Sub-Counties. The major issue that led to this study was and still remains that tobacco is being regarded as a crop belonging to men since its inception in the 1960‟s. Consequently, men have institutionalized restriction and constraints on women regarding the access to land resources and the benefits accrued from tobacco sales on one hand, while...
This research assessed the influence of factors influencing farmers’ adoption of irrigation water management practices and technologies (IWMPT) along the Ng’areng’iro river in Lamuria sub-location, Laikipia County. The specific objectives of this research were to assess: (i) the influence of farmer’s socio-economic factors (age, gender, income, education level) on the adoption of IWMPT (ii). Influence of farmers attitude on the adoption of IWMPT, (iii) influence of farmers knowledge o...